Saleable: 238(sq. ft) @$15084
Gross: 374(sq. ft) @$9599
Saleable: 308(sq. ft) @$13571
Gross: 448(sq. ft) @$9330
Saleable: 927(sq. ft) @$13862
Gross: 1268(sq. ft) @$10134
Saleable: 429(sq. ft) @$12587
Gross: 623(sq. ft) @$8668
Saleable: 438(sq. ft) @$13699
Gross: 588(sq. ft) @$10204
Saleable: 434(sq. ft) @$12737
Gross: 634(sq. ft) @$8719
Saleable: 395(sq. ft) @$12405
Gross: 584(sq. ft) @$8390
Saleable: 293(sq. ft) @$13652
Gross: 445(sq. ft) @$8989
Saleable: 308(sq. ft) @$15058
Gross: 448(sq. ft) @$10353
Saleable: 398(sq. ft) @$12538
Gross: 588(sq. ft) @$8486
Saleable: 308(sq. ft) @$15000
Gross: 448(sq. ft) @$10313
Saleable: 305(sq. ft) @$15574
Gross: 456(sq. ft) @$10417
Saleable: 305(sq. ft) @$15279
Gross: 456(sq. ft) @$10219
Saleable: 419(sq. ft) @$14797
Gross: 616(sq. ft) @$10065
Saleable: 308(sq. ft) @$15812
Gross: 448(sq. ft) @$10871
Saleable: 419(sq. ft) @$15036
Gross: 616(sq. ft) @$10227
Saleable: 308(sq. ft) @$17922
Gross: 448(sq. ft) @$12321
Saleable: 423(sq. ft) @$16430
Gross: 621(sq. ft) @$11192
Saleable: 293(sq. ft) @$18662
Gross: 445(sq. ft) @$12288
Saleable: 423(sq. ft) @$15957
Gross: 621(sq. ft) @$10870
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
10/12/2024 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 9楼 13室 | 3.59M | 238sq. ft. / 374sq. ft. | $15084 / $9599 | 25/02/2022 | 4.5M / -20% | Land Registry |
02/12/2024 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 38楼 9室 | 4.18M | 308sq. ft. / 448sq. ft. | $13571 / $9330 | 25/07/2014 | 3.9M / +7% | Land Registry |
26/11/2024 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 50楼 5室 | 12.85M | 927sq. ft. / 1268sq. ft. | $13862 / $10134 | 29/01/2007 | 6.46M / +99% | Land Registry |
25/11/2024 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 7楼 5室 | 5.4M | 429sq. ft. / 623sq. ft. | $12587 / $8668 | 31/03/2008 | 2.2M / +146% | Land Registry |
07/11/2024 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 18楼 3室 | 6M | 438sq. ft. / 588sq. ft. | $13699 / $10204 | 23/01/2007 | 1.78M / +238% | Land Registry |
31/10/2024 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 10楼 7室 | 5.53M | 434sq. ft. / 634sq. ft. | $12737 / $8719 | 05/11/2019 | 7M / -21% | Land Registry |
17/10/2024 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 19楼 11室 | 4.9M | 395sq. ft. / 584sq. ft. | $12405 / $8390 | 01/08/2016 | 4.75M / +3% | Land Registry |
07/10/2024 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 8楼 12室 | 4M | 293sq. ft. / 445sq. ft. | $13652 / $8989 | 28/03/2018 | 5.25M / -24% | Land Registry |
20/09/2024 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 47楼 9室 | 4.64M | 308sq. ft. / 448sq. ft. | $15058 / $10353 | 02/02/2011 | 2.65M / +75% | Land Registry |
13/09/2024 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 17楼 3室 | 4.99M | 398sq. ft. / 588sq. ft. | $12538 / $8486 | 15/03/2010 | 2.45M / +104% | Land Registry |
24/07/2024 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 22楼 9室 | 4.62M | 308sq. ft. / 448sq. ft. | $15000 / $10313 | 20/06/2014 | 3.48M / +33% | Land Registry |
07/03/2024 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 29楼 6室 | 4.75M | 305sq. ft. / 456sq. ft. | $15574 / $10417 | 15/05/2014 | 3.65M / +30% | Land Registry |
02/02/2024 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 32楼 6室 | 4.66M | 305sq. ft. / 456sq. ft. | $15279 / $10219 | 24/01/2007 | 1.63M / +186% | Land Registry |
29/01/2024 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 47楼 10室 | 6.2M | 419sq. ft. / 616sq. ft. | $14797 / $10065 | 16/10/2009 | 2.49M / +149% | Land Registry |
11/12/2023 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 39楼 9室 | 4.87M | 308sq. ft. / 448sq. ft. | $15812 / $10871 | 18/01/2018 | 5.42M / -10% | Land Registry |
13/10/2023 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 33楼 10室 | 6.3M | 419sq. ft. / 616sq. ft. | $15036 / $10227 | 03/08/2012 | 3.62M / +74% | Land Registry |
28/06/2023 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 30楼 9室 | 5.52M | 308sq. ft. / 448sq. ft. | $17922 / $12321 | 15/06/2018 | 6M / -8% | Land Registry |
01/06/2023 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 28楼 5室 | 6.95M | 423sq. ft. / 621sq. ft. | $16430 / $11192 | 12/06/2019 | 7.28M / -5% | Land Registry |
29/05/2023 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 35楼 2室 | 5.47M | 293sq. ft. / 445sq. ft. | $18662 / $12288 | 19/09/2019 | 5.38M / +2% | Land Registry |
17/05/2023 | 荃湾西 | 立坊 立坊 18楼 5室 | 6.75M | 423sq. ft. / 621sq. ft. | $15957 / $10870 | 25/01/2007 | 2.06M / +228% | Land Registry |