Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$10422
Gross: 631(sq. ft) @$7746
Saleable: 752(sq. ft) @$11237
Gross: 1019(sq. ft) @$8292
Saleable: 505(sq. ft) @$11881
Gross: 674(sq. ft) @$8902
Saleable: 299(sq. ft) @$10870
Gross: 384(sq. ft) @$8464
Saleable: 459(sq. ft) @$11808
Gross: 614(sq. ft) @$8827
Saleable: 642(sq. ft) @$11916
Gross: 864(sq. ft) @$8854
Saleable: 615(sq. ft) @$11350
Gross: 829(sq. ft) @$8420
Saleable: 461(sq. ft) @$10304
Gross: 612(sq. ft) @$7761
Saleable: 509(sq. ft) @$10904
Gross: 679(sq. ft) @$8174
Saleable: 614(sq. ft) @$11300
Gross: 828(sq. ft) @$8379
Saleable: 505(sq. ft) @$11881
Gross: 674(sq. ft) @$8902
Saleable: 616(sq. ft) @$11494
Gross: 830(sq. ft) @$8530
Saleable: 459(sq. ft) @$11329
Gross: 614(sq. ft) @$8469
Saleable: 616(sq. ft) @$10714
Gross: 830(sq. ft) @$7952
Saleable: 459(sq. ft) @$11024
Gross: 614(sq. ft) @$8241
Saleable: 429(sq. ft) @$11422
Gross: 573(sq. ft) @$8551
Saleable: 642(sq. ft) @$11153
Gross: 864(sq. ft) @$8287
Saleable: 457(sq. ft) @$10941
Gross: 608(sq. ft) @$8224
Saleable: 459(sq. ft) @$11547
Gross: 614(sq. ft) @$8632
Saleable: 299(sq. ft) @$12308
Gross: 384(sq. ft) @$9583
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
27/01/2025 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 1 29/F FLAT D | 4.89M | 469sq. ft. / 631sq. ft. | $10422 / $7746 | 13/01/2017 | 5.15M / -5% | Land Registry |
14/01/2025 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 1 28/F FLAT A | 8.45M | 752sq. ft. / 1019sq. ft. | $11237 / $8292 | 15/03/2013 | 7.34M / +15% | Land Registry |
08/01/2025 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 3 15/F FLAT C | 6M | 505sq. ft. / 674sq. ft. | $11881 / $8902 | 20/11/2019 | 6.5M / -8% | Land Registry |
07/01/2025 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 1 30/F FLAT E | 3.25M | 299sq. ft. / 384sq. ft. | $10870 / $8464 | 24/10/2016 | 3.83M / -15% | Land Registry |
31/12/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 5 32/F FLAT E | 5.42M | 459sq. ft. / 614sq. ft. | $11808 / $8827 | 29/01/2020 | 6.2M / -13% | Land Registry |
28/11/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 2 20/F FLAT A | 7.65M | 642sq. ft. / 864sq. ft. | $11916 / $8854 | 15/03/2013 | 5.6M / +37% | Land Registry |
27/11/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 3 6/F FLAT A | 6.98M | 615sq. ft. / 829sq. ft. | $11350 / $8420 | 28/05/2020 | 8M / -13% | Land Registry |
30/10/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 3 16/F FLAT G | 4.75M | 461sq. ft. / 612sq. ft. | $10304 / $7761 | 15/03/2013 | 3.76M / +26% | Land Registry |
21/10/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 3 12/F FLAT B | 5.55M | 509sq. ft. / 679sq. ft. | $10904 / $8174 | 20/03/2013 | 4.43M / +25% | Land Registry |
21/10/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 3 29/F FLAT D | 6.94M | 614sq. ft. / 828sq. ft. | $11300 / $8379 | 02/04/2013 | 5.46M / +27% | Land Registry |
21/10/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 5 8/F FLAT B | 6M | 505sq. ft. / 674sq. ft. | $11881 / $8902 | 18/01/2024 | 6M / +0% | Land Registry |
17/10/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 3 15/F FLAT D | 7.08M | 616sq. ft. / 830sq. ft. | $11494 / $8530 | 15/03/2013 | 5.52M / +28% | Land Registry |
27/08/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 5 15/F FLAT E | 5.2M | 459sq. ft. / 614sq. ft. | $11329 / $8469 | 18/03/2024 | 5.2M / +0% | Land Registry |
26/08/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 5 11/F FLAT A | 6.6M | 616sq. ft. / 830sq. ft. | $10714 / $7952 | 11/05/2017 | 7.3M / -10% | Land Registry |
21/08/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 5 6/F FLAT H | 5.06M | 459sq. ft. / 614sq. ft. | $11024 / $8241 | 08/03/2017 | 5.21M / -3% | Land Registry |
07/08/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 1 12/F FLAT B | 4.9M | 429sq. ft. / 573sq. ft. | $11422 / $8551 | 24/07/2020 | 6.27M / -22% | Land Registry |
06/08/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 2 16/F FLAT A | 7.16M | 642sq. ft. / 864sq. ft. | $11153 / $8287 | 15/03/2013 | 5.51M / +30% | Land Registry |
23/07/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 5 12/F FLAT F | 5M | 457sq. ft. / 608sq. ft. | $10941 / $8224 | 01/06/2018 | 6.7M / -25% | Land Registry |
22/07/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 5 20/F FLAT H | 5.3M | 459sq. ft. / 614sq. ft. | $11547 / $8632 | 13/03/2017 | 5.28M / +0% | Land Registry |
15/07/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | Green Code Tower 1 28/F FLAT E | 3.68M | 299sq. ft. / 384sq. ft. | $12308 / $9583 | 15/03/2013 | 2.88M / +28% | Land Registry |