Saleable: 457(sq. ft) @$19256
Gross: 591(sq. ft) @$14890
Saleable: 611(sq. ft) @$19935
Gross: 827(sq. ft) @$14729
Saleable: 611(sq. ft) @$23241
Gross: 817(sq. ft) @$17381
Saleable: 611(sq. ft) @$22095
Gross: 817(sq. ft) @$16524
Saleable: 396(sq. ft) @$21465
Gross: 540(sq. ft) @$15741
Saleable: 636(sq. ft) @$19654
Gross: 824(sq. ft) @$15170
Saleable: 611(sq. ft) @$29133
Gross: 827(sq. ft) @$21524
Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$21924
Gross: 586(sq. ft) @$16724
Saleable: 692(sq. ft) @$21676
Gross: 896(sq. ft) @$16741
Saleable: 748(sq. ft) @$22995
Gross: 984(sq. ft) @$17480
Saleable: 611(sq. ft) @$21277
Gross: 817(sq. ft) @$15912
Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$21477
Gross: 589(sq. ft) @$16299
Saleable: 694(sq. ft) @$34582
Gross: 903(sq. ft) @$26578
Saleable: 611(sq. ft) @$31915
Gross: 817(sq. ft) @$23868
Saleable: 751(sq. ft) @$19880
Gross: 988(sq. ft) @$15111
Saleable: 437(sq. ft) @$24027
Gross: 558(sq. ft) @$18817
Saleable: 695(sq. ft) @$22518
Gross: 900(sq. ft) @$17389
Saleable: 452(sq. ft) @$24956
Gross: 587(sq. ft) @$19216
Saleable: 611(sq. ft) @$22390
Gross: 817(sq. ft) @$16744
Saleable: 611(sq. ft) @$24714
Gross: 827(sq. ft) @$18259
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
28/11/2024 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 2 8/F FLAT C | 8.8M | 457sq. ft. / 591sq. ft. | $19256 / $14890 | 17/02/2012 | 6.45M / +36% | Land Registry |
20/09/2024 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 2 28/F FLAT A | 12.18M | 611sq. ft. / 827sq. ft. | $19935 / $14729 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
15/07/2024 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 1 16/F FLAT F | 14.2M | 611sq. ft. / 817sq. ft. | $23241 / $17381 | 17/04/2009 | 7.64M / +86% | Land Registry |
22/05/2024 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 1 13/F FLAT F | 13.5M | 611sq. ft. / 817sq. ft. | $22095 / $16524 | 06/08/2009 | 8.2M / +65% | Land Registry |
12/04/2024 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 2 19/F FLAT D | 8.5M | 396sq. ft. / 540sq. ft. | $21465 / $15741 | 01/09/2014 | 7.5M / +13% | Land Registry |
04/01/2024 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 2 6/F FLAT A | 12.5M | 636sq. ft. / 824sq. ft. | $19654 / $15170 | 14/04/2010 | 7.93M / +58% | Land Registry |
14/07/2023 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 2 28/F FLAT A | 17.8M | 611sq. ft. / 827sq. ft. | $29133 / $21524 | 23/05/1997 | 10.8M / +65% | Land Registry |
29/06/2023 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 1 10/F FLAT D | 9.8M | 447sq. ft. / 586sq. ft. | $21924 / $16724 | 13/12/2009 | 5.02M / +95% | Land Registry |
12/05/2023 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 2 12/F FLAT E | 15M | 692sq. ft. / 896sq. ft. | $21676 / $16741 | 30/03/2005 | 6.98M / +115% | Land Registry |
13/03/2023 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 2 16/F FLAT B | 17.2M | 748sq. ft. / 984sq. ft. | $22995 / $17480 | 30/03/2011 | 13.1M / +31% | Land Registry |
16/01/2023 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 1 7/F FLAT F | 13M | 611sq. ft. / 817sq. ft. | $21277 / $15912 | 23/08/2013 | 11M / +18% | Land Registry |
11/01/2023 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 1 24/F FLAT D | 9.6M | 447sq. ft. / 589sq. ft. | $21477 / $16299 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
03/08/2022 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 1 27/F FLAT B | 24M | 694sq. ft. / 903sq. ft. | $34582 / $26578 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
04/07/2022 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 1 29/F FLAT F | 19.5M | 611sq. ft. / 817sq. ft. | $31915 / $23868 | 14/09/2007 | 7.9M / +147% | Land Registry |
29/06/2022 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 2 3/F FLAT B | 14.93M | 751sq. ft. / 988sq. ft. | $19880 / $15111 | 17/12/1998 | 5.9M / +153% | Land Registry |
01/06/2022 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 2 9/F FLAT D | 10.5M | 437sq. ft. / 558sq. ft. | $24027 / $18817 | 06/06/2018 | 10.2M / +3% | Land Registry |
25/05/2022 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 2 8/F FLAT E | 15.65M | 695sq. ft. / 900sq. ft. | $22518 / $17389 | 05/09/2005 | 6.7M / +134% | Land Registry |
19/05/2022 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 2 13/F FLAT C | 11.28M | 452sq. ft. / 587sq. ft. | $24956 / $19216 | 24/02/2010 | 5.65M / +100% | Land Registry |
12/05/2022 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 1 6/F FLAT F | 13.68M | 611sq. ft. / 817sq. ft. | $22390 / $16744 | 09/08/2010 | 8.35M / +64% | Land Registry |
04/05/2022 | Mid-Levels West | Vantage Park Block 2 21/F FLAT A | 15.1M | 611sq. ft. / 827sq. ft. | $24714 / $18259 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |