Kam Fung Court Kam Mei House (Block G) 29/F FLAT 12

Saleable: 532(sq. ft) @$8045

Gross: 706(sq. ft) @$6062

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Lan House (Block J) 17/F FLAT 14

Saleable: 647(sq. ft) @$8377

Gross: 885(sq. ft) @$6124

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Yung House (Block A) 1/F FLAT 5

Saleable: 540(sq. ft) @$9926

Gross: 743(sq. ft) @$7214

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Lei House (Block D) 23/F FLAT 16

Saleable: 636(sq. ft) @$7075

Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$5294

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Ho House (Block H) 32/F FLAT 18

Saleable: 540(sq. ft) @$8333

Gross: 738(sq. ft) @$6098

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Kwai House (Block E) 21/F FLAT 16

Saleable: 642(sq. ft) @$7445

Gross: 883(sq. ft) @$5413

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Huen House (Block F) 16/F FLAT 2

Saleable: 604(sq. ft) @$7980

Gross: 832(sq. ft) @$5793

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Yung House (Block A) 36/F FLAT 2

Saleable: 596(sq. ft) @$7685

Gross: 821(sq. ft) @$5579

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Ling House (Block B) 14/F FLAT 2

Saleable: 604(sq. ft) @$8079

Gross: 832(sq. ft) @$5865

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Lei House (Block D) 34/F FLAT 3

Saleable: 595(sq. ft) @$8571

Gross: 805(sq. ft) @$6335

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Wai House (Block C) 14/F FLAT 1

Saleable: 647(sq. ft) @$7187

Gross: 891(sq. ft) @$5219

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Yung House (Block A) 38/F FLAT 13

Saleable: 532(sq. ft) @$8797

Gross: 731(sq. ft) @$6402

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Mei House (Block G) 21/F FLAT 6

Saleable: 433(sq. ft) @$8199

Gross: 574(sq. ft) @$6185

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Mei House (Block G) 10/F FLAT 12

Saleable: 540(sq. ft) @$8333

Gross: 716(sq. ft) @$6285

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Ho House (Block H) Upper Floor FLAT 3

Saleable: 422(sq. ft) @$10545

Gross: 578(sq. ft) @$7699

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Kam Fung Court Kam Wai House (Block C) 12/F FLAT 4

Saleable: 540(sq. ft) @$7185

Gross: 743(sq. ft) @$5222

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Huen House (Block F) 2/F FLAT 12

Saleable: 540(sq. ft) @$9237

Gross: 743(sq. ft) @$6713

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Ling House (Block B) 22/F FLAT 13

Saleable: 536(sq. ft) @$10448

Gross: 738(sq. ft) @$7588

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Yung House (Block A) 10/F FLAT 3

Saleable: 604(sq. ft) @$7417

Gross: 832(sq. ft) @$5385

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Yung House (Block A) 24/F FLAT 5

Saleable: 536(sq. ft) @$8190

Gross: 738(sq. ft) @$5949

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

253 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
03/09/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Mei House (Block G) 29/F FLAT 12
4.28M 532sq. ft. / 706sq. ft. $8045 / $6062 -- -- / --
Land Registry
03/09/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Lan House (Block J) 17/F FLAT 14
5.42M 647sq. ft. / 885sq. ft. $8377 / $6124 -- -- / --
Land Registry
03/09/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Yung House (Block A) 1/F FLAT 5
5.36M 540sq. ft. / 743sq. ft. $9926 / $7214 -- -- / --
Land Registry
30/08/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Lei House (Block D) 23/F FLAT 16
4.5M 636sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. $7075 / $5294 -- -- / --
Land Registry
29/08/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Ho House (Block H) 32/F FLAT 18
4.5M 540sq. ft. / 738sq. ft. $8333 / $6098 -- -- / --
Land Registry
29/08/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Kwai House (Block E) 21/F FLAT 16
4.78M 642sq. ft. / 883sq. ft. $7445 / $5413 -- -- / --
Land Registry
29/08/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Huen House (Block F) 16/F FLAT 2
4.82M 604sq. ft. / 832sq. ft. $7980 / $5793 -- -- / --
Land Registry
28/08/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Yung House (Block A) 36/F FLAT 2
4.58M 596sq. ft. / 821sq. ft. $7685 / $5579 -- -- / --
Land Registry
21/08/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Ling House (Block B) 14/F FLAT 2
4.88M 604sq. ft. / 832sq. ft. $8079 / $5865 -- -- / --
Land Registry
21/08/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Lei House (Block D) 34/F FLAT 3
5.1M 595sq. ft. / 805sq. ft. $8571 / $6335 -- -- / --
Land Registry
16/08/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Wai House (Block C) 14/F FLAT 1
4.65M 647sq. ft. / 891sq. ft. $7187 / $5219 -- -- / --
Land Registry
13/08/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Yung House (Block A) 38/F FLAT 13
4.68M 532sq. ft. / 731sq. ft. $8797 / $6402 -- -- / --
Land Registry
13/08/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Mei House (Block G) 21/F FLAT 6
3.55M 433sq. ft. / 574sq. ft. $8199 / $6185 -- -- / --
Land Registry
08/08/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Mei House (Block G) 10/F FLAT 12
4.5M 540sq. ft. / 716sq. ft. $8333 / $6285 -- -- / --
Land Registry
06/08/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Ho House (Block H) Upper Floor FLAT 3
4.45M 422sq. ft. / 578sq. ft. $10545 / $7699 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
06/08/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Wai House (Block C) 12/F FLAT 4
3.88M 540sq. ft. / 743sq. ft. $7185 / $5222 -- -- / --
Land Registry
01/08/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Huen House (Block F) 2/F FLAT 12
4.99M 540sq. ft. / 743sq. ft. $9237 / $6713 -- -- / --
Land Registry
29/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Ling House (Block B) 22/F FLAT 13
5.6M 536sq. ft. / 738sq. ft. $10448 / $7588 -- -- / --
Land Registry
26/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Yung House (Block A) 10/F FLAT 3
4.48M 604sq. ft. / 832sq. ft. $7417 / $5385 -- -- / --
Land Registry
22/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Yung House (Block A) 24/F FLAT 5
4.39M 536sq. ft. / 738sq. ft. $8190 / $5949 -- -- / --
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.