Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Pavilion (Block 1) 27/F FLAT G
$6.25M -15%

Saleable: 780(sq. ft) @$8013

Gross: 1023(sq. ft) @$6109

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay 尚堤 3座 (漪蘆) Lower Floor FLAT D

Saleable: 628(sq. ft) @$7373

Gross: 800(sq. ft) @$5788

  • Market Info
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Lustre (Block 5) 18/F FLAT A
$7.50M +18%

Saleable: 892(sq. ft) @$8408

Gross: 1160(sq. ft) @$6466

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Lustre (Block 5) 9/F FLAT E
$11.50M +4%

Saleable: 1159(sq. ft) @$9922

Gross: 1500(sq. ft) @$7667

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Barion (Block 2) 9/F FLAT A
$8.35M -16%

Saleable: 915(sq. ft) @$9126

Gross: 1195(sq. ft) @$6987

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Premier (Block 6) 3/F FLAT C
$9.00M +11%

Saleable: 996(sq. ft) @$9036

Gross: 1315(sq. ft) @$6844

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Barion (Block 2) 23/F FLAT A
$8.50M -19%

Saleable: 915(sq. ft) @$9290

Gross: 1170(sq. ft) @$7265

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Barion (Block 2) 11/F FLAT B
$6.40M +7%

Saleable: 779(sq. ft) @$8216

Gross: 1000(sq. ft) @$6400

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Lustre (Block 5) 11/F FLAT C
$7.00M -20%

Saleable: 756(sq. ft) @$9259

Gross: 996(sq. ft) @$7028

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Barion (Block 2) 7/F FLAT F
$9.30M +40%

Saleable: 977(sq. ft) @$9519

Gross: 1278(sq. ft) @$7277

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Barion (Block 2) 15/F FLAT A
$8.60M +53%

Saleable: 915(sq. ft) @$9399

Gross: 1195(sq. ft) @$7197

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Premier (Block 6) 17/F FLAT A

Saleable: 1610(sq. ft) @$8261

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Lustre (Block 5) 8/F FLAT F
$9.15M -12%

Saleable: 989(sq. ft) @$9252

Gross: 1293(sq. ft) @$7077

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Pavilion (Block 1) 3/F FLAT A
$6.39M +63%

Saleable: 775(sq. ft) @$8239

Gross: 1018(sq. ft) @$6272

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Hemex (Block 3) 16/F FLAT C
$7.00M -7%

Saleable: 756(sq. ft) @$9259

Gross: 996(sq. ft) @$7028

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Hemex (Block 3) 3/F FLAT C
$8.80M +29%

Saleable: 995(sq. ft) @$8844

Gross: 1310(sq. ft) @$6718

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Barion (Block 2) 22/F FLAT D
$7.17M +33%

Saleable: 772(sq. ft) @$9288

Gross: 990(sq. ft) @$7242

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Lustre (Block 5) 7/F FLAT G
$4.50M -11%

Saleable: 517(sq. ft) @$8704

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$6696

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Premier (Block 6) 8/F FLAT G
$5.50M -5%

Saleable: 517(sq. ft) @$10638

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$8185

  • Land Registry


Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti The Hemex (Block 3) 8/F FLAT G
$4.63M +62%

Saleable: 517(sq. ft) @$8956

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$6890

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

45 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
19/02/2025 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Pavilion (Block 1) 27/F FLAT G
6.25M 780sq. ft. / 1023sq. ft. $8013 / $6109 12/02/2018 7.38M / -15%
Land Registry
09/02/2025 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay 尚堤
3座 (漪蘆) Lower Floor FLAT D
4.63M 628sq. ft. / 800sq. ft. $7373 / $5788 -- -- / --
Market Info
14/01/2025 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Lustre (Block 5) 18/F FLAT A
7.5M 892sq. ft. / 1160sq. ft. $8408 / $6466 02/11/2010 6.37M / +18%
Land Registry
07/11/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Lustre (Block 5) 9/F FLAT E
11.5M 1159sq. ft. / 1500sq. ft. $9922 / $7667 25/09/2015 11.09M / +4%
Land Registry
31/10/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Barion (Block 2) 9/F FLAT A
8.35M 915sq. ft. / 1195sq. ft. $9126 / $6987 30/03/2020 9.98M / -16%
Land Registry
29/10/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Premier (Block 6) 3/F FLAT C
9M 996sq. ft. / 1315sq. ft. $9036 / $6844 08/08/2014 8.1M / +11%
Land Registry
25/10/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Barion (Block 2) 23/F FLAT A
8.5M 915sq. ft. / 1170sq. ft. $9290 / $7265 09/07/2020 10.5M / -19%
Land Registry
27/09/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Barion (Block 2) 11/F FLAT B
6.4M 779sq. ft. / 1000sq. ft. $8216 / $6400 13/07/2012 5.98M / +7%
Land Registry
16/08/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Lustre (Block 5) 11/F FLAT C
7M 756sq. ft. / 996sq. ft. $9259 / $7028 03/05/2021 8.7M / -20%
Land Registry
12/08/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Barion (Block 2) 7/F FLAT F
9.3M 977sq. ft. / 1278sq. ft. $9519 / $7277 01/03/2006 6.65M / +40%
Land Registry
22/07/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Barion (Block 2) 15/F FLAT A
8.6M 915sq. ft. / 1195sq. ft. $9399 / $7197 07/12/2005 5.61M / +53%
Land Registry
19/06/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Premier (Block 6) 17/F FLAT A
13.3M 1610sq. ft. / -- $8261 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
21/05/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Lustre (Block 5) 8/F FLAT F
9.15M 989sq. ft. / 1293sq. ft. $9252 / $7077 02/06/2017 10.45M / -12%
Land Registry
02/05/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Pavilion (Block 1) 3/F FLAT A
6.39M 775sq. ft. / 1018sq. ft. $8239 / $6272 18/05/2006 3.92M / +63%
Land Registry
19/04/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Hemex (Block 3) 16/F FLAT C
7M 756sq. ft. / 996sq. ft. $9259 / $7028 09/01/2014 7.5M / -7%
Land Registry
13/03/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Hemex (Block 3) 3/F FLAT C
8.8M 995sq. ft. / 1310sq. ft. $8844 / $6718 31/03/2011 6.8M / +29%
Land Registry
11/03/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Barion (Block 2) 22/F FLAT D
7.17M 772sq. ft. / 990sq. ft. $9288 / $7242 24/03/2010 5.38M / +33%
Land Registry
01/03/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Lustre (Block 5) 7/F FLAT G
4.5M 517sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. $8704 / $6696 19/09/2017 5.03M / -11%
Land Registry
17/01/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Premier (Block 6) 8/F FLAT G
5.5M 517sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. $10638 / $8185 18/07/2018 5.8M / -5%
Land Registry
09/01/2024 Discovery Bay
Discovery Bay Phase 13 Chianti
The Hemex (Block 3) 8/F FLAT G
4.63M 517sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. $8956 / $6890 11/09/2007 2.86M / +62%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.