The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 2 61/F FLAT E
$14.98M -23%

Saleable: 667(sq. ft) @$22459

Gross: 852(sq. ft) @$17582

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 3 18/F FLAT B
$13.20M -15%

Saleable: 663(sq. ft) @$19910

Gross: 852(sq. ft) @$15493

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 3 42/F FLAT B

Saleable: 667(sq. ft) @$20240

Gross: 852(sq. ft) @$15845

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 3 17/F FLAT D
$12.68M -11%

Saleable: 659(sq. ft) @$19241

Gross: 858(sq. ft) @$14779

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 3 51/F FLAT B
$13.68M +104%

Saleable: 667(sq. ft) @$20510

Gross: 852(sq. ft) @$16056

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 3 42/F FLAT H
$14.50M +13%

Saleable: 666(sq. ft) @$21772

Gross: 852(sq. ft) @$17019

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 2 47/F FLAT H
$21.10M +28%

Saleable: 955(sq. ft) @$22094

Gross: 1218(sq. ft) @$17323

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 3 32/F FLAT H

Saleable: 662(sq. ft) @$20816

Gross: 852(sq. ft) @$16174

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 1 41/F FLAT E
$36.00M -22%

Saleable: 1447(sq. ft) @$24879

Gross: 1831(sq. ft) @$19661

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 1 46/F FLAT H
$42.68M +154%

Saleable: 1447(sq. ft) @$29496

Gross: 1831(sq. ft) @$23310

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 1 50/F FLAT F
$27.50M +186%

Saleable: 1244(sq. ft) @$22106

Gross: 1597(sq. ft) @$17220

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 2 25/F FLAT G
$19.00M +245%

Saleable: 950(sq. ft) @$20000

Gross: 1214(sq. ft) @$15651

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 1 17/F FLAT D
$16.88M +144%

Saleable: 889(sq. ft) @$18988

Gross: 1147(sq. ft) @$14717

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 3 39/F FLAT E
$19.40M +140%

Saleable: 955(sq. ft) @$20314

Gross: 1218(sq. ft) @$15928

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 1 30/F FLAT F
$26.38M -8%

Saleable: 1221(sq. ft) @$21605

Gross: 1597(sq. ft) @$16518

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 2 60/F FLAT E
$14.50M +146%

Saleable: 667(sq. ft) @$21739

Gross: 852(sq. ft) @$17019

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 2 42/F FLAT H
$19.75M +137%

Saleable: 955(sq. ft) @$20681

Gross: 1218(sq. ft) @$16215

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 2 43/F FLAT H
$19.18M +42%

Saleable: 955(sq. ft) @$20084

Gross: 1218(sq. ft) @$15747

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 2 49/F FLAT C

Saleable: 667(sq. ft) @$20690

Gross: 852(sq. ft) @$16197

  • Land Registry


The Belcher's Phase 1 Tower 2 57/F FLAT H
$20.00M +102%

Saleable: 957(sq. ft) @$20899

Gross: 1218(sq. ft) @$16420

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

69 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
21/02/2025 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 2 61/F FLAT E
14.98M 667sq. ft. / 852sq. ft. $22459 / $17582 12/08/2021 19.38M / -23%
Land Registry
21/01/2025 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 3 18/F FLAT B
13.2M 663sq. ft. / 852sq. ft. $19910 / $15493 18/03/2020 15.5M / -15%
Land Registry
10/01/2025 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 3 42/F FLAT B
13.5M 667sq. ft. / 852sq. ft. $20240 / $15845 -- -- / --
Land Registry
03/01/2025 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 3 17/F FLAT D
12.68M 659sq. ft. / 858sq. ft. $19241 / $14779 11/05/2017 14.3M / -11%
Land Registry
30/12/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 3 51/F FLAT B
13.68M 667sq. ft. / 852sq. ft. $20510 / $16056 01/06/2007 6.7M / +104%
Land Registry
10/12/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 3 42/F FLAT H
14.5M 666sq. ft. / 852sq. ft. $21772 / $17019 20/03/2014 12.8M / +13%
Land Registry
10/12/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 2 47/F FLAT H
21.1M 955sq. ft. / 1218sq. ft. $22094 / $17323 14/04/2011 16.45M / +28%
Land Registry
05/12/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 3 32/F FLAT H
13.78M 662sq. ft. / 852sq. ft. $20816 / $16174 -- -- / --
Land Registry
02/12/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 1 41/F FLAT E
36M 1447sq. ft. / 1831sq. ft. $24879 / $19661 18/11/2019 46M / -22%
Land Registry
26/11/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 1 46/F FLAT H
42.68M 1447sq. ft. / 1831sq. ft. $29496 / $23310 03/06/1999 16.78M / +154%
Land Registry
12/11/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 1 50/F FLAT F
27.5M 1244sq. ft. / 1597sq. ft. $22106 / $17220 17/12/2001 9.61M / +186%
Land Registry
31/10/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 2 25/F FLAT G
19M 950sq. ft. / 1214sq. ft. $20000 / $15651 26/06/2001 5.5M / +245%
Land Registry
28/10/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 1 17/F FLAT D
16.88M 889sq. ft. / 1147sq. ft. $18988 / $14717 02/08/2005 6.92M / +144%
Land Registry
16/10/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 3 39/F FLAT E
19.4M 955sq. ft. / 1218sq. ft. $20314 / $15928 15/03/2005 8.1M / +140%
Land Registry
09/10/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 1 30/F FLAT F
26.38M 1221sq. ft. / 1597sq. ft. $21605 / $16518 31/10/2017 28.63M / -8%
Land Registry
08/10/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 2 60/F FLAT E
14.5M 667sq. ft. / 852sq. ft. $21739 / $17019 04/07/2005 5.9M / +146%
Land Registry
02/10/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 2 42/F FLAT H
19.75M 955sq. ft. / 1218sq. ft. $20681 / $16215 14/08/2006 8.35M / +137%
Land Registry
19/09/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 2 43/F FLAT H
19.18M 955sq. ft. / 1218sq. ft. $20084 / $15747 27/11/2009 13.55M / +42%
Land Registry
20/08/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 2 49/F FLAT C
13.8M 667sq. ft. / 852sq. ft. $20690 / $16197 -- -- / --
Land Registry
19/08/2024 Mid-Levels West
The Belcher's Phase 1
Tower 2 57/F FLAT H
20M 957sq. ft. / 1218sq. ft. $20899 / $16420 02/06/1999 9.91M / +102%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.