Greenland Garden Block B 3/F FLAT 8
$3.05M -15%

Saleable: 330(sq. ft) @$9236

Gross: 430(sq. ft) @$7088

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block B 1/F FLAT 2
$3.40M +183%

Saleable: 429(sq. ft) @$7925

Gross: 567(sq. ft) @$5996

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block C 4/F FLAT 4
$3.13M -22%

Saleable: 330(sq. ft) @$9494

Gross: 418(sq. ft) @$7495

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block D 8/F FLAT 2
$4.82M +21%

Saleable: 602(sq. ft) @$8007

Gross: 773(sq. ft) @$6235

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block A 3/F FLAT 7
$3.00M +19%

Saleable: 429(sq. ft) @$6988

Gross: 567(sq. ft) @$5287

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block B 10/F FLAT 3
$3.25M +339%

Saleable: 429(sq. ft) @$7576

Gross: 567(sq. ft) @$5732

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block E 11/F FLAT 1

Saleable: 602(sq. ft) @$7422

Gross: 773(sq. ft) @$5780

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block A 6/F FLAT 8
$3.00M -30%

Saleable: 330(sq. ft) @$9091

Gross: 430(sq. ft) @$6977

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block B 30/F FLAT 1
$2.89M -8%

Saleable: 330(sq. ft) @$8758

Gross: 425(sq. ft) @$6800

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block C 9/F FLAT 2
$3.45M -12%

Saleable: 429(sq. ft) @$8042

Gross: 567(sq. ft) @$6085

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block E 27/F FLAT 2
$4.50M +180%

Saleable: 602(sq. ft) @$7475

Gross: 773(sq. ft) @$5821

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block A 11/F FLAT 8

Saleable: 357(sq. ft) @$8908

Gross: 430(sq. ft) @$7395

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block A 19/F FLAT 3
$3.85M +9%

Saleable: 429(sq. ft) @$8974

Gross: 567(sq. ft) @$6790

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block A 21/F FLAT 1
$3.00M +213%

Saleable: 352(sq. ft) @$8523

Gross: 425(sq. ft) @$7059

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block E 4/F FLAT 3
$5.60M -14%

Saleable: 747(sq. ft) @$7497

Gross: 956(sq. ft) @$5858

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block B 18/F FLAT 4
$3.20M -30%

Saleable: 330(sq. ft) @$9697

Gross: 425(sq. ft) @$7529

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block C 16/F FLAT 8
$3.20M +13%

Saleable: 330(sq. ft) @$9697

Gross: 430(sq. ft) @$7442

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block B 29/F FLAT 1
$3.75M +142%

Saleable: 330(sq. ft) @$11364

Gross: 425(sq. ft) @$8824

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block D 6/F FLAT 3
$5.52M +266%

Saleable: 747(sq. ft) @$7390

Gross: 956(sq. ft) @$5774

  • Land Registry


Greenland Garden Block E 13/F FLAT 3

Saleable: 747(sq. ft) @$7831

Gross: 956(sq. ft) @$6119

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

75 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
09/01/2025 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block B 3/F FLAT 8
3.05M 330sq. ft. / 430sq. ft. $9236 / $7088 03/03/2023 3.57M / -15%
Land Registry
06/12/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block B 1/F FLAT 2
3.4M 429sq. ft. / 567sq. ft. $7925 / $5996 08/03/2010 1.2M / +183%
Land Registry
05/12/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block C 4/F FLAT 4
3.13M 330sq. ft. / 418sq. ft. $9494 / $7495 03/09/2019 4M / -22%
Land Registry
27/11/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block D 8/F FLAT 2
4.82M 602sq. ft. / 773sq. ft. $8007 / $6235 07/08/2014 4M / +21%
Land Registry
15/11/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block A 3/F FLAT 7
3M 429sq. ft. / 567sq. ft. $6988 / $5287 16/11/2012 2.53M / +19%
Land Registry
24/10/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block B 10/F FLAT 3
3.25M 429sq. ft. / 567sq. ft. $7576 / $5732 19/02/2005 740K / +339%
Land Registry
24/10/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block E 11/F FLAT 1
4.47M 602sq. ft. / 773sq. ft. $7422 / $5780 -- -- / --
Land Registry
04/10/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block A 6/F FLAT 8
3M 330sq. ft. / 430sq. ft. $9091 / $6977 13/08/2020 4.3M / -30%
Land Registry
03/10/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block B 30/F FLAT 1
2.89M 330sq. ft. / 425sq. ft. $8758 / $6800 20/12/2016 3.16M / -8%
Land Registry
17/09/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block C 9/F FLAT 2
3.45M 429sq. ft. / 567sq. ft. $8042 / $6085 13/08/2015 3.94M / -12%
Land Registry
09/07/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block E 27/F FLAT 2
4.5M 602sq. ft. / 773sq. ft. $7475 / $5821 25/03/1996 1.61M / +180%
Land Registry
03/07/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block A 11/F FLAT 8
3.18M 357sq. ft. / 430sq. ft. $8908 / $7395 -- -- / --
Land Registry
27/06/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block A 19/F FLAT 3
3.85M 429sq. ft. / 567sq. ft. $8974 / $6790 06/05/2016 3.53M / +9%
Land Registry
20/06/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block A 21/F FLAT 1
3M 352sq. ft. / 425sq. ft. $8523 / $7059 12/04/1996 960K / +213%
Land Registry
12/06/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block E 4/F FLAT 3
5.6M 747sq. ft. / 956sq. ft. $7497 / $5858 17/05/2019 6.5M / -14%
Land Registry
06/06/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block B 18/F FLAT 4
3.2M 330sq. ft. / 425sq. ft. $9697 / $7529 16/06/2022 4.6M / -30%
Land Registry
03/06/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block C 16/F FLAT 8
3.2M 330sq. ft. / 430sq. ft. $9697 / $7442 06/02/2015 2.84M / +13%
Land Registry
13/05/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block B 29/F FLAT 1
3.75M 330sq. ft. / 425sq. ft. $11364 / $8824 31/12/2010 1.55M / +142%
Land Registry
24/04/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block D 6/F FLAT 3
5.52M 747sq. ft. / 956sq. ft. $7390 / $5774 08/05/2007 1.51M / +266%
Land Registry
28/03/2024 Tuen Mun
Greenland Garden
Block E 13/F FLAT 3
5.85M 747sq. ft. / 956sq. ft. $7831 / $6119 -- -- / --
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.