Saleable: 1807(sq. ft) @$33204
Gross: 2323(sq. ft) @$25829
Saleable: 1368(sq. ft) @$21425
Gross: 1799(sq. ft) @$16292
Saleable: 1386(sq. ft) @$21645
Gross: 1755(sq. ft) @$17094
Saleable: 1266(sq. ft) @$24724
Gross: 1603(sq. ft) @$19526
Saleable: 1949(sq. ft) @$33094
Gross: 2501(sq. ft) @$25790
Saleable: 1949(sq. ft) @$37866
Gross: 2501(sq. ft) @$29508
Saleable: 1368(sq. ft) @$30702
Gross: 1799(sq. ft) @$23346
Saleable: 1105(sq. ft) @$27149
Gross: 1383(sq. ft) @$21692
Saleable: 917(sq. ft) @$29531
Gross: 1149(sq. ft) @$23568
Saleable: 1268(sq. ft) @$38013
Gross: 1619(sq. ft) @$29771
Saleable: 1258(sq. ft) @$33784
Gross: 1593(sq. ft) @$26679
Saleable: 1342(sq. ft) @$32787
Gross: 1703(sq. ft) @$25837
Saleable: 1368(sq. ft) @$36257
Gross: 1799(sq. ft) @$27571
Saleable: 1534(sq. ft) @$34224
Gross: 1938(sq. ft) @$27090
Saleable: 1105(sq. ft) @$38009
Gross: 1383(sq. ft) @$30369
Saleable: 1268(sq. ft) @$34921
Gross: 1606(sq. ft) @$27572
Saleable: 1118(sq. ft) @$30859
Gross: 1402(sq. ft) @$24608
Saleable: 616(sq. ft) @$21916
Gross: 773(sq. ft) @$17464
Saleable: 1341(sq. ft) @$29441
Gross: 1701(sq. ft) @$23210
Saleable: 1268(sq. ft) @$31782
Gross: 1619(sq. ft) @$24892
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
21/02/2025 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 6 17/F FLAT A | 60M | 1807sq. ft. / 2323sq. ft. | $33204 / $25829 | 26/03/2021 | 75.8M / -21% | Land Registry |
10/09/2024 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 1 9/F FLAT B | 29.31M | 1368sq. ft. / 1799sq. ft. | $21425 / $16292 | 05/11/2011 | 35.74M / -18% | Land Registry |
23/08/2024 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 3 7/F FLAT B | 30M | 1386sq. ft. / 1755sq. ft. | $21645 / $17094 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
12/07/2024 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 3 5/F FLAT A | 31.3M | 1266sq. ft. / 1603sq. ft. | $24724 / $19526 | 13/07/2012 | 30.93M / +1% | Land Registry |
20/05/2024 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 1 11/F FLAT A | 64.5M | 1949sq. ft. / 2501sq. ft. | $33094 / $25790 | 03/11/2011 | 52.34M / +23% | Land Registry |
19/04/2024 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 1 12/F FLAT A | 73.8M | 1949sq. ft. / 2501sq. ft. | $37866 / $29508 | 03/11/2011 | 52.73M / +40% | Land Registry |
11/04/2024 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 1 29/F FLAT B | 42M | 1368sq. ft. / 1799sq. ft. | $30702 / $23346 | 16/11/2011 | 41.36M / +2% | Land Registry |
21/12/2023 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 8 16/F FLAT C | 30M | 1105sq. ft. / 1383sq. ft. | $27149 / $21692 | 18/10/2011 | 26.58M / +13% | Land Registry |
14/08/2023 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 8 10/F FLAT C | 27.08M | 917sq. ft. / 1149sq. ft. | $29531 / $23568 | 26/04/2013 | 22M / +23% | Land Registry |
04/08/2023 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 8 28/F FLAT B | 48.2M | 1268sq. ft. / 1619sq. ft. | $38013 / $29771 | 14/10/2011 | 32.84M / +47% | Land Registry |
14/06/2023 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 2 31/F FLAT B | 42.5M | 1258sq. ft. / 1593sq. ft. | $33784 / $26679 | 20/01/2012 | 35.5M / +20% | Land Registry |
17/05/2023 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 8 8/F FLAT A | 44M | 1342sq. ft. / 1703sq. ft. | $32787 / $25837 | 10/10/2011 | 30.98M / +42% | Land Registry |
13/03/2023 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 1 21/F FLAT B | 49.6M | 1368sq. ft. / 1799sq. ft. | $36257 / $27571 | 04/01/2012 | 38.72M / +28% | Land Registry |
17/01/2023 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 9 22/F FLAT B | 52.5M | 1534sq. ft. / 1938sq. ft. | $34224 / $27090 | 17/10/2011 | 35.62M / +47% | Land Registry |
21/10/2022 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 8 26/F FLAT C | 42M | 1105sq. ft. / 1383sq. ft. | $38009 / $30369 | 11/10/2011 | 28.57M / +47% | Land Registry |
03/10/2022 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 3 28/F FLAT A | 44.28M | 1268sq. ft. / 1606sq. ft. | $34921 / $27572 | 31/10/2017 | 43.8M / +1% | Land Registry |
09/09/2022 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 2 8/F FLAT C | 34.5M | 1118sq. ft. / 1402sq. ft. | $30859 / $24608 | 11/11/2011 | 28.54M / +21% | Land Registry |
07/09/2022 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 9 5/F FLAT C | 13.5M | 616sq. ft. / 773sq. ft. | $21916 / $17464 | 17/10/2011 | 14.01M / -4% | Land Registry |
17/08/2022 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 8 3/F FLAT A | 39.48M | 1341sq. ft. / 1701sq. ft. | $29441 / $23210 | 10/04/2012 | 30.06M / +31% | Land Registry |
30/06/2022 | Deep Bay | Marinella Tower 8 10/F FLAT B | 40.3M | 1268sq. ft. / 1619sq. ft. | $31782 / $24892 | 19/10/2011 | 28.86M / +40% | Land Registry |