Saleable: 461(sq. ft) @$12755
Gross: 530(sq. ft) @$11094
Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$19427
Gross: 621(sq. ft) @$16393
Saleable: 534(sq. ft) @$11985
Gross: 615(sq. ft) @$10407
Saleable: 777(sq. ft) @$14157
Gross: 899(sq. ft) @$12236
Saleable: 1031(sq. ft) @$17701
Gross: 1201(sq. ft) @$15196
Saleable: 1031(sq. ft) @$16489
Gross: 1201(sq. ft) @$14155
Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$20992
Gross: 621(sq. ft) @$17713
Saleable: 461(sq. ft) @$13839
Gross: 530(sq. ft) @$12038
Saleable: 461(sq. ft) @$15575
Gross: 530(sq. ft) @$13547
Saleable: 666(sq. ft) @$15015
Gross: 768(sq. ft) @$13021
Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$21183
Gross: 621(sq. ft) @$17874
Saleable: 572(sq. ft) @$17133
Gross: 655(sq. ft) @$14962
Saleable: 1038(sq. ft) @$19846
Gross: 1201(sq. ft) @$17152
Saleable: 572(sq. ft) @$16608
Gross: 655(sq. ft) @$14504
Saleable: 1031(sq. ft) @$17459
Gross: 1201(sq. ft) @$14988
Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$19809
Gross: 621(sq. ft) @$16715
Saleable: 1038(sq. ft) @$20713
Gross: 1201(sq. ft) @$17902
Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$22901
Gross: 621(sq. ft) @$19324
Saleable: 1031(sq. ft) @$16974
Gross: 1201(sq. ft) @$14571
Saleable: 777(sq. ft) @$16602
Gross: 899(sq. ft) @$14349
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
10/02/2025 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 1 12/F FLAT E | 5.88M | 461sq. ft. / 530sq. ft. | $12755 / $11094 | 17/06/2015 | 7M / -16% | Land Registry |
30/12/2024 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 1 26/F FLAT C | 10.18M | 524sq. ft. / 621sq. ft. | $19427 / $16393 | 25/10/2015 | 8.85M / +15% | Land Registry |
14/11/2024 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 3 12/F FLAT F | 6.4M | 534sq. ft. / 615sq. ft. | $11985 / $10407 | 24/03/2011 | 4.55M / +41% | Land Registry |
02/10/2024 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 3 26/F FLAT D | 11M | 777sq. ft. / 899sq. ft. | $14157 / $12236 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
16/09/2024 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 2 8/F FLAT D | 18.25M | 1031sq. ft. / 1201sq. ft. | $17701 / $15196 | 27/10/2005 | 5.38M / +239% | Land Registry |
22/07/2024 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 2 28/F FLAT D | 17M | 1031sq. ft. / 1201sq. ft. | $16489 / $14155 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
30/05/2024 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 1 33/F FLAT C | 11M | 524sq. ft. / 621sq. ft. | $20992 / $17713 | 14/06/1999 | 2.93M / +275% | Land Registry |
14/01/2024 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 1 11/F FLAT F | 6.38M | 461sq. ft. / 530sq. ft. | $13839 / $12038 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
26/11/2023 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 1 27/F FLAT F | 7.18M | 461sq. ft. / 530sq. ft. | $15575 / $13547 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
19/10/2023 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 3 29/F FLAT A | 10M | 666sq. ft. / 768sq. ft. | $15015 / $13021 | 20/11/2003 | 2.4M / +317% | Land Registry |
17/09/2023 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 1 14/F FLAT C | 11.1M | 524sq. ft. / 621sq. ft. | $21183 / $17874 | 10/12/2014 | 8.83M / +26% | Land Registry |
27/08/2023 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 1 11/F FLAT A | 9.8M | 572sq. ft. / 655sq. ft. | $17133 / $14962 | 07/12/2015 | 7.6M / +29% | Land Registry |
29/05/2023 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 2 32/F FLAT B | 20.6M | 1038sq. ft. / 1201sq. ft. | $19846 / $17152 | 10/05/2011 | 12.5M / +65% | Land Registry |
04/05/2023 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 1 15/F FLAT A | 9.5M | 572sq. ft. / 655sq. ft. | $16608 / $14504 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
19/04/2023 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 2 32/F FLAT D | 18M | 1031sq. ft. / 1201sq. ft. | $17459 / $14988 | 14/07/2009 | 8.5M / +112% | Land Registry |
18/04/2023 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 1 13/F FLAT B | 10.38M | 524sq. ft. / 621sq. ft. | $19809 / $16715 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
12/03/2023 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 2 30/F FLAT B | 21.5M | 1038sq. ft. / 1201sq. ft. | $20713 / $17902 | 28/03/2016 | 13.18M / +63% | Land Registry |
02/03/2023 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 1 8/F FLAT B | 12M | 524sq. ft. / 621sq. ft. | $22901 / $19324 | 01/08/2010 | 6.03M / +99% | Land Registry |
31/01/2023 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 2 9/F FLAT D | 17.5M | 1031sq. ft. / 1201sq. ft. | $16974 / $14571 | 21/06/2020 | 16M / +9% | Land Registry |
25/01/2023 | Tin Hau | Victoria Centre Block 3 16/F FLAT D | 12.9M | 777sq. ft. / 899sq. ft. | $16602 / $14349 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |