Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street 86 Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 577) TENTH ST NO. 86
$22.98M +161%

Saleable: 1596(sq. ft) @$14398

Gross: 2000(sq. ft) @$11490

  • Land Registry


Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street 129 Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 631) TENTH ST NO. 129
$18.68M +53%

Saleable: 1596(sq. ft) @$11704

Gross: 2000(sq. ft) @$9340

  • Land Registry


Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street 107B Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 624) TENTH ST NO. 107B
$19.00M -30%

Saleable: 1535(sq. ft) @$12378

Gross: 2150(sq. ft) @$8837

  • Land Registry


Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street 56A Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 556) TENTH ST NO. 56A
$16.38M +187%

Saleable: 1214(sq. ft) @$13493

Gross: 1850(sq. ft) @$8854

  • Land Registry


Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street 105 Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 764) TENTH ST NO. 105
$31.38M +67%

Saleable: 2121(sq. ft) @$14795

Gross: 3000(sq. ft) @$10460

  • Land Registry


Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street 99A Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 531)) TENTH ST NO. 99A
$24.20M +36%

Saleable: 1535(sq. ft) @$15765

Gross: 2150(sq. ft) @$11256

  • Land Registry


Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street 94 Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 748) TENTH ST NO. 94
$20.80M +114%

Saleable: 1596(sq. ft) @$13033

Gross: 2000(sq. ft) @$10400

  • Land Registry


Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street 7 Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 354) TENTH ST NO. 7
$38.00M +27%

Saleable: 2579(sq. ft) @$14734

Gross: 3500(sq. ft) @$10857

  • Land Registry


Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street 5 Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 353) TENTH ST NO. 5
$36.00M +9%

Saleable: 2579(sq. ft) @$13959

Gross: 3500(sq. ft) @$10286

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

9 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
20/02/2025 Hong Lok Yuen
Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street
86 Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 577) TENTH ST NO. 86
22.98M 1596sq. ft. / 2000sq. ft. $14398 / $11490 02/06/1998 8.8M / +161%
Land Registry
08/01/2025 Hong Lok Yuen
Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street
129 Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 631) TENTH ST NO. 129
18.68M 1596sq. ft. / 2000sq. ft. $11704 / $9340 14/07/2006 12.18M / +53%
Land Registry
26/11/2024 Hong Lok Yuen
Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street
107B Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 624) TENTH ST NO. 107B
19M 1535sq. ft. / 2150sq. ft. $12378 / $8837 22/10/2018 27.2M / -30%
Land Registry
28/10/2024 Hong Lok Yuen
Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street
56A Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 556) TENTH ST NO. 56A
16.38M 1214sq. ft. / 1850sq. ft. $13493 / $8854 11/12/1995 5.7M / +187%
Land Registry
22/08/2024 Hong Lok Yuen
Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street
105 Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 764) TENTH ST NO. 105
31.38M 2121sq. ft. / 3000sq. ft. $14795 / $10460 10/03/2007 18.8M / +67%
Land Registry
10/05/2024 Hong Lok Yuen
Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street
99A Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 531)) TENTH ST NO. 99A
24.2M 1535sq. ft. / 2150sq. ft. $15765 / $11256 10/03/2011 17.78M / +36%
Land Registry
02/05/2024 Hong Lok Yuen
Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street
94 Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 748) TENTH ST NO. 94
20.8M 1596sq. ft. / 2000sq. ft. $13033 / $10400 28/09/2004 9.7M / +114%
Land Registry
07/03/2024 Hong Lok Yuen
Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street
7 Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 354) TENTH ST NO. 7
38M 2579sq. ft. / 3500sq. ft. $14734 / $10857 25/03/1997 30M / +27%
Land Registry
12/09/2023 Hong Lok Yuen
Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street
5 Hong Lok Yuen Tenth Street (s s 353) TENTH ST NO. 5
36M 2579sq. ft. / 3500sq. ft. $13959 / $10286 27/08/2010 33.08M / +9%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.