Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 27/F FLAT 8
$6.00M +15%

Saleable: 418(sq. ft) @$14354

Gross: 543(sq. ft) @$11050

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 31/F FLAT 16
$22.40M +54%

Saleable: 1001(sq. ft) @$22378

Gross: 1300(sq. ft) @$17231

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 26/F FLAT 12
$10.25M +46%

Saleable: 659(sq. ft) @$15554

Gross: 843(sq. ft) @$12159

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 24/F FLAT 5
$13.28M +24%

Saleable: 922(sq. ft) @$14403

Gross: 1272(sq. ft) @$10440

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments Middle Floor FLAT 14

Saleable: 984(sq. ft) @$19411

Gross: 1315(sq. ft) @$14525

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 46/F FLAT 5
$14.80M +43%

Saleable: 893(sq. ft) @$16573

Gross: 1343(sq. ft) @$11020

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 46/F FLAT 4
$22.00M +81%

Saleable: 1341(sq. ft) @$16406

Gross: 1844(sq. ft) @$11931

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 30/F FLAT 9
$9.85M -24%

Saleable: 618(sq. ft) @$15939

Gross: 843(sq. ft) @$11684

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 34/F FLAT 17

Saleable: 1012(sq. ft) @$22727

Gross: 1315(sq. ft) @$17490

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 18/F FLAT 19
$27.60M -1%

Saleable: 1394(sq. ft) @$19799

Gross: 1772(sq. ft) @$15576

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 32/F FLAT 7
$9.50M +74%

Saleable: 565(sq. ft) @$16814

Gross: 772(sq. ft) @$12306

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 30/F FLAT 2
$28.50M +45%

Saleable: 1115(sq. ft) @$25561

Gross: 1543(sq. ft) @$18471

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 27/F FLAT 2

Saleable: 1115(sq. ft) @$21794

Gross: 1543(sq. ft) @$15749

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 41/F FLAT 13
$7.15M -19%

Saleable: 409(sq. ft) @$17482

Gross: 543(sq. ft) @$13168

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 39/F FLAT 13
$7.14M +41%

Saleable: 409(sq. ft) @$17457

Gross: 543(sq. ft) @$13149

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 23/F FLAT 13
$6.68M -26%

Saleable: 417(sq. ft) @$16019

Gross: 543(sq. ft) @$12302

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments Convention Plaza Apartments 19/F FLAT 17

Saleable: 1012(sq. ft) @$18775

Gross: 1315(sq. ft) @$14449

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments CONVENTION PLAZA APARTMENTS 16/F FLAT 4
$27.00M +181%

Saleable: 1400(sq. ft) @$19286

Gross: 1872(sq. ft) @$14423

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments CONVENTION PLAZA APARTMENTS 38/F FLAT 15
$14.38M +92%

Saleable: 619(sq. ft) @$23231

Gross: 815(sq. ft) @$17644

  • Land Registry


Convention Plaza Apartments CONVENTION PLAZA APARTMENTS 33/F FLAT 14

Saleable: 995(sq. ft) @$22211

Gross: 1315(sq. ft) @$16806

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

43 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
17/12/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 27/F FLAT 8
6M 418sq. ft. / 543sq. ft. $14354 / $11050 16/05/2008 5.2M / +15%
Land Registry
17/12/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 31/F FLAT 16
22.4M 1001sq. ft. / 1300sq. ft. $22378 / $17231 15/11/2005 14.5M / +54%
Land Registry
16/12/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 26/F FLAT 12
10.25M 659sq. ft. / 843sq. ft. $15554 / $12159 20/12/1995 7M / +46%
Land Registry
13/12/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 24/F FLAT 5
13.28M 922sq. ft. / 1272sq. ft. $14403 / $10440 07/08/2009 10.7M / +24%
Land Registry
10/12/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments Middle Floor FLAT 14
19.1M 984sq. ft. / 1315sq. ft. $19411 / $14525 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
04/11/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 46/F FLAT 5
14.8M 893sq. ft. / 1343sq. ft. $16573 / $11020 28/01/1999 10.38M / +43%
Land Registry
04/11/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 46/F FLAT 4
22M 1341sq. ft. / 1844sq. ft. $16406 / $11931 13/07/2004 12.17M / +81%
Land Registry
23/10/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 30/F FLAT 9
9.85M 618sq. ft. / 843sq. ft. $15939 / $11684 14/02/2018 13M / -24%
Land Registry
02/10/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 34/F FLAT 17
23M 1012sq. ft. / 1315sq. ft. $22727 / $17490 -- -- / --
Land Registry
30/09/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 18/F FLAT 19
27.6M 1394sq. ft. / 1772sq. ft. $19799 / $15576 25/01/1997 27.8M / -1%
Land Registry
12/09/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 32/F FLAT 7
9.5M 565sq. ft. / 772sq. ft. $16814 / $12306 20/12/2006 5.45M / +74%
Land Registry
09/09/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 30/F FLAT 2
28.5M 1115sq. ft. / 1543sq. ft. $25561 / $18471 24/06/2009 19.6M / +45%
Land Registry
29/08/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 27/F FLAT 2
24.3M 1115sq. ft. / 1543sq. ft. $21794 / $15749 -- -- / --
Land Registry
13/08/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 41/F FLAT 13
7.15M 409sq. ft. / 543sq. ft. $17482 / $13168 15/02/2017 8.78M / -19%
Land Registry
25/07/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 39/F FLAT 13
7.14M 409sq. ft. / 543sq. ft. $17457 / $13149 31/03/2009 5.08M / +41%
Land Registry
24/07/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 23/F FLAT 13
6.68M 417sq. ft. / 543sq. ft. $16019 / $12302 20/05/1997 8.98M / -26%
Land Registry
15/07/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
Convention Plaza Apartments 19/F FLAT 17
19M 1012sq. ft. / 1315sq. ft. $18775 / $14449 -- -- / --
Land Registry
11/07/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
27M 1400sq. ft. / 1872sq. ft. $19286 / $14423 10/06/2002 9.6M / +181%
Land Registry
20/06/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
14.38M 619sq. ft. / 815sq. ft. $23231 / $17644 30/11/2006 7.5M / +92%
Land Registry
11/06/2024 Wan Chai
Convention Plaza Apartments
22.1M 995sq. ft. / 1315sq. ft. $22211 / $16806 -- -- / --
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.