Granville Garden Tower 2 3/F FLAT B
$8.20M -25%

Saleable: 861(sq. ft) @$9524

Gross: 1110(sq. ft) @$7387

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 3 20/F FLAT G
$8.50M -2%

Saleable: 867(sq. ft) @$9804

Gross: 1110(sq. ft) @$7658

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 1 13/F FLAT D
$6.58M -12%

Saleable: 640(sq. ft) @$10281

Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$7966

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 3 19/F FLAT C
$6.18M +40%

Saleable: 640(sq. ft) @$9656

Gross: 832(sq. ft) @$7428

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 2 20/F FLAT H
$9.52M +133%

Saleable: 865(sq. ft) @$11006

Gross: 1118(sq. ft) @$8515

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 2 17/F FLAT E
$7.15M +63%

Saleable: 640(sq. ft) @$11172

Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$8656

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 2 21/F FLAT B
$9.45M +44%

Saleable: 867(sq. ft) @$10900

Gross: 1110(sq. ft) @$8514

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 1 27/F FLAT G
$10.19M +128%

Saleable: 867(sq. ft) @$11753

Gross: 1110(sq. ft) @$9180

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 2 3/F FLAT H
$8.90M +141%

Saleable: 861(sq. ft) @$10337

Gross: 1118(sq. ft) @$7961

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 2 3/F FLAT E
$6.50M +25%

Saleable: 638(sq. ft) @$10188

Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$7869

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 3 11/F FLAT B
$9.10M -19%

Saleable: 865(sq. ft) @$10520

Gross: 1110(sq. ft) @$8198

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 3 9/F FLAT D
$6.50M +30%

Saleable: 640(sq. ft) @$10156

Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$7869

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 3 18/F FLAT A
$9.00M +36%

Saleable: 864(sq. ft) @$10417

Gross: 1118(sq. ft) @$8050

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 3 6/F FLAT E
$7.58M -10%

Saleable: 638(sq. ft) @$11881

Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$9177

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 3 13/F FLAT E
$6.90M +22%

Saleable: 640(sq. ft) @$10781

Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$8354

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 1 10/F FLAT H
$10.55M +77%

Saleable: 864(sq. ft) @$12211

Gross: 1118(sq. ft) @$9436

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 1 2/F FLAT A
$9.20M +103%

Saleable: 861(sq. ft) @$10685

Gross: 1118(sq. ft) @$8229

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 2 12/F FLAT D
$7.08M +121%

Saleable: 640(sq. ft) @$11063

Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$8571

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 2 12/F FLAT A
$10.45M +7%

Saleable: 864(sq. ft) @$12095

Gross: 1118(sq. ft) @$9347

  • Land Registry


Granville Garden Tower 1 5/F FLAT E
$7.10M +41%

Saleable: 638(sq. ft) @$11129

Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$8596

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

40 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
10/01/2025 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 2 3/F FLAT B
8.2M 861sq. ft. / 1110sq. ft. $9524 / $7387 04/07/2018 10.88M / -25%
Land Registry
09/01/2025 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 3 20/F FLAT G
8.5M 867sq. ft. / 1110sq. ft. $9804 / $7658 13/10/1997 8.63M / -2%
Land Registry
18/12/2024 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 1 13/F FLAT D
6.58M 640sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. $10281 / $7966 21/05/2020 7.5M / -12%
Land Registry
04/12/2024 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 3 19/F FLAT C
6.18M 640sq. ft. / 832sq. ft. $9656 / $7428 31/08/2012 4.42M / +40%
Land Registry
20/06/2024 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 2 20/F FLAT H
9.52M 865sq. ft. / 1118sq. ft. $11006 / $8515 23/11/2007 4.09M / +133%
Land Registry
24/05/2024 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 2 17/F FLAT E
7.15M 640sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. $11172 / $8656 13/03/2012 4.4M / +63%
Land Registry
02/05/2024 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 2 21/F FLAT B
9.45M 867sq. ft. / 1110sq. ft. $10900 / $8514 11/11/2013 6.55M / +44%
Land Registry
29/04/2024 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 1 27/F FLAT G
10.19M 867sq. ft. / 1110sq. ft. $11753 / $9180 21/07/1998 4.46M / +128%
Land Registry
03/04/2024 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 2 3/F FLAT H
8.9M 861sq. ft. / 1118sq. ft. $10337 / $7961 16/01/2009 3.7M / +141%
Land Registry
19/03/2024 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 2 3/F FLAT E
6.5M 638sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. $10188 / $7869 05/07/1997 5.2M / +25%
Land Registry
04/03/2024 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 3 11/F FLAT B
9.1M 865sq. ft. / 1110sq. ft. $10520 / $8198 26/07/2019 11.2M / -19%
Land Registry
08/02/2024 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 3 9/F FLAT D
6.5M 640sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. $10156 / $7869 13/12/2013 5M / +30%
Land Registry
08/02/2024 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 3 18/F FLAT A
9M 864sq. ft. / 1118sq. ft. $10417 / $8050 19/12/1997 6.61M / +36%
Land Registry
08/11/2023 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 3 6/F FLAT E
7.58M 638sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. $11881 / $9177 03/07/2018 8.41M / -10%
Land Registry
05/10/2023 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 3 13/F FLAT E
6.9M 640sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. $10781 / $8354 02/08/2013 5.66M / +22%
Land Registry
16/08/2023 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 1 10/F FLAT H
10.55M 864sq. ft. / 1118sq. ft. $12211 / $9436 31/12/1997 5.96M / +77%
Land Registry
11/08/2023 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 1 2/F FLAT A
9.2M 861sq. ft. / 1118sq. ft. $10685 / $8229 14/02/1998 4.53M / +103%
Land Registry
03/08/2023 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 2 12/F FLAT D
7.08M 640sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. $11063 / $8571 18/12/2009 3.2M / +121%
Land Registry
06/07/2023 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 2 12/F FLAT A
10.45M 864sq. ft. / 1118sq. ft. $12095 / $9347 13/04/2017 9.8M / +7%
Land Registry
27/06/2023 Tai Wai
Granville Garden
Tower 1 5/F FLAT E
7.1M 638sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. $11129 / $8596 26/10/2012 5.05M / +41%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.