Saleable: 773(sq. ft) @$10000
Gross: 943(sq. ft) @$8197
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 708(sq. ft) @$9605
Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$8000
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 708(sq. ft) @$9929
Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$8271
Saleable: 691(sq. ft) @$9071
Gross: 845(sq. ft) @$7418
Saleable: 691(sq. ft) @$10130
Gross: 845(sq. ft) @$8284
Saleable: 708(sq. ft) @$9816
Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$8176
Saleable: 610(sq. ft) @$10328
Gross: 738(sq. ft) @$8537
Saleable: 760(sq. ft) @$10789
Gross: 928(sq. ft) @$8836
Saleable: 610(sq. ft) @$9967
Gross: 738(sq. ft) @$8238
Saleable: 760(sq. ft) @$11421
Gross: 928(sq. ft) @$9353
Saleable: 723(sq. ft) @$11037
Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$9388
Saleable: 702(sq. ft) @$10256
Gross: 858(sq. ft) @$8392
Saleable: 760(sq. ft) @$11184
Gross: 928(sq. ft) @$9159
Saleable: 760(sq. ft) @$11447
Gross: 928(sq. ft) @$9375
Saleable: 773(sq. ft) @$11617
Gross: 943(sq. ft) @$9523
Saleable: 773(sq. ft) @$12135
Gross: 943(sq. ft) @$9947
Saleable: 708(sq. ft) @$11186
Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$9318
Saleable: 760(sq. ft) @$11421
Gross: 928(sq. ft) @$9353
Saleable: 691(sq. ft) @$10753
Gross: 845(sq. ft) @$8793
Saleable: 708(sq. ft) @$10734
Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$8941
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
15/01/2025 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 1 Middle Floor FLAT F | 7.73M | 773sq. ft. / 943sq. ft. | $10000 / $8197 | -- | -- / -- | Ricacorp Website* |
15/01/2025 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 3 Lower Floor FLAT E | 6.8M | 708sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. | $9605 / $8000 | -- | -- / -- | Ricacorp Website* |
15/01/2025 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 5 4/F FLAT D | 7.03M | 708sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. | $9929 / $8271 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
08/01/2025 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 5 16/F FLAT B | 6.27M | 691sq. ft. / 845sq. ft. | $9071 / $7418 | 08/01/2010 | 3.1M / +102% | Land Registry |
02/12/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 4 23/F FLAT G | 7M | 691sq. ft. / 845sq. ft. | $10130 / $8284 | 12/03/2021 | 8.6M / -19% | Land Registry |
28/10/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 5 10/F FLAT D | 6.95M | 708sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. | $9816 / $8176 | 16/07/2004 | 2.44M / +185% | Land Registry |
21/08/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 5 22/F FLAT A | 6.3M | 610sq. ft. / 738sq. ft. | $10328 / $8537 | 22/02/2011 | 3.57M / +77% | Land Registry |
11/07/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 3 23/F FLAT C | 8.2M | 760sq. ft. / 928sq. ft. | $10789 / $8836 | 09/07/2004 | 2.97M / +176% | Land Registry |
04/07/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 2 16/F FLAT A | 6.08M | 610sq. ft. / 738sq. ft. | $9967 / $8238 | 15/10/2010 | 3.2M / +90% | Land Registry |
21/06/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 4 10/F FLAT C | 8.68M | 760sq. ft. / 928sq. ft. | $11421 / $9353 | 18/10/2013 | 6.59M / +32% | Land Registry |
06/06/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 4 20/F FLAT D | 7.98M | 723sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. | $11037 / $9388 | 10/05/1999 | 3.5M / +128% | Land Registry |
28/05/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 1 18/F FLAT G | 7.2M | 702sq. ft. / 858sq. ft. | $10256 / $8392 | 10/09/2018 | 8M / -10% | Land Registry |
16/05/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 4 15/F FLAT F | 8.5M | 760sq. ft. / 928sq. ft. | $11184 / $9159 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
19/04/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 5 7/F FLAT F | 8.7M | 760sq. ft. / 928sq. ft. | $11447 / $9375 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
02/04/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 2 28/F FLAT C | 8.98M | 773sq. ft. / 943sq. ft. | $11617 / $9523 | 06/05/2015 | 8.08M / +11% | Land Registry |
21/03/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 2 26/F FLAT C | 9.38M | 773sq. ft. / 943sq. ft. | $12135 / $9947 | 09/08/2013 | 6.5M / +44% | Land Registry |
15/03/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 1 16/F FLAT E | 7.92M | 708sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. | $11186 / $9318 | 14/09/2012 | 5.6M / +41% | Land Registry |
14/03/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 3 26/F FLAT F | 8.68M | 760sq. ft. / 928sq. ft. | $11421 / $9353 | 10/04/1997 | 6.9M / +26% | Land Registry |
29/02/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 5 28/F FLAT G | 7.43M | 691sq. ft. / 845sq. ft. | $10753 / $8793 | 20/08/2010 | 3.68M / +102% | Land Registry |
21/02/2024 | Belvedere | Bayview Garden Block 1 13/F FLAT D | 7.6M | 708sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. | $10734 / $8941 | 01/03/2003 | 2M / +280% | Land Registry |