Saleable: 327(sq. ft) @$11621
Saleable: 327(sq. ft) @$9786
Gross: 480(sq. ft) @$6667
Saleable: 382(sq. ft) @$11126
Gross: 550(sq. ft) @$7727
Saleable: 327(sq. ft) @$9939
Gross: 480(sq. ft) @$6771
Saleable: 327(sq. ft) @$11621
Saleable: 339(sq. ft) @$10590
Gross: 480(sq. ft) @$7479
Saleable: 323(sq. ft) @$12384
Gross: 480(sq. ft) @$8333
Saleable: 323(sq. ft) @$12693
Gross: 480(sq. ft) @$8542
Saleable: 382(sq. ft) @$13220
Gross: 390(sq. ft) @$12949
Saleable: 382(sq. ft) @$10471
Saleable: 382(sq. ft) @$13351
Gross: 520(sq. ft) @$9808
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
20/02/2025 | Kennedy Town | Luen Gay Apartments Luen Gay Apartments G/F FLAT T | 49.98M | -- / -- | -- / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
22/01/2025 | Kennedy Town | Luen Gay Apartments Luen Gay Apartments 23/F FLAT 5 | 3.8M | 327sq. ft. / -- | $11621 / -- | 24/04/2019 | 4.68M / -19% | Land Registry |
24/10/2024 | Kennedy Town | Luen Gay Apartments Luen Gay Apartments 14/F FLAT 6 | 3.2M | 327sq. ft. / 480sq. ft. | $9786 / $6667 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
30/07/2024 | Kennedy Town | Luen Gay Apartments Luen Gay Apartments 15/F FLAT 4 | 4.25M | 382sq. ft. / 550sq. ft. | $11126 / $7727 | 22/04/1997 | 1.85M / +130% | Land Registry |
17/05/2024 | Kennedy Town | Luen Gay Apartments Luen Gay Apartments 11/F FLAT 6 | 3.25M | 327sq. ft. / 480sq. ft. | $9939 / $6771 | 25/08/2003 | 638K / +409% | Land Registry |
08/04/2024 | Kennedy Town | Luen Gay Apartments Luen Gay Apartments 23/F FLAT 6 | 3.8M | 327sq. ft. / -- | $11621 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
17/11/2023 | Kennedy Town | Luen Gay Apartments Luen Gay Apartments 15/F FLAT 12 | 3.59M | 339sq. ft. / 480sq. ft. | $10590 / $7479 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
15/11/2023 | Kennedy Town | Luen Gay Apartments Luen Gay Apartments 20/F FLAT 11 | 4M | 323sq. ft. / 480sq. ft. | $12384 / $8333 | 17/12/2004 | 928K / +331% | Land Registry |
19/06/2023 | Kennedy Town | Luen Gay Apartments Luen Gay Apartments 18/F FLAT 11 | 4.1M | 323sq. ft. / 480sq. ft. | $12693 / $8542 | 21/03/2009 | 1.6M / +156% | Land Registry |
16/01/2023 | Kennedy Town | Luen Gay Apartments Luen Gay Apartments 17/F FLAT 7 | 5.05M | 382sq. ft. / 390sq. ft. | $13220 / $12949 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
24/11/2022 | Kennedy Town | Luen Gay Apartments Luen Gay Apartments 11/F FLAT 7 | 4M | 382sq. ft. / -- | $10471 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
11/11/2022 | Kennedy Town | Luen Gay Apartments Luen Gay Apartments 21/F FLAT 4 | 5.1M | 382sq. ft. / 520sq. ft. | $13351 / $9808 | 18/08/2000 | 1.08M / +372% | Land Registry |