Saleable: 608(sq. ft) @$9474
Gross: 827(sq. ft) @$6965
Saleable: 608(sq. ft) @$9293
Gross: 827(sq. ft) @$6832
Saleable: 608(sq. ft) @$9753
Gross: 827(sq. ft) @$7170
Saleable: 377(sq. ft) @$9098
Gross: 520(sq. ft) @$6596
Saleable: 750(sq. ft) @$8000
Gross: 925(sq. ft) @$6486
Saleable: 377(sq. ft) @$11088
Gross: 520(sq. ft) @$8038
Saleable: 608(sq. ft) @$10658
Gross: 827(sq. ft) @$7836
Saleable: 377(sq. ft) @$12546
Gross: 520(sq. ft) @$9096
Saleable: 377(sq. ft) @$12202
Gross: 520(sq. ft) @$8846
Saleable: 608(sq. ft) @$9868
Gross: 827(sq. ft) @$7255
Saleable: 608(sq. ft) @$12336
Gross: 827(sq. ft) @$9069
Saleable: 377(sq. ft) @$12003
Gross: 520(sq. ft) @$8702
Saleable: 690(sq. ft) @$10899
Gross: 925(sq. ft) @$8130
Saleable: 608(sq. ft) @$12171
Gross: 827(sq. ft) @$8948
Saleable: 608(sq. ft) @$12171
Gross: 827(sq. ft) @$8948
Saleable: 377(sq. ft) @$13475
Gross: 520(sq. ft) @$9769
Saleable: 690(sq. ft) @$11188
Gross: 925(sq. ft) @$8346
Saleable: 377(sq. ft) @$11936
Gross: 520(sq. ft) @$8654
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
30/10/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 36/F FLAT C | 5.76M | 608sq. ft. / 827sq. ft. | $9474 / $6965 | 15/07/1995 | 3.59M / +61% | Land Registry |
16/08/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 13/F FLAT C | 5.65M | 608sq. ft. / 827sq. ft. | $9293 / $6832 | 11/04/2011 | 3.64M / +55% | Land Registry |
25/06/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 17/F FLAT C | 5.93M | 608sq. ft. / 827sq. ft. | $9753 / $7170 | 02/07/2020 | 7.42M / -20% | Land Registry |
24/04/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 20/F FLAT F | 3.43M | 377sq. ft. / 520sq. ft. | $9098 / $6596 | 29/04/2009 | 1.33M / +158% | Land Registry |
19/12/2023 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 17/F FLAT B | 6M | 750sq. ft. / 925sq. ft. | $8000 / $6486 | 01/11/2000 | 2.41M / +149% | Land Registry |
12/06/2023 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 8/F FLAT F | 4.18M | 377sq. ft. / 520sq. ft. | $11088 / $8038 | 04/06/2014 | 2.9M / +44% | Land Registry |
28/04/2023 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 9/F FLAT C | 6.48M | 608sq. ft. / 827sq. ft. | $10658 / $7836 | 23/02/2011 | 3.13M / +107% | Land Registry |
21/10/2022 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 8/F FLAT A | 4.73M | 377sq. ft. / 520sq. ft. | $12546 / $9096 | 08/06/2009 | 1.33M / +256% | Land Registry |
20/10/2022 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 30/F FLAT F | 4.6M | 377sq. ft. / 520sq. ft. | $12202 / $8846 | 15/12/1995 | 1.9M / +142% | Land Registry |
13/10/2022 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 15/F FLAT D | 6M | 608sq. ft. / 827sq. ft. | $9868 / $7255 | 16/03/2012 | 3.77M / +59% | Land Registry |
19/09/2022 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 36/F FLAT D | 7.5M | 608sq. ft. / 827sq. ft. | $12336 / $9069 | 13/05/2016 | 5.6M / +34% | Land Registry |
02/08/2022 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 23/F FLAT F | 4.53M | 377sq. ft. / 520sq. ft. | $12003 / $8702 | 17/11/2007 | 1.2M / +277% | Land Registry |
11/05/2022 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 19/F FLAT B | 7.52M | 690sq. ft. / 925sq. ft. | $10899 / $8130 | 16/08/2018 | 7.85M / -4% | Land Registry |
05/05/2022 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 29/F FLAT D | 7.4M | 608sq. ft. / 827sq. ft. | $12171 / $8948 | 23/10/1999 | 2.66M / +178% | Land Registry |
04/05/2022 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 26/F FLAT D | 7.4M | 608sq. ft. / 827sq. ft. | $12171 / $8948 | 11/03/2019 | 7.4M / +0% | Land Registry |
21/04/2022 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 30/F FLAT A | 5.08M | 377sq. ft. / 520sq. ft. | $13475 / $9769 | 23/09/2013 | 3.28M / +55% | Land Registry |
13/04/2022 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 31/F FLAT B | 7.72M | 690sq. ft. / 925sq. ft. | $11188 / $8346 | 27/05/2004 | 2.2M / +251% | Land Registry |
28/01/2022 | Tai Po Town Centre | Riviena (Riviera) Lodge Riviena (Riviera) Lodge 21/F FLAT A | 4.5M | 377sq. ft. / 520sq. ft. | $11936 / $8654 | 21/05/2008 | 1.43M / +215% | Land Registry |