Saleable: 400(sq. ft) @$12500
Gross: 490(sq. ft) @$10204
Saleable: 400(sq. ft) @$11245
Gross: 490(sq. ft) @$9180
Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$11807
Gross: 526(sq. ft) @$9316
Saleable: 408(sq. ft) @$11152
Gross: 519(sq. ft) @$8767
Saleable: 418(sq. ft) @$11675
Gross: 510(sq. ft) @$9569
Saleable: 408(sq. ft) @$11961
Gross: 519(sq. ft) @$9403
Saleable: 408(sq. ft) @$12451
Gross: 519(sq. ft) @$9788
Saleable: 400(sq. ft) @$12125
Gross: 490(sq. ft) @$9898
Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$12289
Gross: 526(sq. ft) @$9696
Saleable: 408(sq. ft) @$10858
Gross: 519(sq. ft) @$8536
Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$12530
Gross: 526(sq. ft) @$9886
Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$11566
Gross: 526(sq. ft) @$9125
Saleable: 400(sq. ft) @$12450
Gross: 490(sq. ft) @$10163
Saleable: 418(sq. ft) @$12153
Gross: 510(sq. ft) @$9961
Saleable: 418(sq. ft) @$11914
Gross: 510(sq. ft) @$9765
Saleable: 418(sq. ft) @$12201
Gross: 510(sq. ft) @$10000
Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$12337
Gross: 526(sq. ft) @$9734
Saleable: 408(sq. ft) @$11949
Gross: 519(sq. ft) @$9393
Saleable: 400(sq. ft) @$11975
Gross: 490(sq. ft) @$9776
Saleable: 408(sq. ft) @$12255
Gross: 519(sq. ft) @$9634
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
10/01/2025 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block A 19/F FLAT 4 | 5M | 400sq. ft. / 490sq. ft. | $12500 / $10204 | 05/03/2008 | 2.05M / +144% | Land Registry |
08/01/2025 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block E 8/F FLAT 5 | 4.5M | 400sq. ft. / 490sq. ft. | $11245 / $9180 | 01/02/2013 | 3.78M / +19% | Land Registry |
27/12/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block A 19/F FLAT 7 | 4.9M | 415sq. ft. / 526sq. ft. | $11807 / $9316 | 11/03/2021 | 6.64M / -26% | Land Registry |
12/12/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block E 7/F FLAT 6 | 4.55M | 408sq. ft. / 519sq. ft. | $11152 / $8767 | 13/01/2009 | 1.69M / +170% | Land Registry |
02/12/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block D 27/F FLAT 1 | 4.88M | 418sq. ft. / 510sq. ft. | $11675 / $9569 | 11/03/2011 | 2.9M / +68% | Land Registry |
22/11/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block E 21/F FLAT 3 | 4.88M | 408sq. ft. / 519sq. ft. | $11961 / $9403 | 13/07/2005 | 1.55M / +215% | Land Registry |
20/11/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block A 31/F FLAT 3 | 5.08M | 408sq. ft. / 519sq. ft. | $12451 / $9788 | 06/09/2006 | 1.52M / +235% | Land Registry |
12/11/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block C 12/F FLAT 5 | 4.85M | 400sq. ft. / 490sq. ft. | $12125 / $9898 | 20/09/2005 | 1.5M / +224% | Land Registry |
07/11/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block B 28/F FLAT 2 | 5.1M | 415sq. ft. / 526sq. ft. | $12289 / $9696 | 08/05/2008 | 1.92M / +166% | Land Registry |
07/11/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block C 3/F FLAT 3 | 4.43M | 408sq. ft. / 519sq. ft. | $10858 / $8536 | 08/12/2000 | 1.36M / +226% | Land Registry |
18/10/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block C 29/F FLAT 2 | 5.2M | 415sq. ft. / 526sq. ft. | $12530 / $9886 | 01/04/2022 | 6.68M / -22% | Land Registry |
15/10/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block D 18/F FLAT 2 | 4.8M | 415sq. ft. / 526sq. ft. | $11566 / $9125 | 18/06/2009 | 2.03M / +137% | Land Registry |
15/10/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block A 20/F FLAT 5 | 4.98M | 400sq. ft. / 490sq. ft. | $12450 / $10163 | 09/12/2019 | 5.9M / -16% | Land Registry |
15/10/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block A 25/F FLAT 8 | 5.08M | 418sq. ft. / 510sq. ft. | $12153 / $9961 | 01/06/2020 | 6.82M / -26% | Land Registry |
30/09/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block B 20/F FLAT 8 | 4.98M | 418sq. ft. / 510sq. ft. | $11914 / $9765 | 26/07/1999 | 1.73M / +188% | Land Registry |
21/08/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block A 25/F FLAT 1 | 5.1M | 418sq. ft. / 510sq. ft. | $12201 / $10000 | 22/04/2004 | 1.4M / +265% | Land Registry |
31/07/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block A 9/F FLAT 2 | 5.12M | 415sq. ft. / 526sq. ft. | $12337 / $9734 | 19/08/2016 | 4.64M / +10% | Land Registry |
18/07/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block E 3/F FLAT 3 | 4.88M | 408sq. ft. / 519sq. ft. | $11949 / $9393 | 13/07/2010 | 1.95M / +150% | Land Registry |
08/07/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block C 6/F FLAT 4 | 4.79M | 400sq. ft. / 490sq. ft. | $11975 / $9776 | 26/04/2011 | 2.65M / +81% | Land Registry |
05/07/2024 | Kwai Chung | New Kwai Fong Gardens Block D 13/F FLAT 3 | 5M | 408sq. ft. / 519sq. ft. | $12255 / $9634 | 21/01/2011 | 2.56M / +95% | Land Registry |