Saleable: 611(sq. ft) @$10442
Gross: 796(sq. ft) @$8015
Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$12766
Gross: 619(sq. ft) @$9693
Saleable: 675(sq. ft) @$13230
Gross: 864(sq. ft) @$10336
Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$12766
Gross: 619(sq. ft) @$9693
Saleable: 611(sq. ft) @$12733
Gross: 796(sq. ft) @$9774
Saleable: 601(sq. ft) @$11980
Gross: 782(sq. ft) @$9207
Saleable: 477(sq. ft) @$12579
Gross: 662(sq. ft) @$9063
Saleable: 679(sq. ft) @$12518
Gross: 889(sq. ft) @$9561
Saleable: 601(sq. ft) @$13694
Gross: 782(sq. ft) @$10524
Saleable: 675(sq. ft) @$13881
Gross: 864(sq. ft) @$10845
Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$15106
Gross: 616(sq. ft) @$11526
Saleable: 601(sq. ft) @$13527
Gross: 782(sq. ft) @$10396
Saleable: 678(sq. ft) @$13835
Gross: 889(sq. ft) @$10551
Saleable: 471(sq. ft) @$13376
Gross: 616(sq. ft) @$10227
Saleable: 611(sq. ft) @$13666
Gross: 797(sq. ft) @$10477
Saleable: 477(sq. ft) @$13836
Gross: 662(sq. ft) @$9970
Saleable: 611(sq. ft) @$13306
Gross: 796(sq. ft) @$10214
Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$14468
Gross: 619(sq. ft) @$10985
Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$14255
Gross: 619(sq. ft) @$10824
Saleable: 601(sq. ft) @$13910
Gross: 782(sq. ft) @$10691
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
05/11/2024 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 1 8/F FLAT C | 6.38M | 611sq. ft. / 796sq. ft. | $10442 / $8015 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
30/09/2024 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 2 19/F FLAT A | 6M | 470sq. ft. / 619sq. ft. | $12766 / $9693 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
19/07/2024 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 1 31/F FLAT G | 8.93M | 675sq. ft. / 864sq. ft. | $13230 / $10336 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
13/06/2024 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 2 19/F FLAT A | 6M | 470sq. ft. / 619sq. ft. | $12766 / $9693 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
09/04/2024 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 1 15/F FLAT C | 7.78M | 611sq. ft. / 796sq. ft. | $12733 / $9774 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
26/03/2024 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 1 15/F FLAT A | 7.2M | 601sq. ft. / 782sq. ft. | $11980 / $9207 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
05/02/2024 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 2 20/F FLAT D | 6M | 477sq. ft. / 662sq. ft. | $12579 / $9063 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
17/11/2023 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 2 22/F FLAT C | 8.5M | 679sq. ft. / 889sq. ft. | $12518 / $9561 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
28/08/2023 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 1 24/F FLAT H | 8.23M | 601sq. ft. / 782sq. ft. | $13694 / $10524 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
13/06/2023 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 1 30/F FLAT G | 9.37M | 675sq. ft. / 864sq. ft. | $13881 / $10845 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
26/04/2023 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 1 29/F FLAT D | 7.1M | 470sq. ft. / 616sq. ft. | $15106 / $11526 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
23/03/2023 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 1 13/F FLAT A | 8.13M | 601sq. ft. / 782sq. ft. | $13527 / $10396 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
09/03/2023 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 2 17/F FLAT B | 9.38M | 678sq. ft. / 889sq. ft. | $13835 / $10551 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
02/02/2023 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 1 25/F FLAT D | 6.3M | 471sq. ft. / 616sq. ft. | $13376 / $10227 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
28/12/2022 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 2 25/F FLAT F | 8.35M | 611sq. ft. / 797sq. ft. | $13666 / $10477 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
25/11/2022 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 2 13/F FLAT D | 6.6M | 477sq. ft. / 662sq. ft. | $13836 / $9970 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
19/10/2022 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 1 5/F FLAT B | 8.13M | 611sq. ft. / 796sq. ft. | $13306 / $10214 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
19/10/2022 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 2 2/F FLAT A | 6.8M | 470sq. ft. / 619sq. ft. | $14468 / $10985 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
16/08/2022 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 2 9/F FLAT A | 6.7M | 470sq. ft. / 619sq. ft. | $14255 / $10824 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
05/07/2022 | Siu Lek Yuen | Sunshine Grove Block 1 22/F FLAT H | 8.36M | 601sq. ft. / 782sq. ft. | $13910 / $10691 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |