Saleable: 248(sq. ft) @$10000
Gross: 344(sq. ft) @$7209
Saleable: 256(sq. ft) @$9766
Gross: 333(sq. ft) @$7508
Saleable: 248(sq. ft) @$11492
Gross: 344(sq. ft) @$8285
Saleable: 238(sq. ft) @$11050
Gross: 333(sq. ft) @$7898
Saleable: 239(sq. ft) @$9623
Gross: 339(sq. ft) @$6785
Saleable: 248(sq. ft) @$10202
Gross: 344(sq. ft) @$7355
Saleable: 248(sq. ft) @$10484
Gross: 344(sq. ft) @$7558
Saleable: 248(sq. ft) @$9395
Gross: 344(sq. ft) @$6773
Saleable: 248(sq. ft) @$9960
Gross: 344(sq. ft) @$7180
Saleable: 239(sq. ft) @$9623
Gross: 339(sq. ft) @$6785
Saleable: 248(sq. ft) @$10806
Gross: 344(sq. ft) @$7791
Saleable: 238(sq. ft) @$9874
Gross: 333(sq. ft) @$7057
Saleable: 239(sq. ft) @$10962
Gross: 339(sq. ft) @$7729
Saleable: 238(sq. ft) @$10588
Gross: 333(sq. ft) @$7568
Saleable: 238(sq. ft) @$13445
Gross: 333(sq. ft) @$9610
Saleable: 248(sq. ft) @$10887
Gross: 344(sq. ft) @$7849
Saleable: 248(sq. ft) @$12016
Gross: 344(sq. ft) @$8663
Saleable: 248(sq. ft) @$10677
Gross: 344(sq. ft) @$7698
Saleable: 239(sq. ft) @$10460
Gross: 339(sq. ft) @$7375
Saleable: 239(sq. ft) @$12552
Gross: 339(sq. ft) @$8850
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
10/12/2024 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 22/F FLAT F | 2.48M | 248sq. ft. / 344sq. ft. | $10000 / $7209 | 18/03/2022 | 3.35M / -26% | Land Registry |
09/10/2024 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 19/F FLAT E | 2.5M | 256sq. ft. / 333sq. ft. | $9766 / $7508 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
27/06/2024 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 28/F FLAT F | 2.85M | 248sq. ft. / 344sq. ft. | $11492 / $8285 | 06/06/2017 | 3.25M / -12% | Land Registry |
24/05/2024 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 2/F FLAT E | 2.63M | 238sq. ft. / 333sq. ft. | $11050 / $7898 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
09/05/2024 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 7/F FLAT A | 2.3M | 239sq. ft. / 339sq. ft. | $9623 / $6785 | 13/10/2023 | 2.3M / +0% | Land Registry |
18/04/2024 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 3/F FLAT F | 2.53M | 248sq. ft. / 344sq. ft. | $10202 / $7355 | 16/10/2020 | 3.38M / -25% | Land Registry |
03/04/2024 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 26/F FLAT G | 2.6M | 248sq. ft. / 344sq. ft. | $10484 / $7558 | 27/05/2011 | 1.24M / +109% | Land Registry |
10/01/2024 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 16/F FLAT F | 2.33M | 248sq. ft. / 344sq. ft. | $9395 / $6773 | 09/05/2013 | 1.62M / +44% | Land Registry |
08/01/2024 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 25/F FLAT B | 2.47M | 248sq. ft. / 344sq. ft. | $9960 / $7180 | 08/02/2017 | 2.65M / -7% | Land Registry |
19/10/2023 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 7/F FLAT A | 2.3M | 239sq. ft. / 339sq. ft. | $9623 / $6785 | 23/02/2010 | 730K / +215% | Land Registry |
18/10/2023 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 20/F FLAT G | 2.68M | 248sq. ft. / 344sq. ft. | $10806 / $7791 | 21/03/2014 | 1.76M / +53% | Land Registry |
30/08/2023 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 8/F FLAT D | 2.35M | 238sq. ft. / 333sq. ft. | $9874 / $7057 | 28/08/2013 | 1.8M / +31% | Land Registry |
09/08/2023 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 19/F FLAT A | 2.62M | 239sq. ft. / 339sq. ft. | $10962 / $7729 | 09/01/2018 | 3.07M / -15% | Land Registry |
23/05/2023 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 4/F FLAT E | 2.52M | 238sq. ft. / 333sq. ft. | $10588 / $7568 | 11/03/2010 | 750K / +236% | Land Registry |
18/05/2023 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 26/F FLAT E | 3.2M | 238sq. ft. / 333sq. ft. | $13445 / $9610 | 09/02/2018 | 3.57M / -10% | Land Registry |
03/04/2023 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 24/F FLAT F | 2.7M | 248sq. ft. / 344sq. ft. | $10887 / $7849 | 03/06/2014 | 1.92M / +41% | Land Registry |
16/02/2023 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 9/F FLAT G | 2.98M | 248sq. ft. / 344sq. ft. | $12016 / $8663 | 12/11/2005 | 450K / +562% | Land Registry |
03/02/2023 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 20/F FLAT B | 2.65M | 248sq. ft. / 344sq. ft. | $10677 / $7698 | 13/05/1996 | 515K / +414% | Land Registry |
20/12/2022 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 24/F FLAT A | 2.5M | 239sq. ft. / 339sq. ft. | $10460 / $7375 | 27/04/2017 | 2.85M / -12% | Land Registry |
03/11/2022 | Chi Lok | Lai Bo Building Lai Bo Building 25/F FLAT H | 3M | 239sq. ft. / 339sq. ft. | $12552 / $8850 | 13/05/2013 | 1.6M / +88% | Land Registry |