Saleable: 305(sq. ft) @$16230
Saleable: 305(sq. ft) @$16721
Saleable: 304(sq. ft) @$17105
Saleable: 377(sq. ft) @$16313
Saleable: 427(sq. ft) @$20019
Saleable: 309(sq. ft) @$15146
Saleable: 413(sq. ft) @$15738
Saleable: 309(sq. ft) @$18641
Saleable: 305(sq. ft) @$18230
Saleable: 281(sq. ft) @$20996
Saleable: 299(sq. ft) @$21405
Saleable: 301(sq. ft) @$19269
Saleable: 301(sq. ft) @$19003
Saleable: 305(sq. ft) @$17213
Saleable: 309(sq. ft) @$16764
Saleable: 299(sq. ft) @$18562
Saleable: 299(sq. ft) @$19398
Saleable: 299(sq. ft) @$21338
Saleable: 413(sq. ft) @$21743
Saleable: 305(sq. ft) @$22066
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
21/02/2025 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 20/F FLAT D | 4.95M | 305sq. ft. / -- | $16230 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 5.72M / -14% | Land Registry |
06/02/2025 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 25/F FLAT E | 5.1M | 305sq. ft. / -- | $16721 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 5.82M / -12% | Land Registry |
10/12/2024 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 23/F FLAT G | 5.2M | 304sq. ft. / -- | $17105 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 5.68M / -8% | Land Registry |
26/11/2024 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 19/F FLAT C | 6.15M | 377sq. ft. / -- | $16313 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 6.98M / -12% | Land Registry |
21/11/2024 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 28/F FLAT B | 8.55M | 427sq. ft. / -- | $20019 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
24/10/2024 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 19/F FLAT L | 4.68M | 309sq. ft. / -- | $15146 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 5.13M / -9% | Land Registry |
03/09/2024 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 15/F FLAT A | 6.5M | 413sq. ft. / -- | $15738 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 7.31M / -11% | Land Registry |
04/06/2024 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 17/F FLAT L | 5.76M | 309sq. ft. / -- | $18641 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 5.09M / +13% | Land Registry |
30/10/2023 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 10/F FLAT E | 5.56M | 305sq. ft. / -- | $18230 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 5.39M / +3% | Land Registry |
24/04/2023 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 5/F FLAT E | 5.9M | 281sq. ft. / -- | $20996 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 5.9M / +0% | Land Registry |
20/03/2023 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 22/F FLAT J | 6.4M | 299sq. ft. / -- | $21405 / -- | 01/02/2019 | 6.16M / +4% | Land Registry |
17/03/2023 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 15/F FLAT F | 5.8M | 301sq. ft. / -- | $19269 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 5.44M / +7% | Land Registry |
10/03/2023 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 19/F FLAT F | 5.72M | 301sq. ft. / -- | $19003 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 5.56M / +3% | Land Registry |
08/02/2023 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 6/F FLAT D | 5.25M | 305sq. ft. / -- | $17213 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 5.33M / -1% | Land Registry |
17/01/2023 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 10/F FLAT L | 5.18M | 309sq. ft. / -- | $16764 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 5.01M / +3% | Land Registry |
22/12/2022 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 16/F FLAT J | 5.55M | 299sq. ft. / -- | $18562 / -- | 01/02/2019 | 5.93M / -6% | Land Registry |
09/11/2022 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 20/F FLAT J | 5.8M | 299sq. ft. / -- | $19398 / -- | 01/02/2019 | 6M / -3% | Land Registry |
28/10/2022 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 23/F FLAT J | 6.38M | 299sq. ft. / -- | $21338 / -- | 01/02/2019 | 6.05M / +5% | Land Registry |
19/07/2022 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 22/F FLAT A | 8.98M | 413sq. ft. / -- | $21743 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 8.3M / +8% | Land Registry |
15/07/2022 | To Kwa Wan | Downtown 38 Downtown 38 17/F FLAT E | 6.73M | 305sq. ft. / -- | $22066 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 5.54M / +21% | Land Registry |