Park Avenue Central Park Tower 1 45/F FLAT G
$8.70M +25%

Saleable: 480(sq. ft) @$18125

Gross: 653(sq. ft) @$13323

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 3 27/F FLAT H
$10.83M +131%

Saleable: 595(sq. ft) @$18198

Gross: 818(sq. ft) @$13237

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 3 47/F FLAT B
$11.00M +16%

Saleable: 690(sq. ft) @$15942

Gross: 913(sq. ft) @$12048

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 5 26/F FLAT E
$10.88M -23%

Saleable: 595(sq. ft) @$18286

Gross: 818(sq. ft) @$13301

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 5 30/F FLAT C
$13.20M +32%

Saleable: 698(sq. ft) @$18911

Gross: 943(sq. ft) @$13998

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 1 15/F FLAT B
$18.38M +124%

Saleable: 1003(sq. ft) @$18325

Gross: 1331(sq. ft) @$13809

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 3 27/F FLAT G
$8.98M +64%

Saleable: 473(sq. ft) @$18985

Gross: 645(sq. ft) @$13922

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 5 41/F FLAT E
$11.80M +235%

Saleable: 597(sq. ft) @$19765

Gross: 818(sq. ft) @$14425

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 3 39/F FLAT D
$16.60M +177%

Saleable: 746(sq. ft) @$22252

Gross: 1000(sq. ft) @$16600

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 2 18/F FLAT E
$10.90M -26%

Saleable: 592(sq. ft) @$18412

Gross: 817(sq. ft) @$13341

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 5 7/F FLAT D
$14.31M -9%

Saleable: 743(sq. ft) @$19257

Gross: 1000(sq. ft) @$14308

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 5 21/F FLAT H
$10.70M +212%

Saleable: 592(sq. ft) @$18074

Gross: 820(sq. ft) @$13049

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 1 46/F FLAT G
$9.03M -17%

Saleable: 480(sq. ft) @$18808

Gross: 653(sq. ft) @$13825

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 3 12/F FLAT A
$11.85M +68%

Saleable: 673(sq. ft) @$17608

Gross: 907(sq. ft) @$13065

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 2 8/F FLAT F
$8.65M +38%

Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$18443

Gross: 645(sq. ft) @$13411

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 1 19/F FLAT D
$20.50M +254%

Saleable: 1013(sq. ft) @$20237

Gross: 1345(sq. ft) @$15242

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 5 11/F FLAT A
$11.68M -3%

Saleable: 673(sq. ft) @$17355

Gross: 907(sq. ft) @$12878

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 3 36/F FLAT H
$10.88M +37%

Saleable: 595(sq. ft) @$18286

Gross: 818(sq. ft) @$13301

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 2 43/F FLAT H
$11.00M +157%

Saleable: 597(sq. ft) @$18425

Gross: 817(sq. ft) @$13464

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 1 7/F FLAT A
$14.90M +113%

Saleable: 759(sq. ft) @$19631

Gross: 1019(sq. ft) @$14622

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

101 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
05/03/2025 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 1 45/F FLAT G
8.7M 480sq. ft. / 653sq. ft. $18125 / $13323 19/03/2014 6.99M / +25%
Land Registry
03/03/2025 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 3 27/F FLAT H
10.83M 595sq. ft. / 818sq. ft. $18198 / $13237 06/09/2005 4.68M / +131%
Land Registry
03/03/2025 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 3 47/F FLAT B
11M 690sq. ft. / 913sq. ft. $15942 / $12048 08/03/2011 9.5M / +16%
Land Registry
28/02/2025 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 5 26/F FLAT E
10.88M 595sq. ft. / 818sq. ft. $18286 / $13301 29/11/2019 14.2M / -23%
Land Registry
08/01/2025 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 5 30/F FLAT C
13.2M 698sq. ft. / 943sq. ft. $18911 / $13998 09/09/2011 10M / +32%
Land Registry
28/11/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 1 15/F FLAT B
18.38M 1003sq. ft. / 1331sq. ft. $18325 / $13809 12/10/2007 8.2M / +124%
Land Registry
26/11/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 3 27/F FLAT G
8.98M 473sq. ft. / 645sq. ft. $18985 / $13922 22/10/2010 5.48M / +64%
Land Registry
20/11/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 5 41/F FLAT E
11.8M 597sq. ft. / 818sq. ft. $19765 / $14425 03/01/2002 3.52M / +235%
Land Registry
12/11/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 3 39/F FLAT D
16.6M 746sq. ft. / 1000sq. ft. $22252 / $16600 12/08/2006 6M / +177%
Land Registry
30/10/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 2 18/F FLAT E
10.9M 592sq. ft. / 817sq. ft. $18412 / $13341 10/08/2018 14.68M / -26%
Land Registry
28/10/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 5 7/F FLAT D
14.31M 743sq. ft. / 1000sq. ft. $19257 / $14308 05/12/2017 15.7M / -9%
Land Registry
24/10/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 5 21/F FLAT H
10.7M 592sq. ft. / 820sq. ft. $18074 / $13049 03/05/2001 3.43M / +212%
Land Registry
24/10/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 1 46/F FLAT G
9.03M 480sq. ft. / 653sq. ft. $18808 / $13825 07/09/2023 10.9M / -17%
Land Registry
21/10/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 3 12/F FLAT A
11.85M 673sq. ft. / 907sq. ft. $17608 / $13065 16/07/2010 7.07M / +68%
Land Registry
17/10/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 2 8/F FLAT F
8.65M 469sq. ft. / 645sq. ft. $18443 / $13411 04/11/2011 6.28M / +38%
Land Registry
04/10/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 1 19/F FLAT D
20.5M 1013sq. ft. / 1345sq. ft. $20237 / $15242 03/11/2003 5.79M / +254%
Land Registry
02/10/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 5 11/F FLAT A
11.68M 673sq. ft. / 907sq. ft. $17355 / $12878 09/03/2018 12M / -3%
Land Registry
05/09/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 3 36/F FLAT H
10.88M 595sq. ft. / 818sq. ft. $18286 / $13301 09/01/2012 7.97M / +37%
Land Registry
23/08/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 2 43/F FLAT H
11M 597sq. ft. / 817sq. ft. $18425 / $13464 04/10/2004 4.28M / +157%
Land Registry
24/07/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 1 7/F FLAT A
14.9M 759sq. ft. / 1019sq. ft. $19631 / $14622 01/06/2009 7M / +113%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.