Saleable: 233(sq. ft) @$16309
Gross: 335(sq. ft) @$11343
Saleable: 282(sq. ft) @$12482
Gross: 365(sq. ft) @$9644
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 269(sq. ft) @$14684
Gross: 365(sq. ft) @$10822
Saleable: 269(sq. ft) @$14870
Gross: 360(sq. ft) @$11111
Saleable: 233(sq. ft) @$16901
Gross: 335(sq. ft) @$11755
Saleable: 282(sq. ft) @$14043
Gross: 365(sq. ft) @$10849
Saleable: 239(sq. ft) @$18828
Gross: 341(sq. ft) @$13196
Saleable: 239(sq. ft) @$19582
Gross: 341(sq. ft) @$13724
Saleable: 233(sq. ft) @$20515
Gross: 335(sq. ft) @$14269
Saleable: 282(sq. ft) @$14184
Gross: 365(sq. ft) @$10959
Saleable: 269(sq. ft) @$17100
Gross: 360(sq. ft) @$12778
Saleable: 282(sq. ft) @$17553
Gross: 365(sq. ft) @$13562
Saleable: 269(sq. ft) @$20446
Gross: 368(sq. ft) @$14946
Saleable: 233(sq. ft) @$20172
Gross: 335(sq. ft) @$14030
Saleable: 239(sq. ft) @$21130
Gross: 341(sq. ft) @$14809
Saleable: 239(sq. ft) @$21757
Gross: 341(sq. ft) @$15249
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
31/12/2024 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block A 17/F FLAT 5 | 3.8M | 233sq. ft. / 335sq. ft. | $16309 / $11343 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
18/12/2024 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block A Upper Floor FLAT 1 | 3.52M | 282sq. ft. / 365sq. ft. | $12482 / $9644 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
27/09/2024 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block A 17/F FLAT 6 | 3.95M | 269sq. ft. / 365sq. ft. | $14684 / $10822 | 16/12/2014 | 3.58M / +10% | Land Registry |
11/07/2024 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block A 13/F FLAT 6 | 4M | 269sq. ft. / 360sq. ft. | $14870 / $11111 | 15/03/2013 | 3.45M / +16% | Land Registry |
08/07/2024 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block B 25/F FLAT 5 | 3.94M | 233sq. ft. / 335sq. ft. | $16901 / $11755 | 06/06/2018 | 5.35M / -26% | Land Registry |
10/04/2024 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block A 11/F FLAT 1 | 3.96M | 282sq. ft. / 365sq. ft. | $14043 / $10849 | 28/08/2015 | 3.94M / +1% | Land Registry |
29/01/2024 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block B 10/F FLAT 4 | 4.5M | 239sq. ft. / 341sq. ft. | $18828 / $13196 | 01/04/2019 | 5.3M / -15% | Land Registry |
23/05/2023 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block A 8/F FLAT 3 | 4.68M | 239sq. ft. / 341sq. ft. | $19582 / $13724 | 15/01/2010 | 1.9M / +146% | Land Registry |
28/03/2023 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block B 18/F FLAT 5 | 4.78M | 233sq. ft. / 335sq. ft. | $20515 / $14269 | 06/10/2016 | 4M / +20% | Land Registry |
13/02/2023 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block A 15/F FLAT 1 | 4M | 282sq. ft. / 365sq. ft. | $14184 / $10959 | 02/12/2021 | 4.8M / -17% | Land Registry |
18/01/2023 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block A 10/F FLAT 6 | 4.6M | 269sq. ft. / 360sq. ft. | $17100 / $12778 | 03/02/2005 | 880K / +423% | Land Registry |
21/07/2022 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block A 19/F FLAT 1 | 4.95M | 282sq. ft. / 365sq. ft. | $17553 / $13562 | 20/09/2016 | 3.55M / +39% | Land Registry |
23/06/2022 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block B 25/F FLAT 1 | 5.5M | 269sq. ft. / 368sq. ft. | $20446 / $14946 | 06/10/2016 | 3.72M / +48% | Land Registry |
20/05/2022 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block A 18/F FLAT 2 | 4.7M | 233sq. ft. / 335sq. ft. | $20172 / $14030 | 28/07/1999 | 1.3M / +262% | Land Registry |
19/05/2022 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block B 22/F FLAT 4 | 5.05M | 239sq. ft. / 341sq. ft. | $21130 / $14809 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
19/05/2022 | North Point | Ka Wai Building Block B 24/F FLAT 4 | 5.2M | 239sq. ft. / 341sq. ft. | $21757 / $15249 | 25/03/2019 | 5.03M / +3% | Land Registry |