Amoy Gardens Phase 3 Block P 9/F FLAT 6

Saleable: 356(sq. ft) @$10955

Gross: 480(sq. ft) @$8125

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 2A Block I 22/F FLAT 8

Saleable: 378(sq. ft) @$11825

Gross: 484(sq. ft) @$9236

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 3 Block P 32/F FLAT 7
$3.66M +11%

Saleable: 285(sq. ft) @$12842

Gross: 371(sq. ft) @$9865

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 3 Block L 4/F FLAT 6
$4.42M +7%

Saleable: 356(sq. ft) @$12416

Gross: 480(sq. ft) @$9208

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 3B Block S 5/F FLAT 2
$5.22M +184%

Saleable: 450(sq. ft) @$11600

Gross: 572(sq. ft) @$9126

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 3B Block R 18/F FLAT 7
$5.35M +172%

Saleable: 484(sq. ft) @$11054

Gross: 607(sq. ft) @$8814

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 3B Block Q Middle Floor FLAT 7

Saleable: 484(sq. ft) @$11405

Gross: 607(sq. ft) @$9094

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Amoy Gardens Phase 3 Block L Upper Floor FLAT 8

Saleable: 285(sq. ft) @$12912

Gross: 371(sq. ft) @$9919

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Amoy Gardens Phase 3B Block S 5/F FLAT 4

Saleable: 476(sq. ft) @$10546

Gross: 607(sq. ft) @$8270

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 2A Block I Middle Floor FLAT 6

Saleable: 391(sq. ft) @$11274

Gross: 501(sq. ft) @$8798

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Amoy Gardens Phase 1 Block E 10/F FLAT 3
$4.05M +212%

Saleable: 371(sq. ft) @$10916

Gross: 482(sq. ft) @$8402

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 3 Block O 29/F FLAT 7
$3.60M +260%

Saleable: 285(sq. ft) @$12632

Gross: 371(sq. ft) @$9704

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 1 Block A 33/F FLAT 1

Saleable: 390(sq. ft) @$11590

Gross: 462(sq. ft) @$9784

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 1 Block A 4/F FLAT 1
$4.20M -26%

Saleable: 390(sq. ft) @$10769

Gross: 462(sq. ft) @$9091

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 1 Block A 28/F FLAT 8
$4.35M +50%

Saleable: 375(sq. ft) @$11600

Gross: 482(sq. ft) @$9025

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 3 Block M 29/F FLAT 7
$3.58M +13%

Saleable: 285(sq. ft) @$12561

Gross: 371(sq. ft) @$9650

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 3B Block Q 18/F FLAT 2
$5.28M -32%

Saleable: 460(sq. ft) @$11478

Gross: 572(sq. ft) @$9231

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 2A Block K 18/F FLAT 6
$4.80M +104%

Saleable: 391(sq. ft) @$12276

Gross: 501(sq. ft) @$9581

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 2A Block J 33/F FLAT 3
$4.48M +213%

Saleable: 378(sq. ft) @$11852

Gross: 484(sq. ft) @$9256

  • Land Registry


Amoy Gardens Phase 1 Block A 35/F FLAT 1
$4.75M -10%

Saleable: 390(sq. ft) @$12179

Gross: 462(sq. ft) @$10281

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

440 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
19/12/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 3
Block P 9/F FLAT 6
3.9M 356sq. ft. / 480sq. ft. $10955 / $8125 -- -- / --
Land Registry
18/12/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 2A
Block I 22/F FLAT 8
4.47M 378sq. ft. / 484sq. ft. $11825 / $9236 -- -- / --
Land Registry
18/12/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 3
Block P 32/F FLAT 7
3.66M 285sq. ft. / 371sq. ft. $12842 / $9865 02/01/2013 3.3M / +11%
Land Registry
17/12/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 3
Block L 4/F FLAT 6
4.42M 356sq. ft. / 480sq. ft. $12416 / $9208 15/09/2016 4.15M / +7%
Land Registry
16/12/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 3B
Block S 5/F FLAT 2
5.22M 450sq. ft. / 572sq. ft. $11600 / $9126 13/12/2005 1.84M / +184%
Land Registry
16/12/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 3B
Block R 18/F FLAT 7
5.35M 484sq. ft. / 607sq. ft. $11054 / $8814 13/10/1999 1.97M / +172%
Land Registry
13/12/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 3B
Block Q Middle Floor FLAT 7
5.52M 484sq. ft. / 607sq. ft. $11405 / $9094 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
13/12/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 3
Block L Upper Floor FLAT 8
3.68M 285sq. ft. / 371sq. ft. $12912 / $9919 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
13/12/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 3B
Block S 5/F FLAT 4
5.02M 476sq. ft. / 607sq. ft. $10546 / $8270 -- -- / --
Land Registry
12/12/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 2A
Block I Middle Floor FLAT 6
4.41M 391sq. ft. / 501sq. ft. $11274 / $8798 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
11/12/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 1
Block E 10/F FLAT 3
4.05M 371sq. ft. / 482sq. ft. $10916 / $8402 23/06/2001 1.3M / +212%
Land Registry
09/12/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 3
Block O 29/F FLAT 7
3.6M 285sq. ft. / 371sq. ft. $12632 / $9704 16/12/2005 1M / +260%
Land Registry
06/12/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 1
Block A 33/F FLAT 1
4.52M 390sq. ft. / 462sq. ft. $11590 / $9784 -- -- / --
Land Registry
29/11/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 1
Block A 4/F FLAT 1
4.2M 390sq. ft. / 462sq. ft. $10769 / $9091 28/10/2021 5.7M / -26%
Land Registry
29/11/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 1
Block A 28/F FLAT 8
4.35M 375sq. ft. / 482sq. ft. $11600 / $9025 11/11/2011 2.91M / +50%
Land Registry
27/11/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 3
Block M 29/F FLAT 7
3.58M 285sq. ft. / 371sq. ft. $12561 / $9650 17/04/2014 3.16M / +13%
Land Registry
26/11/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 3B
Block Q 18/F FLAT 2
5.28M 460sq. ft. / 572sq. ft. $11478 / $9231 16/07/2021 7.82M / -32%
Land Registry
26/11/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 2A
Block K 18/F FLAT 6
4.8M 391sq. ft. / 501sq. ft. $12276 / $9581 24/09/2010 2.35M / +104%
Land Registry
26/11/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 2A
Block J 33/F FLAT 3
4.48M 378sq. ft. / 484sq. ft. $11852 / $9256 07/09/2000 1.43M / +213%
Land Registry
25/11/2024 Kowloon Bay
Amoy Gardens Phase 1
Block A 35/F FLAT 1
4.75M 390sq. ft. / 462sq. ft. $12179 / $10281 03/03/2017 5.28M / -10%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.