Saleable: 887(sq. ft) @$13529
Gross: 1110(sq. ft) @$10811
Saleable: 1038(sq. ft) @$13854
Gross: 1305(sq. ft) @$11019
Saleable: 1038(sq. ft) @$14258
Gross: 1305(sq. ft) @$11341
Saleable: 791(sq. ft) @$17446
Gross: 995(sq. ft) @$13869
Saleable: 859(sq. ft) @$15017
Gross: 1075(sq. ft) @$12000
Saleable: 1059(sq. ft) @$13107
Saleable: 791(sq. ft) @$14539
Gross: 995(sq. ft) @$11558
Saleable: 791(sq. ft) @$15171
Gross: 995(sq. ft) @$12060
Saleable: 1038(sq. ft) @$18382
Gross: 1305(sq. ft) @$14621
Saleable: 887(sq. ft) @$15874
Gross: 1110(sq. ft) @$12685
Saleable: 1026(sq. ft) @$19786
Gross: 1322(sq. ft) @$15356
Saleable: 1028(sq. ft) @$17393
Gross: 1288(sq. ft) @$13882
Saleable: 859(sq. ft) @$16880
Gross: 1075(sq. ft) @$13488
Saleable: 904(sq. ft) @$14912
Gross: 1155(sq. ft) @$11671
Saleable: 1059(sq. ft) @$15751
Saleable: 904(sq. ft) @$15044
Gross: 1155(sq. ft) @$11775
Saleable: 1059(sq. ft) @$16619
Gross: 1323(sq. ft) @$13303
Saleable: 1059(sq. ft) @$19339
Gross: 1323(sq. ft) @$15480
Saleable: 1028(sq. ft) @$21401
Gross: 1288(sq. ft) @$17081
Saleable: 859(sq. ft) @$21496
Gross: 1075(sq. ft) @$17177
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
02/08/2024 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 2 5/F FLAT A | 12M | 887sq. ft. / 1110sq. ft. | $13529 / $10811 | 14/09/1996 | 10.24M / +17% | Land Registry |
10/05/2024 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 5 2/F FLAT C | 14.38M | 1038sq. ft. / 1305sq. ft. | $13854 / $11019 | 10/07/1998 | 7.57M / +90% | Land Registry |
08/05/2024 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 5 20/F FLAT C | 14.8M | 1038sq. ft. / 1305sq. ft. | $14258 / $11341 | 15/06/1998 | 11.29M / +31% | Land Registry |
17/04/2024 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 3 16/F FLAT B | 13.8M | 791sq. ft. / 995sq. ft. | $17446 / $13869 | 17/01/2017 | 12.68M / +9% | Land Registry |
12/04/2024 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 2 8/F FLAT D | 12.9M | 859sq. ft. / 1075sq. ft. | $15017 / $12000 | 09/09/2002 | 4.15M / +211% | Land Registry |
25/03/2024 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 2 21/F FLAT B | 13.88M | 1059sq. ft. / -- | $13107 / -- | 23/05/2005 | 8.8M / +58% | Land Registry |
12/12/2023 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 2 2/F FLAT C | 11.5M | 791sq. ft. / 995sq. ft. | $14539 / $11558 | 23/07/2007 | 5.47M / +110% | Land Registry |
03/11/2023 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 3 15/F FLAT B | 12M | 791sq. ft. / 995sq. ft. | $15171 / $12060 | 10/11/2011 | 9.95M / +21% | Land Registry |
10/10/2023 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 5 18/F FLAT C | 19.08M | 1038sq. ft. / 1305sq. ft. | $18382 / $14621 | 19/10/1998 | 9.5M / +101% | Land Registry |
20/03/2023 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 1 8/F FLAT D | 14.08M | 887sq. ft. / 1110sq. ft. | $15874 / $12685 | 25/02/2014 | 12.38M / +14% | Land Registry |
07/03/2023 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 5 1/F FLAT B | 20.3M | 1026sq. ft. / 1322sq. ft. | $19786 / $15356 | 26/10/2016 | 19M / +7% | Land Registry |
01/03/2023 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 5 17/F FLAT A | 17.88M | 1028sq. ft. / 1288sq. ft. | $17393 / $13882 | 08/07/1998 | 9.7M / +84% | Land Registry |
23/02/2023 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 1 7/F FLAT A | 14.5M | 859sq. ft. / 1075sq. ft. | $16880 / $13488 | 11/10/2010 | 8.86M / +64% | Land Registry |
22/02/2023 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 1 5/F FLAT C | 13.48M | 904sq. ft. / 1155sq. ft. | $14912 / $11671 | 04/06/2009 | 6.7M / +101% | Land Registry |
15/02/2023 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 2 6/F FLAT B | 16.68M | 1059sq. ft. / -- | $15751 / -- | 31/08/1998 | 6.82M / +145% | Land Registry |
01/02/2023 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 1 7/F FLAT C | 13.6M | 904sq. ft. / 1155sq. ft. | $15044 / $11775 | 09/02/2011 | 10.36M / +31% | Land Registry |
02/11/2022 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 3 17/F FLAT C | 17.6M | 1059sq. ft. / 1323sq. ft. | $16619 / $13303 | 15/02/2007 | 7.35M / +139% | Land Registry |
02/09/2022 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 2 19/F FLAT B | 20.48M | 1059sq. ft. / 1323sq. ft. | $19339 / $15480 | 02/11/2009 | 11.25M / +82% | Land Registry |
28/06/2022 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 3 17/F FLAT D | 22M | 1028sq. ft. / 1288sq. ft. | $21401 / $17081 | 14/01/2020 | 18.53M / +19% | Land Registry |
07/02/2022 | King's Park | The Regalia Tower 5 5/F FLAT D | 18.47M | 859sq. ft. / 1075sq. ft. | $21496 / $17177 | 10/09/2021 | 18.44M / +0% | Land Registry |