Lok Nga Court Nga Ping House (Block F) 15/F FLAT 1

Saleable: 483(sq. ft) @$8282

Gross: 588(sq. ft) @$6803

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Tsui House (Block C) 5/F FLAT 5

Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$7942

Gross: 544(sq. ft) @$6526

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Wo House (Block E) 2/F FLAT 3

Saleable: 467(sq. ft) @$7495

Gross: 568(sq. ft) @$6162

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Wo House (Block E) 27/F FLAT 7

Saleable: 467(sq. ft) @$7859

Gross: 568(sq. ft) @$6461

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Ping House (Block F) 21/F FLAT 2

Saleable: 467(sq. ft) @$7388

Gross: 568(sq. ft) @$6074

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Ping House (Block F) 24/F FLAT 3

Saleable: 431(sq. ft) @$8237

Gross: 523(sq. ft) @$6788

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Ping House (Block F) 26/F FLAT 2

Saleable: 467(sq. ft) @$7323

Gross: 568(sq. ft) @$6021

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Yat House (Block A) 20/F FLAT 1

Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$8009

Gross: 544(sq. ft) @$6581

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Tsui House (Block C) 24/F FLAT 7

Saleable: 467(sq. ft) @$6638

Gross: 568(sq. ft) @$5458

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Wo House (Block E) 6/F FLAT 4

Saleable: 483(sq. ft) @$8592

Gross: 588(sq. ft) @$7058

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Wo House (Block E) 23/F FLAT 5

Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$9843

Gross: 544(sq. ft) @$8088

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Yat House (Block A) 15/F FLAT 8

Saleable: 483(sq. ft) @$7039

Gross: 588(sq. ft) @$5782

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Ching House (Block B) 7/F FLAT 8

Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$8725

Gross: 544(sq. ft) @$7169

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Tsui House (Block C) 18/F FLAT 1

Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$6711

Gross: 544(sq. ft) @$5515

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Ping House (Block F) 8/F FLAT 1

Saleable: 483(sq. ft) @$7867

Gross: 588(sq. ft) @$6463

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Yat House (Block A) 14/F FLAT 8

Saleable: 483(sq. ft) @$8799

Gross: 588(sq. ft) @$7228

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Yee House (Block D) 9/F FLAT 2

Saleable: 467(sq. ft) @$8994

Gross: 568(sq. ft) @$7394

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Ping House (Block F) 21/F FLAT 7

Saleable: 431(sq. ft) @$8817

Gross: 523(sq. ft) @$7266

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Yat House (Block A) 11/F FLAT 4

Saleable: 483(sq. ft) @$8489

Gross: 588(sq. ft) @$6973

  • Land Registry


Lok Nga Court Nga Tsui House (Block C) 27/F FLAT 4

Saleable: 483(sq. ft) @$8820

Gross: 588(sq. ft) @$7245

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

54 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
20/12/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Ping House (Block F) 15/F FLAT 1
4M 483sq. ft. / 588sq. ft. $8282 / $6803 -- -- / --
Land Registry
02/12/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Tsui House (Block C) 5/F FLAT 5
3.55M 447sq. ft. / 544sq. ft. $7942 / $6526 -- -- / --
Land Registry
13/11/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Wo House (Block E) 2/F FLAT 3
3.5M 467sq. ft. / 568sq. ft. $7495 / $6162 -- -- / --
Land Registry
08/11/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Wo House (Block E) 27/F FLAT 7
3.67M 467sq. ft. / 568sq. ft. $7859 / $6461 -- -- / --
Land Registry
29/10/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Ping House (Block F) 21/F FLAT 2
3.45M 467sq. ft. / 568sq. ft. $7388 / $6074 -- -- / --
Land Registry
25/10/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Ping House (Block F) 24/F FLAT 3
3.55M 431sq. ft. / 523sq. ft. $8237 / $6788 -- -- / --
Land Registry
23/10/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Ping House (Block F) 26/F FLAT 2
3.42M 467sq. ft. / 568sq. ft. $7323 / $6021 -- -- / --
Land Registry
02/09/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Yat House (Block A) 20/F FLAT 1
3.58M 447sq. ft. / 544sq. ft. $8009 / $6581 -- -- / --
Land Registry
09/08/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Tsui House (Block C) 24/F FLAT 7
3.1M 467sq. ft. / 568sq. ft. $6638 / $5458 -- -- / --
Land Registry
27/06/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Wo House (Block E) 6/F FLAT 4
4.15M 483sq. ft. / 588sq. ft. $8592 / $7058 -- -- / --
Land Registry
24/06/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Wo House (Block E) 23/F FLAT 5
4.4M 447sq. ft. / 544sq. ft. $9843 / $8088 -- -- / --
Land Registry
18/06/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Yat House (Block A) 15/F FLAT 8
3.4M 483sq. ft. / 588sq. ft. $7039 / $5782 -- -- / --
Land Registry
18/06/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Ching House (Block B) 7/F FLAT 8
3.9M 447sq. ft. / 544sq. ft. $8725 / $7169 -- -- / --
Land Registry
12/06/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Tsui House (Block C) 18/F FLAT 1
3M 447sq. ft. / 544sq. ft. $6711 / $5515 -- -- / --
Land Registry
30/04/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Ping House (Block F) 8/F FLAT 1
3.8M 483sq. ft. / 588sq. ft. $7867 / $6463 -- -- / --
Land Registry
25/04/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Yat House (Block A) 14/F FLAT 8
4.25M 483sq. ft. / 588sq. ft. $8799 / $7228 -- -- / --
Land Registry
24/04/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Yee House (Block D) 9/F FLAT 2
4.2M 467sq. ft. / 568sq. ft. $8994 / $7394 -- -- / --
Land Registry
16/04/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Ping House (Block F) 21/F FLAT 7
3.8M 431sq. ft. / 523sq. ft. $8817 / $7266 -- -- / --
Land Registry
09/04/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Yat House (Block A) 11/F FLAT 4
4.1M 483sq. ft. / 588sq. ft. $8489 / $6973 -- -- / --
Land Registry
28/03/2024 Ngau Tau Kok
Lok Nga Court
Nga Tsui House (Block C) 27/F FLAT 4
4.26M 483sq. ft. / 588sq. ft. $8820 / $7245 -- -- / --
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.