Saleable: 1326(sq. ft) @$8899
Gross: 1671(sq. ft) @$7062
Saleable: 1208(sq. ft) @$9934
Gross: 1510(sq. ft) @$7947
Saleable: 1285(sq. ft) @$10000
Gross: 1622(sq. ft) @$7922
Saleable: 1323(sq. ft) @$7937
Gross: 1663(sq. ft) @$6314
Saleable: 1285(sq. ft) @$9245
Gross: 1622(sq. ft) @$7324
Saleable: 1109(sq. ft) @$7827
Gross: 1390(sq. ft) @$6245
Saleable: 1323(sq. ft) @$9221
Gross: 1663(sq. ft) @$7336
Saleable: 1274(sq. ft) @$10816
Gross: 1670(sq. ft) @$8251
Saleable: 1208(sq. ft) @$9934
Gross: 1510(sq. ft) @$7947
Saleable: 1285(sq. ft) @$10412
Gross: 1622(sq. ft) @$8249
Saleable: 1326(sq. ft) @$9427
Gross: 1672(sq. ft) @$7476
Saleable: 1326(sq. ft) @$11237
Gross: 1672(sq. ft) @$8911
Saleable: 1138(sq. ft) @$12373
Saleable: 1109(sq. ft) @$11542
Gross: 1390(sq. ft) @$9209
Saleable: 1326(sq. ft) @$11825
Gross: 1672(sq. ft) @$9378
Saleable: 1096(sq. ft) @$10949
Gross: 1379(sq. ft) @$8702
Saleable: 2173(sq. ft) @$14266
Gross: 2733(sq. ft) @$11343
Saleable: 1128(sq. ft) @$12101
Saleable: 1326(sq. ft) @$11312
Gross: 1672(sq. ft) @$8971
Saleable: 1323(sq. ft) @$12056
Gross: 1663(sq. ft) @$9591
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
18/12/2024 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 12 7/F FLAT B | 11.8M | 1326sq. ft. / 1671sq. ft. | $8899 / $7062 | 15/08/2018 | 18.6M / -37% | Land Registry |
18/07/2024 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 11 7/F FLAT C | 12M | 1208sq. ft. / 1510sq. ft. | $9934 / $7947 | 04/05/2010 | 8.12M / +48% | Land Registry |
13/06/2024 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 15 6/F FLAT A | 12.85M | 1285sq. ft. / 1622sq. ft. | $10000 / $7922 | 18/04/2013 | 11.3M / +14% | Land Registry |
24/05/2024 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 16 5/F FLAT B | 10.5M | 1323sq. ft. / 1663sq. ft. | $7937 / $6314 | 18/10/2010 | 8.9M / +18% | Land Registry |
16/05/2024 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 8 3/F FLAT A | 11.88M | 1285sq. ft. / 1622sq. ft. | $9245 / $7324 | 17/01/2014 | 10.6M / +12% | Land Registry |
15/04/2024 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 11 1/F FLAT D | 8.68M | 1109sq. ft. / 1390sq. ft. | $7827 / $6245 | 18/02/1998 | 7.27M / +19% | Land Registry |
13/03/2024 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 16 2/F FLAT B | 12.2M | 1323sq. ft. / 1663sq. ft. | $9221 / $7336 | 02/03/2007 | 7.28M / +68% | Land Registry |
12/03/2024 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 3 1/F FLAT A | 13.78M | 1274sq. ft. / 1670sq. ft. | $10816 / $8251 | 03/07/2015 | 12.3M / +12% | Land Registry |
26/01/2024 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 11 10/F FLAT B | 12M | 1208sq. ft. / 1510sq. ft. | $9934 / $7947 | 02/02/2007 | 6.75M / +78% | Land Registry |
19/12/2023 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 13 10/F FLAT A | 13.38M | 1285sq. ft. / 1622sq. ft. | $10412 / $8249 | 28/12/2010 | 11.28M / +19% | Land Registry |
28/11/2023 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 13 1/F FLAT B | 12.5M | 1326sq. ft. / 1672sq. ft. | $9427 / $7476 | 16/04/1999 | 7.2M / +74% | Land Registry |
09/05/2023 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 13 8/F FLAT B | 14.9M | 1326sq. ft. / 1672sq. ft. | $11237 / $8911 | 29/09/2009 | 9.2M / +62% | Land Registry |
14/04/2023 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 1 11/F FLAT B | 14.08M | 1138sq. ft. / -- | $12373 / -- | 18/02/1998 | 9.05M / +56% | Land Registry |
26/01/2023 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 10 6/F FLAT A | 12.8M | 1109sq. ft. / 1390sq. ft. | $11542 / $9209 | 18/02/1998 | 7.49M / +71% | Land Registry |
12/01/2023 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 8 11/F FLAT B | 15.68M | 1326sq. ft. / 1672sq. ft. | $11825 / $9378 | 25/03/1999 | 8.4M / +87% | Land Registry |
25/10/2022 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 17 11/F FLAT A | 12M | 1096sq. ft. / 1379sq. ft. | $10949 / $8702 | 18/02/1998 | 8.22M / +46% | Land Registry |
01/06/2022 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 8 12/F FLAT B | 31M | 2173sq. ft. / 2733sq. ft. | $14266 / $11343 | 23/01/2008 | 23M / +35% | Land Registry |
17/05/2022 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 2 7/F FLAT B | 13.65M | 1128sq. ft. / -- | $12101 / -- | 29/09/2017 | 12.28M / +11% | Land Registry |
11/04/2022 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 8 2/F FLAT B | 15M | 1326sq. ft. / 1672sq. ft. | $11312 / $8971 | 09/08/2011 | 10.4M / +44% | Land Registry |
07/04/2022 | Sai Sha | Symphony Bay Villa Rhapsody Block 16 3/F FLAT B | 15.95M | 1323sq. ft. / 1663sq. ft. | $12056 / $9591 | 28/07/2000 | 7M / +128% | Land Registry |