Saleable: 1059(sq. ft) @$19830
Gross: 1429(sq. ft) @$14696
Saleable: 484(sq. ft) @$22211
Gross: 665(sq. ft) @$16165
Saleable: 1552(sq. ft) @$28061
Gross: 2085(sq. ft) @$20887
Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$20038
Gross: 714(sq. ft) @$14706
Saleable: 1059(sq. ft) @$20585
Gross: 1429(sq. ft) @$15255
Saleable: 1059(sq. ft) @$22663
Gross: 1429(sq. ft) @$16795
Saleable: 497(sq. ft) @$24950
Gross: 663(sq. ft) @$18703
Saleable: 462(sq. ft) @$28139
Gross: 618(sq. ft) @$21036
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
22/01/2025 | Kennedy Town | The Sail At Victoria The Sail At Victoria 17/F FLAT B | 21M | 1059sq. ft. / 1429sq. ft. | $19830 / $14696 | 10/06/2009 | 14.77M / +42% | Land Registry |
16/12/2024 | Kennedy Town | The Sail At Victoria The Sail At Victoria 3/F FLAT A | 10.75M | 484sq. ft. / 665sq. ft. | $22211 / $16165 | 20/10/2009 | 7.44M / +45% | Land Registry |
10/08/2023 | Kennedy Town | The Sail At Victoria The Sail At Victoria 30/F FLAT B | 43.55M | 1552sq. ft. / 2085sq. ft. | $28061 / $20887 | 14/08/2012 | 34.5M / +26% | Land Registry |
07/08/2023 | Kennedy Town | The Sail At Victoria The Sail At Victoria 12/F FLAT A | 10.5M | 524sq. ft. / 714sq. ft. | $20038 / $14706 | 08/06/2013 | 7.58M / +39% | Land Registry |
19/04/2023 | Kennedy Town | The Sail At Victoria The Sail At Victoria 6/F FLAT B | 21.8M | 1059sq. ft. / 1429sq. ft. | $20585 / $15255 | 16/06/2009 | 13.86M / +57% | Land Registry |
05/10/2022 | Kennedy Town | The Sail At Victoria The Sail At Victoria 10/F FLAT B | 24M | 1059sq. ft. / 1429sq. ft. | $22663 / $16795 | 25/06/2009 | 14.22M / +69% | Land Registry |
13/07/2022 | Kennedy Town | The Sail At Victoria The Sail At Victoria 16/F FLAT C | 12.4M | 497sq. ft. / 663sq. ft. | $24950 / $18703 | 17/06/2009 | 6.62M / +87% | Land Registry |
20/04/2022 | Kennedy Town | The Sail At Victoria The Sail At Victoria 3/F FLAT C | 13M | 462sq. ft. / 618sq. ft. | $28139 / $21036 | 12/01/2009 | 7.05M / +85% | Land Registry |