Sheung Shui Centre Block 4 14/F FLAT A
$6.22M +151%

Saleable: 532(sq. ft) @$11692

Gross: 699(sq. ft) @$8898

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 3 Lower Floor FLAT A

Saleable: 351(sq. ft) @$9829

Gross: 465(sq. ft) @$7419

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Sheung Shui Centre Block 4 Upper Floor FLAT E

Saleable: 532(sq. ft) @$11504

Gross: 699(sq. ft) @$8755

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Sheung Shui Centre Block 6 17/F FLAT F
$6.35M +212%

Saleable: 501(sq. ft) @$12675

Gross: 624(sq. ft) @$10176

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 4 15/F FLAT D
$6.28M +195%

Saleable: 532(sq. ft) @$11805

Gross: 699(sq. ft) @$8984

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 5 10/F FLAT F
$4.00M +137%

Saleable: 361(sq. ft) @$11080

Gross: 468(sq. ft) @$8547

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 1 5/F FLAT D
$4.15M +117%

Saleable: 351(sq. ft) @$11823

Gross: 465(sq. ft) @$8925

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 4 9/F FLAT G
$3.93M +58%

Saleable: 361(sq. ft) @$10886

Gross: 467(sq. ft) @$8415

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 4 17/F FLAT G
$3.99M -21%

Saleable: 361(sq. ft) @$11053

Gross: 467(sq. ft) @$8544

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 3 8/F FLAT E
$4.00M +60%

Saleable: 351(sq. ft) @$11396

Gross: 465(sq. ft) @$8602

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 2 16/F FLAT D
$4.10M +97%

Saleable: 351(sq. ft) @$11681

Gross: 468(sq. ft) @$8761

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 2 11/F FLAT A
$3.70M +109%

Saleable: 351(sq. ft) @$10541

Gross: 465(sq. ft) @$7957

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 5 22/F FLAT C
$4.00M +33%

Saleable: 350(sq. ft) @$11429

Gross: 455(sq. ft) @$8791

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 2 24/F FLAT G
$4.20M +118%

Saleable: 342(sq. ft) @$12281

Gross: 463(sq. ft) @$9071

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 1 3/F FLAT G

Saleable: 342(sq. ft) @$10234

Gross: 463(sq. ft) @$7559

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 3 2/F FLAT C
$3.55M +57%

Saleable: 330(sq. ft) @$10758

Gross: 446(sq. ft) @$7960

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 5 6/F FLAT A
$6.46M +150%

Saleable: 532(sq. ft) @$12143

Gross: 699(sq. ft) @$9242

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 1 10/F FLAT F
$3.99M +257%

Saleable: 342(sq. ft) @$11667

Gross: 463(sq. ft) @$8618

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre Block 6 11/F FLAT G

Saleable: 501(sq. ft) @$12675

Gross: 624(sq. ft) @$10176

  • Land Registry


Sheung Shui Centre BLOCK 2 24/F FLAT H
$4.58M +15%

Saleable: 351(sq. ft) @$13048

Gross: 465(sq. ft) @$9849

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

90 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
17/12/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 4 14/F FLAT A
6.22M 532sq. ft. / 699sq. ft. $11692 / $8898 24/04/2009 2.48M / +151%
Land Registry
14/12/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 3 Lower Floor FLAT A
3.45M 351sq. ft. / 465sq. ft. $9829 / $7419 -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
13/12/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 4 Upper Floor FLAT E
6.12M 532sq. ft. / 699sq. ft. $11504 / $8755 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
11/12/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 6 17/F FLAT F
6.35M 501sq. ft. / 624sq. ft. $12675 / $10176 29/10/2004 2.04M / +212%
Land Registry
21/11/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 4 15/F FLAT D
6.28M 532sq. ft. / 699sq. ft. $11805 / $8984 26/10/2004 2.13M / +195%
Land Registry
18/11/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 5 10/F FLAT F
4M 361sq. ft. / 468sq. ft. $11080 / $8547 10/03/1999 1.69M / +137%
Land Registry
15/11/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 1 5/F FLAT D
4.15M 351sq. ft. / 465sq. ft. $11823 / $8925 02/08/2010 1.92M / +117%
Land Registry
04/11/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 4 9/F FLAT G
3.93M 361sq. ft. / 467sq. ft. $10886 / $8415 12/08/2011 2.48M / +58%
Land Registry
30/10/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 4 17/F FLAT G
3.99M 361sq. ft. / 467sq. ft. $11053 / $8544 22/06/2021 5.08M / -21%
Land Registry
29/10/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 3 8/F FLAT E
4M 351sq. ft. / 465sq. ft. $11396 / $8602 07/10/2011 2.5M / +60%
Land Registry
24/09/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 2 16/F FLAT D
4.1M 351sq. ft. / 468sq. ft. $11681 / $8761 04/11/2010 2.08M / +97%
Land Registry
23/09/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 2 11/F FLAT A
3.7M 351sq. ft. / 465sq. ft. $10541 / $7957 15/01/2010 1.77M / +109%
Land Registry
19/09/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 5 22/F FLAT C
4M 350sq. ft. / 455sq. ft. $11429 / $8791 31/05/2013 3.01M / +33%
Land Registry
12/09/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 2 24/F FLAT G
4.2M 342sq. ft. / 463sq. ft. $12281 / $9071 19/02/1998 1.93M / +118%
Land Registry
12/09/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 1 3/F FLAT G
3.5M 342sq. ft. / 463sq. ft. $10234 / $7559 -- -- / --
Land Registry
09/09/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 3 2/F FLAT C
3.55M 330sq. ft. / 446sq. ft. $10758 / $7960 06/06/1997 2.27M / +57%
Land Registry
01/08/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 5 6/F FLAT A
6.46M 532sq. ft. / 699sq. ft. $12143 / $9242 05/02/1999 2.58M / +150%
Land Registry
15/07/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 1 10/F FLAT F
3.99M 342sq. ft. / 463sq. ft. $11667 / $8618 26/02/2001 1.12M / +257%
Land Registry
12/07/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
Block 6 11/F FLAT G
6.35M 501sq. ft. / 624sq. ft. $12675 / $10176 -- -- / --
Land Registry
13/06/2024 Sheung Shui
Sheung Shui Centre
4.58M 351sq. ft. / 465sq. ft. $13048 / $9849 11/01/2017 4M / +15%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.