Sea Crest Villa Phase 1 Block 3 33/F FLAT E
$3.88M +2%

Saleable: 454(sq. ft) @$8546

Gross: 572(sq. ft) @$6783

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 5 (Royal Sea Crest) Block 2 13/F FLAT A
$7.90M +40%

Saleable: 1086(sq. ft) @$7274

Gross: 1291(sq. ft) @$6119

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 1 Block 3 17/F FLAT B

Saleable: 454(sq. ft) @$8811

Gross: 572(sq. ft) @$6993

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 1 Block 1 6/F FLAT B
$4.08M +43%

Saleable: 560(sq. ft) @$7286

Gross: 707(sq. ft) @$5771

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 5 (Royal Sea Crest) Block 2 16/F FLAT D
$9.00M +74%

Saleable: 1086(sq. ft) @$8287

Gross: 1291(sq. ft) @$6971

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 1 Block 4 23/F FLAT E
$4.60M -12%

Saleable: 467(sq. ft) @$9850

Gross: 593(sq. ft) @$7757

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 1 Block 2 26/F FLAT A
$3.52M -38%

Saleable: 467(sq. ft) @$7537

Gross: 587(sq. ft) @$5997

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 1 Block 3 20/F FLAT D
$3.71M +128%

Saleable: 471(sq. ft) @$7877

Gross: 597(sq. ft) @$6214

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 3 Block 10 Middle Floor FLAT D

Saleable: 460(sq. ft) @$10300

Gross: 599(sq. ft) @$7910

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Sea Crest Villa Phase 1 Block 1 10/F FLAT F
$5.37M +97%

Saleable: 614(sq. ft) @$8746

Gross: 770(sq. ft) @$6974

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 1 Block 1 11/F FLAT D
$3.93M +13%

Saleable: 471(sq. ft) @$8344

Gross: 597(sq. ft) @$6583

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 3 Block 8 18/F FLAT D
$4.50M -30%

Saleable: 460(sq. ft) @$9783

Gross: 599(sq. ft) @$7513

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 2 Block 5 16/F FLAT D
$5.50M +67%

Saleable: 747(sq. ft) @$7363

Gross: 943(sq. ft) @$5832

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 3 Block 7 1/F FLAT A
$3.10M +42%

Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$7470

Gross: 548(sq. ft) @$5657

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 3 Block 8 19/F FLAT A
$3.70M +147%

Saleable: 412(sq. ft) @$8981

Gross: 544(sq. ft) @$6801

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 4 Block 13 9/F FLAT A
$3.73M +21%

Saleable: 435(sq. ft) @$8575

Gross: 574(sq. ft) @$6498

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 4 Block 11 28/F FLAT D
$3.98M +19%

Saleable: 495(sq. ft) @$8040

Gross: 621(sq. ft) @$6409

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 1 Block 1 23/F FLAT C
$4.75M +145%

Saleable: 566(sq. ft) @$8392

Gross: 720(sq. ft) @$6597

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 4 Block 11 27/F FLAT B
$5.90M +151%

Saleable: 653(sq. ft) @$9035

Gross: 835(sq. ft) @$7066

  • Land Registry


Sea Crest Villa Phase 3 Block 9 18/F FLAT F
$3.70M +43%

Saleable: 412(sq. ft) @$8981

Gross: 544(sq. ft) @$6801

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

206 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
09/12/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 1
Block 3 33/F FLAT E
3.88M 454sq. ft. / 572sq. ft. $8546 / $6783 10/10/2014 3.8M / +2%
Land Registry
06/12/2024 Tsing Lung Tau
Sea Crest Villa Phase 5 (Royal Sea Crest)
Block 2 13/F FLAT A
7.9M 1086sq. ft. / 1291sq. ft. $7274 / $6119 16/04/1999 5.65M / +40%
Land Registry
06/12/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 1
Block 3 17/F FLAT B
4M 454sq. ft. / 572sq. ft. $8811 / $6993 -- -- / --
Land Registry
06/12/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 1
Block 1 6/F FLAT B
4.08M 560sq. ft. / 707sq. ft. $7286 / $5771 05/09/2012 2.85M / +43%
Land Registry
04/12/2024 Tsing Lung Tau
Sea Crest Villa Phase 5 (Royal Sea Crest)
Block 2 16/F FLAT D
9M 1086sq. ft. / 1291sq. ft. $8287 / $6971 14/08/2009 5.18M / +74%
Land Registry
19/11/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 1
Block 4 23/F FLAT E
4.6M 467sq. ft. / 593sq. ft. $9850 / $7757 03/11/2017 5.2M / -12%
Land Registry
15/11/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 1
Block 2 26/F FLAT A
3.52M 467sq. ft. / 587sq. ft. $7537 / $5997 03/08/2018 5.66M / -38%
Land Registry
08/11/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 1
Block 3 20/F FLAT D
3.71M 471sq. ft. / 597sq. ft. $7877 / $6214 08/02/2010 1.63M / +128%
Land Registry
04/11/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 3
Block 10 Middle Floor FLAT D
4.74M 460sq. ft. / 599sq. ft. $10300 / $7910 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
28/10/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 1
Block 1 10/F FLAT F
5.37M 614sq. ft. / 770sq. ft. $8746 / $6974 08/04/2010 2.72M / +97%
Land Registry
25/10/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 1
Block 1 11/F FLAT D
3.93M 471sq. ft. / 597sq. ft. $8344 / $6583 28/10/2013 3.48M / +13%
Land Registry
24/10/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 3
Block 8 18/F FLAT D
4.5M 460sq. ft. / 599sq. ft. $9783 / $7513 27/11/2020 6.4M / -30%
Land Registry
23/10/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 2
Block 5 16/F FLAT D
5.5M 747sq. ft. / 943sq. ft. $7363 / $5832 20/04/2000 3.3M / +67%
Land Registry
07/10/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 3
Block 7 1/F FLAT A
3.1M 415sq. ft. / 548sq. ft. $7470 / $5657 15/05/2012 2.18M / +42%
Land Registry
25/09/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 3
Block 8 19/F FLAT A
3.7M 412sq. ft. / 544sq. ft. $8981 / $6801 12/05/2009 1.5M / +147%
Land Registry
17/09/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 4
Block 13 9/F FLAT A
3.73M 435sq. ft. / 574sq. ft. $8575 / $6498 14/05/2014 3.08M / +21%
Land Registry
12/09/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 4
Block 11 28/F FLAT D
3.98M 495sq. ft. / 621sq. ft. $8040 / $6409 21/04/2011 3.34M / +19%
Land Registry
10/09/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 1
Block 1 23/F FLAT C
4.75M 566sq. ft. / 720sq. ft. $8392 / $6597 22/11/2007 1.94M / +145%
Land Registry
23/08/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 4
Block 11 27/F FLAT B
5.9M 653sq. ft. / 835sq. ft. $9035 / $7066 27/08/2007 2.35M / +151%
Land Registry
20/08/2024 Sham Tseng
Sea Crest Villa Phase 3
Block 9 18/F FLAT F
3.7M 412sq. ft. / 544sq. ft. $8981 / $6801 05/12/1996 2.58M / +43%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.