Saleable: 311(sq. ft) @$7235
Gross: 438(sq. ft) @$5137
Saleable: 283(sq. ft) @$9717
Gross: 421(sq. ft) @$6532
Saleable: 283(sq. ft) @$9541
Gross: 421(sq. ft) @$6413
Saleable: 311(sq. ft) @$9968
Gross: 438(sq. ft) @$7078
Saleable: 283(sq. ft) @$11088
Gross: 421(sq. ft) @$7454
Saleable: 283(sq. ft) @$10664
Gross: 421(sq. ft) @$7169
Saleable: 311(sq. ft) @$9003
Gross: 438(sq. ft) @$6393
Saleable: 333(sq. ft) @$11411
Gross: 438(sq. ft) @$8676
Saleable: 311(sq. ft) @$12219
Gross: 438(sq. ft) @$8676
Saleable: 311(sq. ft) @$11768
Gross: 438(sq. ft) @$8356
Saleable: 311(sq. ft) @$11254
Gross: 438(sq. ft) @$7991
Saleable: 311(sq. ft) @$11479
Gross: 438(sq. ft) @$8151
Saleable: 311(sq. ft) @$11125
Gross: 438(sq. ft) @$7900
Saleable: 311(sq. ft) @$10997
Gross: 438(sq. ft) @$7808
Saleable: 283(sq. ft) @$10601
Gross: 421(sq. ft) @$7126
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
12/12/2024 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 22/F FLAT H | 2.25M | 311sq. ft. / 438sq. ft. | $7235 / $5137 | 04/08/2018 | 3.36M / -33% | Land Registry |
15/07/2024 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 7/F FLAT F | 2.75M | 283sq. ft. / 421sq. ft. | $9717 / $6532 | 23/10/2020 | 3.42M / -20% | Land Registry |
17/05/2024 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 18/F FLAT F | 2.7M | 283sq. ft. / 421sq. ft. | $9541 / $6413 | 12/01/2017 | 2.74M / -1% | Land Registry |
21/12/2023 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 5/F FLAT D | 3.1M | 311sq. ft. / 438sq. ft. | $9968 / $7078 | 07/04/1997 | 950K / +226% | Land Registry |
16/06/2023 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 15/F FLAT B | 3.14M | 283sq. ft. / 421sq. ft. | $11088 / $7454 | 21/05/2018 | 3.87M / -19% | Land Registry |
12/05/2023 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 9/F FLAT B | 3.02M | 283sq. ft. / 421sq. ft. | $10664 / $7169 | 29/08/2014 | 2.12M / +42% | Land Registry |
02/02/2023 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 2/F FLAT C | 2.8M | 311sq. ft. / 438sq. ft. | $9003 / $6393 | 22/10/2010 | 950K / +195% | Land Registry |
21/07/2022 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 15/F FLAT C | 3.8M | 333sq. ft. / 438sq. ft. | $11411 / $8676 | 13/08/2004 | 430K / +784% | Land Registry |
21/07/2022 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 15/F FLAT D | 3.8M | 311sq. ft. / 438sq. ft. | $12219 / $8676 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
16/06/2022 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 21/F FLAT D | 3.66M | 311sq. ft. / 438sq. ft. | $11768 / $8356 | 18/06/2019 | 4M / -9% | Land Registry |
20/05/2022 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 8/F FLAT H | 3.5M | 311sq. ft. / 438sq. ft. | $11254 / $7991 | 29/10/2010 | 1.01M / +247% | Land Registry |
12/05/2022 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 15/F FLAT G | 3.57M | 311sq. ft. / 438sq. ft. | $11479 / $8151 | 15/01/2018 | 3.38M / +6% | Land Registry |
21/04/2022 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 14/F FLAT C | 3.46M | 311sq. ft. / 438sq. ft. | $11125 / $7900 | 22/04/1998 | 850K / +307% | Land Registry |
25/03/2022 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 7/F FLAT H | 3.42M | 311sq. ft. / 438sq. ft. | $10997 / $7808 | 24/12/2013 | 1.97M / +74% | Land Registry |
10/02/2022 | Tuen Mun San Hui | Victory Building Victory Building 5/F FLAT B | 3M | 283sq. ft. / 421sq. ft. | $10601 / $7126 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |