Saleable: 446(sq. ft) @$10090
Gross: 507(sq. ft) @$8876
Saleable: 446(sq. ft) @$10942
Gross: 507(sq. ft) @$9625
Saleable: 446(sq. ft) @$10314
Gross: 507(sq. ft) @$9073
Saleable: 456(sq. ft) @$10044
Gross: 534(sq. ft) @$8577
Saleable: 446(sq. ft) @$10090
Gross: 507(sq. ft) @$8876
Saleable: 456(sq. ft) @$10702
Gross: 514(sq. ft) @$9494
Saleable: 446(sq. ft) @$12103
Gross: 507(sq. ft) @$10647
Saleable: 456(sq. ft) @$11908
Gross: 534(sq. ft) @$10169
Saleable: 456(sq. ft) @$12456
Gross: 514(sq. ft) @$11051
Saleable: 446(sq. ft) @$10830
Gross: 507(sq. ft) @$9527
Saleable: 446(sq. ft) @$13022
Gross: 507(sq. ft) @$11456
Saleable: 456(sq. ft) @$11798
Gross: 514(sq. ft) @$10467
Saleable: 456(sq. ft) @$12544
Gross: 514(sq. ft) @$11128
Saleable: 456(sq. ft) @$10307
Gross: 534(sq. ft) @$8801
Saleable: 456(sq. ft) @$10965
Gross: 514(sq. ft) @$9728
Saleable: 446(sq. ft) @$10762
Gross: 507(sq. ft) @$9467
Saleable: 456(sq. ft) @$10702
Gross: 534(sq. ft) @$9139
Saleable: 446(sq. ft) @$10090
Gross: 507(sq. ft) @$8876
Saleable: 456(sq. ft) @$12390
Gross: 514(sq. ft) @$10992
Saleable: 456(sq. ft) @$12061
Gross: 514(sq. ft) @$10700
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
13/01/2025 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block E 8/F FLAT 5 | 4.5M | 446sq. ft. / 507sq. ft. | $10090 / $8876 | 27/02/2012 | 3.48M / +29% | Land Registry |
18/12/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block B 20/F FLAT 4 | 4.88M | 446sq. ft. / 507sq. ft. | $10942 / $9625 | 03/05/2018 | 7.15M / -32% | Land Registry |
16/12/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block A 7/F FLAT 5 | 4.6M | 446sq. ft. / 507sq. ft. | $10314 / $9073 | 03/11/2017 | 6.38M / -28% | Land Registry |
16/12/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block F 16/F FLAT 3 | 4.58M | 456sq. ft. / 534sq. ft. | $10044 / $8577 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
04/12/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block E 26/F FLAT 1 | 4.5M | 446sq. ft. / 507sq. ft. | $10090 / $8876 | 29/01/2010 | 3.18M / +42% | Land Registry |
29/11/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block F 8/F FLAT 6 | 4.88M | 456sq. ft. / 514sq. ft. | $10702 / $9494 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
28/11/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block A 14/F FLAT 4 | 5.4M | 446sq. ft. / 507sq. ft. | $12103 / $10647 | 15/04/2005 | 1.94M / +179% | Land Registry |
26/11/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block C 11/F FLAT 3 | 5.43M | 456sq. ft. / 534sq. ft. | $11908 / $10169 | 25/03/2011 | 4.23M / +28% | Land Registry |
26/11/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block B 17/F FLAT 7 | 5.68M | 456sq. ft. / 514sq. ft. | $12456 / $11051 | 01/04/2015 | 6.06M / -6% | Land Registry |
22/11/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block F 23/F FLAT 4 | 4.83M | 446sq. ft. / 507sq. ft. | $10830 / $9527 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
21/11/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block D 26/F FLAT 5 | 5.81M | 446sq. ft. / 507sq. ft. | $13022 / $11456 | 28/05/2018 | 8.33M / -30% | Land Registry |
20/11/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block C 12/F FLAT 6 | 5.38M | 456sq. ft. / 514sq. ft. | $11798 / $10467 | 13/06/2012 | 4.18M / +29% | Land Registry |
15/11/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block A 15/F FLAT 2 | 5.72M | 456sq. ft. / 514sq. ft. | $12544 / $11128 | 12/03/2004 | 1.53M / +274% | Land Registry |
04/11/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block F 11/F FLAT 3 | 4.7M | 456sq. ft. / 534sq. ft. | $10307 / $8801 | 08/11/2010 | 3.32M / +42% | Land Registry |
30/10/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block F 21/F FLAT 2 | 5M | 456sq. ft. / 514sq. ft. | $10965 / $9728 | 06/07/2016 | 5.63M / -11% | Land Registry |
21/10/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block D 13/F FLAT 1 | 4.8M | 446sq. ft. / 507sq. ft. | $10762 / $9467 | 02/12/1999 | 1.76M / +173% | Land Registry |
18/10/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block E 17/F FLAT 3 | 4.88M | 456sq. ft. / 534sq. ft. | $10702 / $9139 | 07/11/2002 | 1.19M / +310% | Land Registry |
30/09/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block F 14/F FLAT 4 | 4.5M | 446sq. ft. / 507sq. ft. | $10090 / $8876 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
25/09/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block D 18/F FLAT 2 | 5.65M | 456sq. ft. / 514sq. ft. | $12390 / $10992 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
16/09/2024 | North Point | Healthy Gardens Block A 23/F FLAT 2 | 5.5M | 456sq. ft. / 514sq. ft. | $12061 / $10700 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |