Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 10 9/F FLAT B
$14.50M -22%

Saleable: 1403(sq. ft) @$10335

Gross: 1873(sq. ft) @$7742

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 7 10/F FLAT C
$11.08M -26%

Saleable: 977(sq. ft) @$11341

Gross: 1328(sq. ft) @$8343

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 8 3/F FLAT A

Saleable: 1418(sq. ft) @$11142

Gross: 1842(sq. ft) @$8578

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 3 8/F FLAT B
$30.00M -25%

Saleable: 2051(sq. ft) @$14627

Gross: 2727(sq. ft) @$11001

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 1 6/F FLAT B
$15.50M -11%

Saleable: 1366(sq. ft) @$11347

Gross: 1841(sq. ft) @$8419

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 2 5/F FLAT A
$30.00M -10%

Saleable: 1842(sq. ft) @$16287

Gross: 2451(sq. ft) @$12240

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 10 7/F FLAT A
$19.60M +10%

Saleable: 1409(sq. ft) @$13911

Gross: 1882(sq. ft) @$10414

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 7 3/F FLAT D
$10.36M +1%

Saleable: 1001(sq. ft) @$10350

Gross: 1286(sq. ft) @$8056

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 3 8/F FLAT A
$40.00M -18%

Saleable: 2184(sq. ft) @$18315

Gross: 2842(sq. ft) @$14075

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 9 9/F FLAT B
$16.50M -8%

Saleable: 1403(sq. ft) @$11761

Gross: 1873(sq. ft) @$8809

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 10 3/F FLAT A
$16.00M -5%

Saleable: 1409(sq. ft) @$11356

Gross: 1882(sq. ft) @$8502

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 7 5/F FLAT B
$13.24M +1%

Saleable: 1035(sq. ft) @$12790

Gross: 1337(sq. ft) @$9901

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 8 10/F FLAT C
$14.50M +2%

Saleable: 941(sq. ft) @$15409

Gross: 1321(sq. ft) @$10977

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 6 5/F FLAT B
$15.30M +5%

Saleable: 1034(sq. ft) @$14797

Gross: 1395(sq. ft) @$10968

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

14 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
19/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 10 9/F FLAT B
14.5M 1403sq. ft. / 1873sq. ft. $10335 / $7742 12/11/2013 18.53M / -22%
Land Registry
07/08/2024 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 7 10/F FLAT C
11.08M 977sq. ft. / 1328sq. ft. $11341 / $8343 16/01/2014 14.95M / -26%
Land Registry
31/07/2024 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 8 3/F FLAT A
15.8M 1418sq. ft. / 1842sq. ft. $11142 / $8578 -- -- / --
Land Registry
24/07/2024 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 3 8/F FLAT B
30M 2051sq. ft. / 2727sq. ft. $14627 / $11001 06/12/2013 39.85M / -25%
Land Registry
26/06/2024 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 1 6/F FLAT B
15.5M 1366sq. ft. / 1841sq. ft. $11347 / $8419 05/07/2017 17.5M / -11%
Land Registry
11/04/2024 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 2 5/F FLAT A
30M 1842sq. ft. / 2451sq. ft. $16287 / $12240 11/10/2013 33.31M / -10%
Land Registry
14/09/2023 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 10 7/F FLAT A
19.6M 1409sq. ft. / 1882sq. ft. $13911 / $10414 11/10/2013 17.8M / +10%
Land Registry
30/08/2023 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 7 3/F FLAT D
10.36M 1001sq. ft. / 1286sq. ft. $10350 / $8056 11/10/2013 10.23M / +1%
Land Registry
25/08/2023 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 3 8/F FLAT A
40M 2184sq. ft. / 2842sq. ft. $18315 / $14075 01/11/2013 48.96M / -18%
Land Registry
07/08/2023 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 9 9/F FLAT B
16.5M 1403sq. ft. / 1873sq. ft. $11761 / $8809 26/09/2014 17.92M / -8%
Land Registry
24/04/2023 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 10 3/F FLAT A
16M 1409sq. ft. / 1882sq. ft. $11356 / $8502 09/06/2014 16.77M / -5%
Land Registry
09/03/2023 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 7 5/F FLAT B
13.24M 1035sq. ft. / 1337sq. ft. $12790 / $9901 11/10/2013 13.14M / +1%
Land Registry
28/04/2022 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 8 10/F FLAT C
14.5M 941sq. ft. / 1321sq. ft. $15409 / $10977 06/02/2015 14.2M / +2%
Land Registry
24/03/2022 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 6 5/F FLAT B
15.3M 1034sq. ft. / 1395sq. ft. $14797 / $10968 11/10/2013 14.59M / +5%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.