Sorrento Phase 1 Block 6 28/F FLAT E
$17.45M +168%

Saleable: 853(sq. ft) @$20457

Gross: 1125(sq. ft) @$15511

  • Land Registry


Sorrento Phase 2 Block 2 30/F FLAT C
$24.15M +40%

Saleable: 1054(sq. ft) @$22913

Gross: 1394(sq. ft) @$17324

  • Land Registry


Sorrento Phase 2 Block 2 27/F FLAT H
$17.80M +53%

Saleable: 870(sq. ft) @$20460

Gross: 1156(sq. ft) @$15398

  • Land Registry


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 6 31/F FLAT E
$17.88M +292%

Saleable: 853(sq. ft) @$20961

Gross: 1125(sq. ft) @$15893

  • Land Registry


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 6 Lower Floor FLAT H

Saleable: 752(sq. ft) @$19548

Gross: 1006(sq. ft) @$14612

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Sorrento Phase 2 Block 2 20/F FLAT E
$21.50M +348%

Saleable: 1052(sq. ft) @$20437

Gross: 1389(sq. ft) @$15479

  • Land Registry


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 3 Lower Floor FLAT D

Saleable: 803(sq. ft) @$22167

Gross: 1071(sq. ft) @$16620

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 5 32/F FLAT G
$16.80M +297%

Saleable: 772(sq. ft) @$21762

Gross: 1037(sq. ft) @$16201

  • Land Registry


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 3 25/F FLAT E
$20.08M +5%

Saleable: 961(sq. ft) @$20895

Gross: 1274(sq. ft) @$15761

  • Land Registry


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 6 43/F FLAT H
$16.00M -22%

Saleable: 757(sq. ft) @$21136

Gross: 1006(sq. ft) @$15905

  • Land Registry


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 6 26/F FLAT A
$14.38M +22%

Saleable: 621(sq. ft) @$23156

Gross: 846(sq. ft) @$16998

  • Land Registry


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 3 28/F FLAT G
$15.95M +140%

Saleable: 772(sq. ft) @$20661

Gross: 1037(sq. ft) @$15381

  • Land Registry


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 6 25/F FLAT A
$15.20M +9%

Saleable: 621(sq. ft) @$24477

Gross: 846(sq. ft) @$17967

  • Land Registry


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 3 36/F FLAT C
$18.80M +42%

Saleable: 802(sq. ft) @$23441

Gross: 1076(sq. ft) @$17472

  • Land Registry


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 3 23/F FLAT F
$19.68M +279%

Saleable: 961(sq. ft) @$20479

Gross: 1280(sq. ft) @$15375

  • Land Registry


Sorrento 2期 5座 Middle Floor FLAT D

Saleable: 1991(sq. ft) @$26660

  • Market Info
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 5 Middle Floor FLAT D

Saleable: 755(sq. ft) @$22649

Gross: 998(sq. ft) @$17134

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 5 49/F FLAT H
$16.28M +280%

Saleable: 755(sq. ft) @$21563

Gross: 998(sq. ft) @$16313

  • Land Registry


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 5 22/F FLAT G
$16.28M +300%

Saleable: 772(sq. ft) @$21088

Gross: 1037(sq. ft) @$15699

  • Land Registry


Sorrento Phase 1 Block 5 13/F FLAT A
$13.30M +145%

Saleable: 620(sq. ft) @$21452

Gross: 836(sq. ft) @$15909

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

127 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
17/12/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 6 28/F FLAT E
17.45M 853sq. ft. / 1125sq. ft. $20457 / $15511 23/10/2004 6.5M / +168%
Land Registry
16/12/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 2
Block 2 30/F FLAT C
24.15M 1054sq. ft. / 1394sq. ft. $22913 / $17324 01/04/2010 17.2M / +40%
Land Registry
13/12/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 2
Block 2 27/F FLAT H
17.8M 870sq. ft. / 1156sq. ft. $20460 / $15398 07/12/2007 11.63M / +53%
Land Registry
11/12/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 6 31/F FLAT E
17.88M 853sq. ft. / 1125sq. ft. $20961 / $15893 20/03/2002 4.56M / +292%
Land Registry
09/12/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 6 Lower Floor FLAT H
14.7M 752sq. ft. / 1006sq. ft. $19548 / $14612 -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
02/12/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 2
Block 2 20/F FLAT E
21.5M 1052sq. ft. / 1389sq. ft. $20437 / $15479 04/09/2003 4.8M / +348%
Land Registry
27/11/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 3 Lower Floor FLAT D
17.8M 803sq. ft. / 1071sq. ft. $22167 / $16620 -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
20/11/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 5 32/F FLAT G
16.8M 772sq. ft. / 1037sq. ft. $21762 / $16201 19/03/2002 4.23M / +297%
Land Registry
19/11/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 3 25/F FLAT E
20.08M 961sq. ft. / 1274sq. ft. $20895 / $15761 17/01/2013 19.08M / +5%
Land Registry
18/11/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 6 43/F FLAT H
16M 757sq. ft. / 1006sq. ft. $21136 / $15905 30/09/2020 20.4M / -22%
Land Registry
15/11/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 6 26/F FLAT A
14.38M 621sq. ft. / 846sq. ft. $23156 / $16998 03/09/2012 11.8M / +22%
Land Registry
15/11/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 3 28/F FLAT G
15.95M 772sq. ft. / 1037sq. ft. $20661 / $15381 07/04/2006 6.65M / +140%
Land Registry
11/11/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 6 25/F FLAT A
15.2M 621sq. ft. / 846sq. ft. $24477 / $17967 22/03/2024 14M / +9%
Land Registry
11/11/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 3 36/F FLAT C
18.8M 802sq. ft. / 1076sq. ft. $23441 / $17472 18/06/2010 13.2M / +42%
Land Registry
08/11/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 3 23/F FLAT F
19.68M 961sq. ft. / 1280sq. ft. $20479 / $15375 23/11/2001 5.19M / +279%
Land Registry
07/11/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento 2期
5座 Middle Floor FLAT D
53.08M 1991sq. ft. / -- $26660 / -- -- -- / --
Market Info
05/11/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 5 Middle Floor FLAT D
17.1M 755sq. ft. / 998sq. ft. $22649 / $17134 -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
04/11/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 5 49/F FLAT H
16.28M 755sq. ft. / 998sq. ft. $21563 / $16313 08/01/2003 4.29M / +280%
Land Registry
31/10/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 5 22/F FLAT G
16.28M 772sq. ft. / 1037sq. ft. $21088 / $15699 12/12/2001 4.07M / +300%
Land Registry
31/10/2024 Kowloon Station
Sorrento Phase 1
Block 5 13/F FLAT A
13.3M 620sq. ft. / 836sq. ft. $21452 / $15909 08/05/2007 5.42M / +145%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.