Shaukiwan Centre Block 3 (Block C) 20/F FLAT D
$3.62M -29%

Saleable: 306(sq. ft) @$11830

Gross: 378(sq. ft) @$9577

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 2 (Block B) 6/F FLAT C
$3.35M +172%

Saleable: 304(sq. ft) @$11020

Gross: 384(sq. ft) @$8724

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 3 (Block C) 16/F FLAT B
$3.88M -22%

Saleable: 304(sq. ft) @$12763

Gross: 373(sq. ft) @$10402

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 3 (Block C) 24/F FLAT H

Saleable: 306(sq. ft) @$13072

Gross: 378(sq. ft) @$10582

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 3 (Block C) 12/F FLAT F

Saleable: 294(sq. ft) @$11293

Gross: 373(sq. ft) @$8901

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 3 (Block C) 16/F FLAT C

Saleable: 304(sq. ft) @$11711

Gross: 373(sq. ft) @$9544

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 3 (Block C) 20/F FLAT C
$3.68M +128%

Saleable: 304(sq. ft) @$12105

Gross: 373(sq. ft) @$9866

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 3 (Block C) 9/F FLAT B
$4.00M +182%

Saleable: 304(sq. ft) @$13158

Gross: 373(sq. ft) @$10724

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 2 (Block B) 13/F FLAT B
$3.50M +136%

Saleable: 304(sq. ft) @$11513

Gross: 384(sq. ft) @$9115

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 2 (Block B) 13/F FLAT G
$3.00M +62%

Saleable: 288(sq. ft) @$10417

Gross: 364(sq. ft) @$8242

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 2 (Block B) 7/F FLAT G
$3.36M +171%

Saleable: 288(sq. ft) @$11667

Gross: 364(sq. ft) @$9231

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 2 (Block B) 9/F FLAT A
$3.70M +219%

Saleable: 307(sq. ft) @$12052

Gross: 378(sq. ft) @$9788

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 1 (Block A) 19/F FLAT H

Saleable: 307(sq. ft) @$12964

Gross: 378(sq. ft) @$10529

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 2 (Block B) 3/F FLAT A

Saleable: 307(sq. ft) @$9121

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 1 (Block A) 3/F FLAT G
$3.58M +171%

Saleable: 321(sq. ft) @$11153

Gross: 402(sq. ft) @$8905

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 3 (Block C) 5/F FLAT H
$3.53M -7%

Saleable: 306(sq. ft) @$11536

Gross: 378(sq. ft) @$9339

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 2 (Block B) 14/F FLAT F
$3.98M +127%

Saleable: 288(sq. ft) @$13819

Gross: 364(sq. ft) @$10934

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 1 (Block A) 16/F FLAT F

Saleable: 321(sq. ft) @$12150

Gross: 402(sq. ft) @$9701

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 1 (Block A) 19/F FLAT D
$4.05M +23%

Saleable: 307(sq. ft) @$13192

Gross: 378(sq. ft) @$10714

  • Land Registry


Shaukiwan Centre Block 2 (Block B) 19/F FLAT D
$3.80M +83%

Saleable: 307(sq. ft) @$12378

Gross: 378(sq. ft) @$10053

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

43 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
20/01/2025 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 3 (Block C) 20/F FLAT D
3.62M 306sq. ft. / 378sq. ft. $11830 / $9577 05/03/2018 5.1M / -29%
Land Registry
18/12/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 2 (Block B) 6/F FLAT C
3.35M 304sq. ft. / 384sq. ft. $11020 / $8724 16/11/1995 1.23M / +172%
Land Registry
06/12/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 3 (Block C) 16/F FLAT B
3.88M 304sq. ft. / 373sq. ft. $12763 / $10402 11/03/2021 5M / -22%
Land Registry
12/11/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 3 (Block C) 24/F FLAT H
4M 306sq. ft. / 378sq. ft. $13072 / $10582 -- -- / --
Land Registry
05/11/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 3 (Block C) 12/F FLAT F
3.32M 294sq. ft. / 373sq. ft. $11293 / $8901 -- -- / --
Land Registry
28/10/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 3 (Block C) 16/F FLAT C
3.56M 304sq. ft. / 373sq. ft. $11711 / $9544 -- -- / --
Land Registry
10/10/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 3 (Block C) 20/F FLAT C
3.68M 304sq. ft. / 373sq. ft. $12105 / $9866 20/07/2009 1.62M / +128%
Land Registry
08/08/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 3 (Block C) 9/F FLAT B
4M 304sq. ft. / 373sq. ft. $13158 / $10724 15/02/1996 1.42M / +182%
Land Registry
06/06/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 2 (Block B) 13/F FLAT B
3.5M 304sq. ft. / 384sq. ft. $11513 / $9115 19/12/1996 1.48M / +136%
Land Registry
05/06/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 2 (Block B) 13/F FLAT G
3M 288sq. ft. / 364sq. ft. $10417 / $8242 07/05/1997 1.85M / +62%
Land Registry
03/06/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 2 (Block B) 7/F FLAT G
3.36M 288sq. ft. / 364sq. ft. $11667 / $9231 05/10/2007 1.24M / +171%
Land Registry
31/05/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 2 (Block B) 9/F FLAT A
3.7M 307sq. ft. / 378sq. ft. $12052 / $9788 05/01/2007 1.16M / +219%
Land Registry
29/05/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 1 (Block A) 19/F FLAT H
3.98M 307sq. ft. / 378sq. ft. $12964 / $10529 -- -- / --
Land Registry
24/04/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 2 (Block B) 3/F FLAT A
2.8M 307sq. ft. / -- $9121 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
12/04/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 1 (Block A) 3/F FLAT G
3.58M 321sq. ft. / 402sq. ft. $11153 / $8905 27/12/2007 1.32M / +171%
Land Registry
05/04/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 3 (Block C) 5/F FLAT H
3.53M 306sq. ft. / 378sq. ft. $11536 / $9339 09/01/2015 3.78M / -7%
Land Registry
03/04/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 2 (Block B) 14/F FLAT F
3.98M 288sq. ft. / 364sq. ft. $13819 / $10934 07/04/1997 1.75M / +127%
Land Registry
20/03/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 1 (Block A) 16/F FLAT F
3.9M 321sq. ft. / 402sq. ft. $12150 / $9701 -- -- / --
Land Registry
22/01/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 1 (Block A) 19/F FLAT D
4.05M 307sq. ft. / 378sq. ft. $13192 / $10714 04/02/2013 3.3M / +23%
Land Registry
15/01/2024 Shau Kei Wan
Shaukiwan Centre
Block 2 (Block B) 19/F FLAT D
3.8M 307sq. ft. / 378sq. ft. $12378 / $10053 28/10/2010 2.08M / +83%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.