Saleable: 1103(sq. ft) @$21532
Gross: 1211(sq. ft) @$19612
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 1116(sq. ft) @$17473
Gross: 1225(sq. ft) @$15918
Saleable: 1103(sq. ft) @$21306
Gross: 1211(sq. ft) @$19405
Saleable: 1116(sq. ft) @$17652
Gross: 1225(sq. ft) @$16082
Saleable: 1103(sq. ft) @$22031
Gross: 1211(sq. ft) @$20066
Saleable: 1103(sq. ft) @$19764
Gross: 1211(sq. ft) @$18002
Saleable: 1116(sq. ft) @$22742
Gross: 1225(sq. ft) @$20718
Saleable: 2169(sq. ft) @$26455
Gross: 2406(sq. ft) @$23849
Saleable: 1103(sq. ft) @$24297
Gross: 1211(sq. ft) @$22130
Saleable: 1103(sq. ft) @$21759
Gross: 1211(sq. ft) @$19818
Saleable: 1103(sq. ft) @$23572
Gross: 1211(sq. ft) @$21470
Saleable: 1103(sq. ft) @$26636
Gross: 1211(sq. ft) @$24261
Saleable: 1116(sq. ft) @$23297
Gross: 1225(sq. ft) @$21224
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
13/01/2025 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block D (Vicwood Court) Upper Floor FLAT 12 | 23.75M | 1103sq. ft. / 1211sq. ft. | $21532 / $19612 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
27/12/2024 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block D (Vicwood Court) 5/F FLAT 14 | 19.5M | 1116sq. ft. / 1225sq. ft. | $17473 / $15918 | 12/09/1995 | 7.15M / +173% | Land Registry |
23/12/2024 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block D (Vicwood Court) 19/F FLAT 13 | 23.5M | 1103sq. ft. / 1211sq. ft. | $21306 / $19405 | 15/07/2011 | 17M / +38% | Land Registry |
03/12/2024 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block D (Vicwood Court) 10/F FLAT 14 | 19.7M | 1116sq. ft. / 1225sq. ft. | $17652 / $16082 | 31/01/2004 | 5.8M / +240% | Land Registry |
13/05/2024 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block C (Landwood Court) 12/F FLAT 9 | 24.3M | 1103sq. ft. / 1211sq. ft. | $22031 / $20066 | 19/04/2010 | 16M / +52% | Land Registry |
23/02/2024 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block B 4/F FLAT 5 | 21.8M | 1103sq. ft. / 1211sq. ft. | $19764 / $18002 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
09/01/2024 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block C (Landwood Court) 18/F FLAT 7 | 25.38M | 1116sq. ft. / 1225sq. ft. | $22742 / $20718 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
19/09/2023 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block A 20/F FLAT 2 | 57.38M | 2169sq. ft. / 2406sq. ft. | $26455 / $23849 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
10/02/2023 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block C (Landwood Court) 18/F FLAT 8 | 26.8M | 1103sq. ft. / 1211sq. ft. | $24297 / $22130 | 13/04/2017 | 26.45M / +1% | Land Registry |
11/01/2023 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block C (Landwood Court) 15/F FLAT 9 | 24M | 1103sq. ft. / 1211sq. ft. | $21759 / $19818 | 19/09/2003 | 5.42M / +343% | Land Registry |
11/07/2022 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block B 6/F FLAT 4 | 26M | 1103sq. ft. / 1211sq. ft. | $23572 / $21470 | 23/01/2015 | 25M / +4% | Land Registry |
10/05/2022 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block C (Landwood Court) 24/F FLAT 9 | 29.38M | 1103sq. ft. / 1211sq. ft. | $26636 / $24261 | 22/01/2013 | 23M / +28% | Land Registry |
04/04/2022 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block C (Landwood Court) 18/F FLAT 10 | 26M | 1116sq. ft. / 1225sq. ft. | $23297 / $21224 | 20/10/1997 | 13.85M / +88% | Land Registry |