Wing Fai Centre Tower 1 1/F FLAT G

Saleable: 570(sq. ft) @$5175

Gross: 683(sq. ft) @$4319

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 4 19/F FLAT K

Saleable: 419(sq. ft) @$6277

Gross: 501(sq. ft) @$5250

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 4 4/F FLAT A

Saleable: 588(sq. ft) @$5578

Gross: 703(sq. ft) @$4666

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 2 34/F FLAT J

Saleable: 468(sq. ft) @$5769

Gross: 560(sq. ft) @$4821

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 2 28/F FLAT K

Saleable: 419(sq. ft) @$7876

Gross: 501(sq. ft) @$6587

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 4 14/F FLAT K

Saleable: 419(sq. ft) @$8711

Gross: 501(sq. ft) @$7285

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 3 20/F FLAT K

Saleable: 419(sq. ft) @$8353

Gross: 501(sq. ft) @$6986

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 3 1/F FLAT J

Saleable: 468(sq. ft) @$6645

Gross: 560(sq. ft) @$5554

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 3 7/F FLAT D

Saleable: 588(sq. ft) @$5612

Gross: 703(sq. ft) @$4694

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 3 33/F FLAT C

Saleable: 574(sq. ft) @$6359

Gross: 687(sq. ft) @$5313

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 4 24/F FLAT C

Saleable: 574(sq. ft) @$5226

Gross: 687(sq. ft) @$4367

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 1 32/F FLAT D

Saleable: 588(sq. ft) @$6344

Gross: 703(sq. ft) @$5306

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 1 10/F FLAT H

Saleable: 570(sq. ft) @$6084

Gross: 683(sq. ft) @$5078

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 4 24/F FLAT J

Saleable: 468(sq. ft) @$6705

Gross: 560(sq. ft) @$5604

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 3 9/F FLAT E

Saleable: 419(sq. ft) @$5967

Gross: 501(sq. ft) @$4990

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 1 29/F FLAT D

Saleable: 588(sq. ft) @$6633

Gross: 703(sq. ft) @$5548

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 1 27/F FLAT K

Saleable: 419(sq. ft) @$5442

Gross: 501(sq. ft) @$4551

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 1 20/F FLAT C

Saleable: 574(sq. ft) @$6585

Gross: 687(sq. ft) @$5502

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 3 17/F FLAT D

Saleable: 588(sq. ft) @$5728

Gross: 703(sq. ft) @$4791

  • Land Registry


Wing Fai Centre Tower 3 10/F FLAT B

Saleable: 574(sq. ft) @$5519

Gross: 687(sq. ft) @$4611

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

34 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
08/01/2025 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 1 1/F FLAT G
2.95M 570sq. ft. / 683sq. ft. $5175 / $4319 -- -- / --
Land Registry
06/01/2025 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 4 19/F FLAT K
2.63M 419sq. ft. / 501sq. ft. $6277 / $5250 -- -- / --
Land Registry
03/01/2025 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 4 4/F FLAT A
3.28M 588sq. ft. / 703sq. ft. $5578 / $4666 -- -- / --
Land Registry
13/12/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 2 34/F FLAT J
2.7M 468sq. ft. / 560sq. ft. $5769 / $4821 -- -- / --
Land Registry
09/12/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 2 28/F FLAT K
3.3M 419sq. ft. / 501sq. ft. $7876 / $6587 -- -- / --
Land Registry
06/12/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 4 14/F FLAT K
3.65M 419sq. ft. / 501sq. ft. $8711 / $7285 -- -- / --
Land Registry
27/11/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 3 20/F FLAT K
3.5M 419sq. ft. / 501sq. ft. $8353 / $6986 -- -- / --
Land Registry
12/11/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 3 1/F FLAT J
3.11M 468sq. ft. / 560sq. ft. $6645 / $5554 -- -- / --
Land Registry
30/09/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 3 7/F FLAT D
3.3M 588sq. ft. / 703sq. ft. $5612 / $4694 -- -- / --
Land Registry
03/09/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 3 33/F FLAT C
3.65M 574sq. ft. / 687sq. ft. $6359 / $5313 -- -- / --
Land Registry
18/07/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 4 24/F FLAT C
3M 574sq. ft. / 687sq. ft. $5226 / $4367 -- -- / --
Land Registry
12/06/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 1 32/F FLAT D
3.73M 588sq. ft. / 703sq. ft. $6344 / $5306 -- -- / --
Land Registry
30/05/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 1 10/F FLAT H
3.47M 570sq. ft. / 683sq. ft. $6084 / $5078 -- -- / --
Land Registry
20/05/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 4 24/F FLAT J
3.14M 468sq. ft. / 560sq. ft. $6705 / $5604 -- -- / --
Land Registry
09/05/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 3 9/F FLAT E
2.5M 419sq. ft. / 501sq. ft. $5967 / $4990 -- -- / --
Land Registry
09/05/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 1 29/F FLAT D
3.9M 588sq. ft. / 703sq. ft. $6633 / $5548 -- -- / --
Land Registry
08/05/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 1 27/F FLAT K
2.28M 419sq. ft. / 501sq. ft. $5442 / $4551 -- -- / --
Land Registry
30/04/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 1 20/F FLAT C
3.78M 574sq. ft. / 687sq. ft. $6585 / $5502 -- -- / --
Land Registry
22/04/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 3 17/F FLAT D
3.37M 588sq. ft. / 703sq. ft. $5728 / $4791 -- -- / --
Land Registry
19/04/2024 Fanling / Queen's Hill
Wing Fai Centre
Tower 3 10/F FLAT B
3.17M 574sq. ft. / 687sq. ft. $5519 / $4611 -- -- / --
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.