Aegean Coast Tower 8 18/F FLAT A
$5.58M +2%

Saleable: 650(sq. ft) @$8585

Gross: 860(sq. ft) @$6488

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 5 23/F FLAT G
$4.80M -24%

Saleable: 519(sq. ft) @$9249

Gross: 688(sq. ft) @$6977

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 3 15/F FLAT H
$4.50M +227%

Saleable: 519(sq. ft) @$8671

Gross: 688(sq. ft) @$6541

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 7 Lower Floor FLAT F

Saleable: 653(sq. ft) @$7198

Gross: 868(sq. ft) @$5415

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Aegean Coast Tower 5 23/F FLAT D
$5.58M +167%

Saleable: 617(sq. ft) @$9044

Gross: 811(sq. ft) @$6880

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 3 12/F FLAT D
$6.00M +90%

Saleable: 617(sq. ft) @$9724

Gross: 811(sq. ft) @$7398

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 7 2/F FLAT H
$4.00M +11%

Saleable: 490(sq. ft) @$8163

Gross: 653(sq. ft) @$6126

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 3 31/F FLAT G
$4.50M +168%

Saleable: 519(sq. ft) @$8671

Gross: 688(sq. ft) @$6541

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 1 22/F FLAT E
$7.28M +32%

Saleable: 811(sq. ft) @$8977

Gross: 1039(sq. ft) @$7007

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 7 5/F FLAT A
$5.15M +158%

Saleable: 650(sq. ft) @$7923

Gross: 860(sq. ft) @$5988

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 8 9/F FLAT G
$4.05M +213%

Saleable: 490(sq. ft) @$8265

Gross: 653(sq. ft) @$6202

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 8 3/F FLAT C
$4.87M -25%

Saleable: 549(sq. ft) @$8871

Gross: 719(sq. ft) @$6773

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 8 22/F FLAT F
$6.28M +182%

Saleable: 644(sq. ft) @$9752

Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$7388

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 7 3/F FLAT A
$5.70M +65%

Saleable: 650(sq. ft) @$8769

Gross: 860(sq. ft) @$6628

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 6 13/F FLAT G
$4.22M +10%

Saleable: 490(sq. ft) @$8612

Gross: 653(sq. ft) @$6462

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 8 2/F FLAT H
$4.44M +120%

Saleable: 490(sq. ft) @$9057

Gross: 653(sq. ft) @$6796

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 8 23/F FLAT H
$4.30M +90%

Saleable: 490(sq. ft) @$8776

Gross: 653(sq. ft) @$6585

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 5 18/F FLAT F
$6.50M -21%

Saleable: 742(sq. ft) @$8760

Gross: 975(sq. ft) @$6667

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 1 21/F FLAT H
$4.80M +36%

Saleable: 519(sq. ft) @$9249

Gross: 688(sq. ft) @$6977

  • Land Registry


Aegean Coast Tower 6 2/F FLAT F
$5.38M +243%

Saleable: 653(sq. ft) @$8239

Gross: 868(sq. ft) @$6198

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

139 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
06/01/2025 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 8 18/F FLAT A
5.58M 650sq. ft. / 860sq. ft. $8585 / $6488 17/07/2014 5.45M / +2%
Land Registry
03/01/2025 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 5 23/F FLAT G
4.8M 519sq. ft. / 688sq. ft. $9249 / $6977 31/12/2020 6.28M / -24%
Land Registry
19/12/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 3 15/F FLAT H
4.5M 519sq. ft. / 688sq. ft. $8671 / $6541 11/09/2002 1.38M / +227%
Land Registry
18/12/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 7 Lower Floor FLAT F
4.7M 653sq. ft. / 868sq. ft. $7198 / $5415 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
13/12/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 5 23/F FLAT D
5.58M 617sq. ft. / 811sq. ft. $9044 / $6880 23/09/2002 2.09M / +167%
Land Registry
12/12/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 3 12/F FLAT D
6M 617sq. ft. / 811sq. ft. $9724 / $7398 21/12/2009 3.15M / +90%
Land Registry
03/12/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 7 2/F FLAT H
4M 490sq. ft. / 653sq. ft. $8163 / $6126 24/06/2014 3.6M / +11%
Land Registry
26/11/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 3 31/F FLAT G
4.5M 519sq. ft. / 688sq. ft. $8671 / $6541 25/08/2006 1.68M / +168%
Land Registry
04/11/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 1 22/F FLAT E
7.28M 811sq. ft. / 1039sq. ft. $8977 / $7007 24/08/2010 5.5M / +32%
Land Registry
04/10/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 7 5/F FLAT A
5.15M 650sq. ft. / 860sq. ft. $7923 / $5988 12/09/2007 2M / +158%
Land Registry
16/09/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 8 9/F FLAT G
4.05M 490sq. ft. / 653sq. ft. $8265 / $6202 12/09/2002 1.29M / +213%
Land Registry
19/08/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 8 3/F FLAT C
4.87M 549sq. ft. / 719sq. ft. $8871 / $6773 23/10/2020 6.49M / -25%
Land Registry
12/08/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 8 22/F FLAT F
6.28M 644sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. $9752 / $7388 21/10/2004 2.23M / +182%
Land Registry
09/08/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 7 3/F FLAT A
5.7M 650sq. ft. / 860sq. ft. $8769 / $6628 15/11/2010 3.45M / +65%
Land Registry
04/07/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 6 13/F FLAT G
4.22M 490sq. ft. / 653sq. ft. $8612 / $6462 25/06/2014 3.85M / +10%
Land Registry
02/07/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 8 2/F FLAT H
4.44M 490sq. ft. / 653sq. ft. $9057 / $6796 05/02/2010 2.02M / +120%
Land Registry
26/06/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 8 23/F FLAT H
4.3M 490sq. ft. / 653sq. ft. $8776 / $6585 20/04/2010 2.26M / +90%
Land Registry
18/06/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 5 18/F FLAT F
6.5M 742sq. ft. / 975sq. ft. $8760 / $6667 05/08/2020 8.25M / -21%
Land Registry
12/06/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 1 21/F FLAT H
4.8M 519sq. ft. / 688sq. ft. $9249 / $6977 18/05/2012 3.54M / +36%
Land Registry
07/06/2024 Castle Peak Road
Aegean Coast
Tower 6 2/F FLAT F
5.38M 653sq. ft. / 868sq. ft. $8239 / $6198 30/04/2003 1.57M / +243%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.