Saleable: 736(sq. ft) @$11549
Saleable: 780(sq. ft) @$12923
Saleable: 529(sq. ft) @$12193
Saleable: 892(sq. ft) @$11749
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$11985
Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$12595
Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$11450
Saleable: 617(sq. ft) @$15721
Saleable: 617(sq. ft) @$11637
Saleable: 744(sq. ft) @$11425
Saleable: 525(sq. ft) @$11448
Saleable: 735(sq. ft) @$11973
Saleable: 372(sq. ft) @$13172
Saleable: 579(sq. ft) @$13402
Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$12405
Saleable: 551(sq. ft) @$11557
Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$11794
Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$11870
Saleable: 586(sq. ft) @$12253
Saleable: 750(sq. ft) @$12080
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
17/12/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 5 3/F FLAT B | 8.5M | 736sq. ft. / -- | $11549 / -- | 06/12/2019 | 9.9M / -14% | Land Registry |
11/12/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 11 10/F FLAT A | 10.08M | 780sq. ft. / -- | $12923 / -- | 19/07/2019 | 14.94M / -33% | Land Registry |
06/12/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 19 8/F FLAT G | 6.45M | 529sq. ft. / -- | $12193 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 7.33M / -12% | Land Registry |
05/12/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 6 Middle Floor FLAT A | 10.48M | 892sq. ft. / -- | $11749 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
05/12/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 12 2/F FLAT C | 6.28M | 524sq. ft. / -- | $11985 / -- | 29/08/2024 | 5.28M / +19% | Land Registry |
04/12/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 12 9/F FLAT C | 6.6M | 524sq. ft. / -- | $12595 / -- | 18/01/2019 | 7.01M / -6% | Land Registry |
04/12/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 12 5/F FLAT G | 6M | 524sq. ft. / -- | $11450 / -- | 16/01/2019 | 6.35M / -5% | Land Registry |
03/12/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 9 3/F FLAT J | 9.7M | 617sq. ft. / -- | $15721 / -- | 18/01/2019 | 8.47M / +14% | Land Registry |
29/11/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 7 5/F FLAT H | 7.18M | 617sq. ft. / -- | $11637 / -- | 19/07/2019 | 8.34M / -14% | Land Registry |
27/11/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 19 2/F FLAT A | 8.5M | 744sq. ft. / -- | $11425 / -- | 12/07/2019 | 9.65M / -12% | Land Registry |
22/11/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 17 3/F FLAT B | 6.01M | 525sq. ft. / -- | $11448 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 6.99M / -14% | Land Registry |
18/11/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 5 19/F FLAT B | 8.8M | 735sq. ft. / -- | $11973 / -- | 09/03/2020 | 10.29M / -14% | Land Registry |
15/11/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 8 12/F FLAT F | 4.9M | 372sq. ft. / -- | $13172 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 5.1M / -4% | Land Registry |
12/11/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 10 13/F FLAT B | 7.76M | 579sq. ft. / -- | $13402 / -- | 18/01/2019 | 7.72M / +1% | Land Registry |
08/11/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 10 15/F FLAT F | 6.5M | 524sq. ft. / -- | $12405 / -- | 18/01/2019 | 6.8M / -4% | Land Registry |
06/11/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 9 3/F FLAT E | 6.37M | 551sq. ft. / -- | $11557 / -- | 22/01/2019 | 6.31M / +1% | Land Registry |
06/11/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 10 9/F FLAT F | 6.18M | 524sq. ft. / -- | $11794 / -- | 18/01/2019 | 6.71M / -8% | Land Registry |
04/11/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 1 1/F FLAT C | 6.22M | 524sq. ft. / -- | $11870 / -- | 25/01/2019 | 6.72M / -7% | Land Registry |
31/10/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 19 7/F FLAT D | 7.18M | 586sq. ft. / -- | $12253 / -- | 17/03/2023 | 7.76M / -7% | Land Registry |
17/10/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels | The Regent Tower 10 12/F FLAT A | 9.06M | 750sq. ft. / -- | $12080 / -- | 18/01/2019 | 9.91M / -9% | Land Registry |