Saleable: 685(sq. ft) @$7693
Gross: 888(sq. ft) @$5935
Saleable: 476(sq. ft) @$8571
Gross: 610(sq. ft) @$6689
Saleable: 685(sq. ft) @$6949
Gross: 888(sq. ft) @$5360
Saleable: 685(sq. ft) @$7416
Gross: 888(sq. ft) @$5721
Saleable: 476(sq. ft) @$8966
Gross: 610(sq. ft) @$6997
Saleable: 476(sq. ft) @$10294
Gross: 610(sq. ft) @$8033
Saleable: 685(sq. ft) @$7810
Gross: 888(sq. ft) @$6025
Saleable: 680(sq. ft) @$8824
Gross: 895(sq. ft) @$6704
Saleable: 535(sq. ft) @$9159
Gross: 700(sq. ft) @$7000
Saleable: 535(sq. ft) @$8841
Gross: 700(sq. ft) @$6757
Saleable: 576(sq. ft) @$7917
Gross: 738(sq. ft) @$6179
Saleable: 535(sq. ft) @$11215
Gross: 700(sq. ft) @$8571
Saleable: 476(sq. ft) @$10374
Gross: 610(sq. ft) @$8095
Saleable: 576(sq. ft) @$9549
Gross: 738(sq. ft) @$7453
Saleable: 602(sq. ft) @$8140
Gross: 738(sq. ft) @$6640
Saleable: 476(sq. ft) @$8193
Gross: 610(sq. ft) @$6393
Saleable: 576(sq. ft) @$8993
Gross: 738(sq. ft) @$7019
Saleable: 680(sq. ft) @$9779
Gross: 895(sq. ft) @$7430
Saleable: 680(sq. ft) @$9559
Gross: 895(sq. ft) @$7263
Saleable: 576(sq. ft) @$9288
Gross: 738(sq. ft) @$7249
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
24/12/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 3 12/F FLAT A | 5.27M | 685sq. ft. / 888sq. ft. | $7693 / $5935 | 05/11/2010 | 2.34M / +125% | Land Registry |
13/11/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 2 11/F FLAT D | 4.08M | 476sq. ft. / 610sq. ft. | $8571 / $6689 | 13/11/2006 | 1.4M / +191% | Land Registry |
14/10/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 2 25/F FLAT F | 4.76M | 685sq. ft. / 888sq. ft. | $6949 / $5360 | 17/02/2012 | 3.26M / +46% | Land Registry |
08/10/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 5 16/F FLAT A | 5.08M | 685sq. ft. / 888sq. ft. | $7416 / $5721 | 16/07/1999 | 2.38M / +113% | Land Registry |
25/09/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 1 25/F FLAT C | 4.27M | 476sq. ft. / 610sq. ft. | $8966 / $6997 | 30/09/1996 | 2.38M / +79% | Land Registry |
27/08/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 5 11/F FLAT D | 4.9M | 476sq. ft. / 610sq. ft. | $10294 / $8033 | 19/09/2012 | 3.14M / +56% | Land Registry |
20/08/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 1 12/F FLAT A | 5.35M | 685sq. ft. / 888sq. ft. | $7810 / $6025 | 15/05/2020 | 7.08M / -24% | Land Registry |
16/08/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 7 22/F FLAT A | 6M | 680sq. ft. / 895sq. ft. | $8824 / $6704 | 07/11/2014 | 5M / +20% | Land Registry |
06/08/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 11 26/F FLAT D | 4.9M | 535sq. ft. / 700sq. ft. | $9159 / $7000 | 18/07/2005 | 1.8M / +172% | Land Registry |
02/08/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 8 22/F FLAT D | 4.73M | 535sq. ft. / 700sq. ft. | $8841 / $6757 | 09/01/2015 | 4.4M / +8% | Land Registry |
05/07/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 4 23/F FLAT E | 4.56M | 576sq. ft. / 738sq. ft. | $7917 / $6179 | 22/02/2013 | 3.75M / +22% | Land Registry |
08/05/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 9 19/F FLAT C | 6M | 535sq. ft. / 700sq. ft. | $11215 / $8571 | 03/06/2003 | 880K / +582% | Land Registry |
24/04/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 5 23/F FLAT C | 4.94M | 476sq. ft. / 610sq. ft. | $10374 / $8095 | 06/02/2020 | 5.9M / -16% | Land Registry |
16/04/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 1 27/F FLAT E | 5.5M | 576sq. ft. / 738sq. ft. | $9549 / $7453 | 16/05/2011 | 3.54M / +55% | Land Registry |
09/04/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 5 17/F FLAT E | 4.9M | 602sq. ft. / 738sq. ft. | $8140 / $6640 | 29/11/2003 | 1.06M / +362% | Land Registry |
29/02/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 4 5/F FLAT D | 3.9M | 476sq. ft. / 610sq. ft. | $8193 / $6393 | 17/12/2007 | 1.3M / +200% | Land Registry |
27/02/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 5 25/F FLAT B | 5.18M | 576sq. ft. / 738sq. ft. | $8993 / $7019 | 16/03/2012 | 3.23M / +60% | Land Registry |
01/02/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 10 16/F FLAT B | 6.65M | 680sq. ft. / 895sq. ft. | $9779 / $7430 | 22/04/2013 | 5.25M / +27% | Land Registry |
30/01/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 10 8/F FLAT A | 6.5M | 680sq. ft. / 895sq. ft. | $9559 / $7263 | 26/10/2000 | 2.25M / +189% | Land Registry |
10/01/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Hong Kong Gold Coast Block 5 27/F FLAT B | 5.35M | 576sq. ft. / 738sq. ft. | $9288 / $7249 | 14/09/2009 | 2.5M / +114% | Land Registry |