Saleable: 501(sq. ft) @$15569
Gross: 684(sq. ft) @$11404
Saleable: 523(sq. ft) @$11472
Gross: 658(sq. ft) @$9119
Saleable: 501(sq. ft) @$15170
Gross: 684(sq. ft) @$11111
Saleable: 501(sq. ft) @$14970
Gross: 684(sq. ft) @$10965
Saleable: 484(sq. ft) @$14215
Gross: 679(sq. ft) @$10133
Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$14397
Gross: 631(sq. ft) @$10586
Saleable: 441(sq. ft) @$14331
Gross: 624(sq. ft) @$10128
Saleable: 452(sq. ft) @$14381
Gross: 632(sq. ft) @$10285
Saleable: 467(sq. ft) @$14989
Gross: 656(sq. ft) @$10671
Saleable: 441(sq. ft) @$13787
Gross: 624(sq. ft) @$9744
Saleable: 462(sq. ft) @$14199
Gross: 658(sq. ft) @$9970
Saleable: 441(sq. ft) @$13333
Gross: 624(sq. ft) @$9423
Saleable: 441(sq. ft) @$13492
Gross: 624(sq. ft) @$9535
Saleable: 462(sq. ft) @$13810
Gross: 640(sq. ft) @$9969
Saleable: 467(sq. ft) @$13619
Gross: 656(sq. ft) @$9695
Saleable: 441(sq. ft) @$15102
Gross: 624(sq. ft) @$10673
Saleable: 441(sq. ft) @$15079
Gross: 624(sq. ft) @$10657
Saleable: 441(sq. ft) @$14921
Gross: 624(sq. ft) @$10545
Saleable: 467(sq. ft) @$15203
Gross: 656(sq. ft) @$10823
Saleable: 602(sq. ft) @$15947
Gross: 845(sq. ft) @$11361
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
09/01/2025 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 3 52/F FLAT F | 7.8M | 501sq. ft. / 684sq. ft. | $15569 / $11404 | 26/10/2012 | 6M / +30% | Land Registry |
06/12/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 3 21/F FLAT E | 6M | 523sq. ft. / 658sq. ft. | $11472 / $9119 | 19/01/2004 | 2.09M / +187% | Land Registry |
03/12/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 2 49/F FLAT F | 7.6M | 501sq. ft. / 684sq. ft. | $15170 / $11111 | 01/08/2007 | 2.72M / +179% | Land Registry |
29/11/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 2 36/F FLAT F | 7.5M | 501sq. ft. / 684sq. ft. | $14970 / $10965 | 28/12/2009 | 3.54M / +112% | Land Registry |
26/11/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 2 29/F FLAT C | 6.88M | 484sq. ft. / 679sq. ft. | $14215 / $10133 | 31/12/2003 | 1.72M / +300% | Land Registry |
05/11/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 2 47/F FLAT A | 6.68M | 464sq. ft. / 631sq. ft. | $14397 / $10586 | 07/04/2006 | 2.56M / +161% | Land Registry |
31/10/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 5 15/F FLAT B | 6.32M | 441sq. ft. / 624sq. ft. | $14331 / $10128 | 09/01/2012 | 4M / +58% | Land Registry |
16/10/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 3 55/F FLAT G | 6.5M | 452sq. ft. / 632sq. ft. | $14381 / $10285 | 07/08/2017 | 7.5M / -13% | Land Registry |
16/10/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 3 55/F FLAT H | 7M | 467sq. ft. / 656sq. ft. | $14989 / $10671 | 10/02/2017 | 7M / +0% | Land Registry |
10/10/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 5 32/F FLAT B | 6.08M | 441sq. ft. / 624sq. ft. | $13787 / $9744 | 03/08/2021 | 8.7M / -30% | Land Registry |
08/10/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 2 29/F FLAT F | 6.56M | 462sq. ft. / 658sq. ft. | $14199 / $9970 | 14/04/2005 | 2.8M / +134% | Land Registry |
03/10/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 3 19/F FLAT A | 5.88M | 441sq. ft. / 624sq. ft. | $13333 / $9423 | 13/03/2012 | 4.3M / +37% | Land Registry |
17/09/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 2 19/F FLAT A | 5.95M | 441sq. ft. / 624sq. ft. | $13492 / $9535 | 04/12/2003 | 1.77M / +235% | Land Registry |
30/08/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 2 8/F FLAT F | 6.38M | 462sq. ft. / 640sq. ft. | $13810 / $9969 | 29/06/2010 | 4.26M / +50% | Land Registry |
26/08/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 3 17/F FLAT H | 6.36M | 467sq. ft. / 656sq. ft. | $13619 / $9695 | 18/01/2022 | 8.4M / -24% | Land Registry |
19/07/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 3 57/F FLAT A | 6.66M | 441sq. ft. / 624sq. ft. | $15102 / $10673 | 25/07/2013 | 6M / +11% | Land Registry |
19/07/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 3 17/F FLAT B | 6.65M | 441sq. ft. / 624sq. ft. | $15079 / $10657 | 02/01/2009 | 2.35M / +183% | Land Registry |
15/07/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 3 33/F FLAT B | 6.58M | 441sq. ft. / 624sq. ft. | $14921 / $10545 | 17/08/2009 | 2.96M / +122% | Land Registry |
11/07/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 3 32/F FLAT C | 7.1M | 467sq. ft. / 656sq. ft. | $15203 / $10823 | 10/01/2024 | 6.96M / +2% | Land Registry |
30/05/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 5 48/F FLAT H | 9.6M | 602sq. ft. / 845sq. ft. | $15947 / $11361 | 23/09/2013 | 7.64M / +26% | Land Registry |