Saleable: 339(sq. ft) @$11652
Gross: 451(sq. ft) @$8758
Saleable: 339(sq. ft) @$10619
Gross: 451(sq. ft) @$7982
Saleable: 368(sq. ft) @$9783
Gross: 451(sq. ft) @$7982
Saleable: 339(sq. ft) @$11799
Gross: 451(sq. ft) @$8869
Saleable: 339(sq. ft) @$11062
Gross: 451(sq. ft) @$8315
Saleable: 342(sq. ft) @$11696
Gross: 446(sq. ft) @$8969
Saleable: 339(sq. ft) @$11799
Gross: 451(sq. ft) @$8869
Saleable: 368(sq. ft) @$10190
Gross: 451(sq. ft) @$8315
Saleable: 339(sq. ft) @$10855
Gross: 451(sq. ft) @$8160
Saleable: 371(sq. ft) @$8032
Gross: 454(sq. ft) @$6564
Saleable: 342(sq. ft) @$10526
Gross: 454(sq. ft) @$7930
Saleable: 339(sq. ft) @$10575
Gross: 451(sq. ft) @$7949
Saleable: 339(sq. ft) @$12094
Gross: 451(sq. ft) @$9091
Saleable: 342(sq. ft) @$12573
Gross: 454(sq. ft) @$9471
Saleable: 339(sq. ft) @$12035
Gross: 451(sq. ft) @$9047
Saleable: 342(sq. ft) @$12392
Gross: 454(sq. ft) @$9335
Saleable: 339(sq. ft) @$11799
Gross: 443(sq. ft) @$9029
Saleable: 339(sq. ft) @$11947
Gross: 443(sq. ft) @$9142
Saleable: 368(sq. ft) @$11685
Gross: 451(sq. ft) @$9534
Saleable: 339(sq. ft) @$13717
Gross: 451(sq. ft) @$10310
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
04/03/2025 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Fu Cheong Court (Block 1) 23/F FLAT C | 3.95M | 339sq. ft. / 451sq. ft. | $11652 / $8758 | 21/12/2021 | 5.58M / -29% | Land Registry |
12/01/2025 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Wah Cheong Court (Block 4) 3/F FLAT B | 3.6M | 339sq. ft. / 451sq. ft. | $10619 / $7982 | 24/09/2006 | 960K / +275% | Land Registry |
02/01/2025 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Fu Cheong Court (Block 1) 21/F FLAT F | 3.6M | 368sq. ft. / 451sq. ft. | $9783 / $7982 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
01/01/2025 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Wah Cheong Court (Block 4) 21/F FLAT B | 4M | 339sq. ft. / 451sq. ft. | $11799 / $8869 | 22/12/2021 | 5.64M / -29% | Land Registry |
28/11/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Kwai Cheong Court (Block 2) 9/F FLAT G | 3.75M | 339sq. ft. / 451sq. ft. | $11062 / $8315 | 09/09/2012 | 2.65M / +42% | Land Registry |
28/10/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Wah Cheong Court (Block 4) 9/F FLAT E | 4M | 342sq. ft. / 446sq. ft. | $11696 / $8969 | 13/09/2012 | 2.65M / +51% | Land Registry |
20/10/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Wah Cheong Court (Block 4) 19/F FLAT B | 4M | 339sq. ft. / 451sq. ft. | $11799 / $8869 | 02/02/2016 | 4M / +0% | Land Registry |
09/10/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Kwai Cheong Court (Block 2) 7/F FLAT B | 3.75M | 368sq. ft. / 451sq. ft. | $10190 / $8315 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
18/09/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Kwai Cheong Court (Block 2) 10/F FLAT F | 3.68M | 339sq. ft. / 451sq. ft. | $10855 / $8160 | 17/03/2016 | 3.6M / +2% | Land Registry |
19/08/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Wing Cheong Court (Block 3) 23/F FLAT D | 2.98M | 371sq. ft. / 454sq. ft. | $8032 / $6564 | 25/06/2006 | 1.15M / +159% | Land Registry |
28/07/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Fu Cheong Court (Block 1) 5/F FLAT D | 3.6M | 342sq. ft. / 454sq. ft. | $10526 / $7930 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
08/07/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Kwai Cheong Court (Block 2) 8/F FLAT F | 3.59M | 339sq. ft. / 451sq. ft. | $10575 / $7949 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
30/05/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Wah Cheong Court (Block 4) 21/F FLAT G | 4.1M | 339sq. ft. / 451sq. ft. | $12094 / $9091 | 26/12/1996 | 1.68M / +144% | Land Registry |
28/04/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Wah Cheong Court (Block 4) 20/F FLAT H | 4.3M | 342sq. ft. / 454sq. ft. | $12573 / $9471 | 08/03/1999 | 1.3M / +231% | Land Registry |
27/03/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Wah Cheong Court (Block 4) 16/F FLAT G | 4.08M | 339sq. ft. / 451sq. ft. | $12035 / $9047 | 02/01/1996 | 1.46M / +179% | Land Registry |
26/02/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Kwai Cheong Court (Block 2) 26/F FLAT A | 4.24M | 342sq. ft. / 454sq. ft. | $12392 / $9335 | 18/02/2010 | 1.75M / +143% | Land Registry |
15/02/2024 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Wing Cheong Court (Block 3) 5/F FLAT C | 4M | 339sq. ft. / 443sq. ft. | $11799 / $9029 | 21/04/2016 | 3.59M / +11% | Land Registry |
27/11/2023 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Wing Cheong Court (Block 3) 5/F FLAT B | 4.05M | 339sq. ft. / 443sq. ft. | $11947 / $9142 | 12/04/2012 | 2.38M / +70% | Land Registry |
16/10/2023 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Kwai Cheong Court (Block 2) 22/F FLAT F | 4.3M | 368sq. ft. / 451sq. ft. | $11685 / $9534 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
25/07/2023 | Tai Po Town Centre | Fortune Plaza Fu Cheong Court (Block 1) 7/F FLAT C | 4.65M | 339sq. ft. / 451sq. ft. | $13717 / $10310 | 07/06/2018 | 5.45M / -15% | Land Registry |