Saleable: 709(sq. ft) @$6347
Saleable: 610(sq. ft) @$10656
Saleable: 768(sq. ft) @$7031
Saleable: 709(sq. ft) @$7616
Saleable: 617(sq. ft) @$10535
Saleable: 766(sq. ft) @$6397
Saleable: 1302(sq. ft) @$7435
Saleable: 1360(sq. ft) @$6949
Saleable: 1301(sq. ft) @$8824
Saleable: 1360(sq. ft) @$7206
Saleable: 1312(sq. ft) @$7203
Saleable: 780(sq. ft) @$8744
Saleable: 715(sq. ft) @$8811
Saleable: 695(sq. ft) @$8058
Saleable: 1302(sq. ft) @$7665
Gross: 1400(sq. ft) @$7129
Saleable: 1302(sq. ft) @$9869
Gross: 1400(sq. ft) @$9179
Saleable: 2204(sq. ft) @$8394
Saleable: 706(sq. ft) @$10340
Gross: 700(sq. ft) @$10428.57
Saleable: 709(sq. ft) @$10296
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
20/12/2024 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 43B 2/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 4.5M | 709sq. ft. / -- | $6347 / -- | 06/07/2018 | 6.8M / -34% | Land Registry |
04/12/2024 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 6 G/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 6.5M | 610sq. ft. / -- | $10656 / -- | 11/12/2017 | 4.5M / +44% | Land Registry |
17/09/2024 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 109 2/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 5.4M | 768sq. ft. / -- | $7031 / -- | 19/07/2018 | 4.65M / +16% | Land Registry |
05/07/2024 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 52 2/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 5.4M | 709sq. ft. / -- | $7616 / -- | 18/03/2015 | 2.93M / +84% | Land Registry |
05/07/2024 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 110 G/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 6.5M | 617sq. ft. / -- | $10535 / -- | 26/03/2019 | 4.95M / +31% | Land Registry |
28/12/2023 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 55 2/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 4.9M | 766sq. ft. / -- | $6397 / -- | 15/02/2018 | 5.99M / -18% | Land Registry |
04/12/2023 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 98 G-1/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 9.68M | 1302sq. ft. / -- | $7435 / -- | 20/09/2018 | 10.38M / -7% | Land Registry |
04/09/2023 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 59 G-1/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 9.45M | 1360sq. ft. / -- | $6949 / -- | 15/06/2017 | 7.9M / +20% | Land Registry |
24/04/2023 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 43 G-1/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 11.48M | 1301sq. ft. / -- | $8824 / -- | 16/03/2015 | 6.03M / +90% | Land Registry |
24/04/2023 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 37 G-1/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 9.8M | 1360sq. ft. / -- | $7206 / -- | 20/02/2014 | 5.78M / +70% | Land Registry |
21/03/2023 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 125 G-1/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 5.88M | -- / -- | -- / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
07/02/2023 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 56 G-1/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 9.45M | 1312sq. ft. / -- | $7203 / -- | 17/02/2014 | 5.37M / +76% | Land Registry |
06/12/2022 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 40 2/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 6.82M | 780sq. ft. / -- | $8744 / -- | 14/02/2014 | 3.05M / +124% | Land Registry |
29/11/2022 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 5 2/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 6.3M | 715sq. ft. / -- | $8811 / -- | 18/03/2015 | 3.2M / +97% | Land Registry |
12/07/2022 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 110 1/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 5.6M | 695sq. ft. / -- | $8058 / -- | 26/03/2019 | 3.55M / +58% | Land Registry |
07/07/2022 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 119 G-1/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 9.98M | 1302sq. ft. / 1400sq. ft. | $7665 / $7129 | 06/06/2016 | 6.18M / +61% | Land Registry |
29/06/2022 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 121 G-1/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 12.85M | 1302sq. ft. / 1400sq. ft. | $9869 / $9179 | 06/06/2016 | 6.54M / +96% | Land Registry |
28/06/2022 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 31 G-2/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 18.5M | 2204sq. ft. / -- | $8394 / -- | 09/11/2015 | 12.5M / +48% | Land Registry |
11/05/2022 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 113 2/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 7.3M | 706sq. ft. / 700sq. ft. | $10340 / $10428.57 | 29/12/2015 | 3.58M / +104% | Land Registry |
16/03/2022 | Yuen Long | Hillwood Block 43 2/F HUNG TSO TIN TSUEN | 7.3M | 709sq. ft. / -- | $10296 / -- | 18/03/2015 | 3.15M / +132% | Land Registry |