Belair Gardens Jade Heights (Block J) 20/F FLAT F
$4.65M +272%

Saleable: 465(sq. ft) @$10000

Gross: 680(sq. ft) @$6838

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Grenville Heights (Block G) 17/F FLAT A
$7.15M +103%

Saleable: 831(sq. ft) @$8604

Gross: 1120(sq. ft) @$6384

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Hoover Heights (Block H) 25/F FLAT D
$6.08M +119%

Saleable: 670(sq. ft) @$9075

Gross: 925(sq. ft) @$6573

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Admiralty Heights (Block A) 21/F FLAT B

Saleable: 725(sq. ft) @$8800

Gross: 980(sq. ft) @$6510

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Estoril Heights (Block E) 6/F FLAT D
$5.63M +61%

Saleable: 670(sq. ft) @$8400

Gross: 925(sq. ft) @$6084

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Jade Heights (Block J) 12/F FLAT H
$5.08M +32%

Saleable: 560(sq. ft) @$9071

Gross: 808(sq. ft) @$6287

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Estoril Heights (Block E) 21/F FLAT A

Saleable: 831(sq. ft) @$8424

Gross: 1120(sq. ft) @$6250

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Fontana Heights (Block F) 1/F FLAT D
$5.50M +57%

Saleable: 670(sq. ft) @$8209

Gross: 925(sq. ft) @$5946

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Imperial Heights (Block I) 12/F FLAT F

Saleable: 465(sq. ft) @$10065

Gross: 680(sq. ft) @$6882

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Grenville Heights (Block G) 12/F FLAT C
$6.75M +57%

Saleable: 831(sq. ft) @$8123

Gross: 1125(sq. ft) @$6000

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Manhattan Heights (Block M) 3/F FLAT F
$4.38M +10%

Saleable: 465(sq. ft) @$9419

Gross: 680(sq. ft) @$6441

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Fontana Heights (Block F) 15/F FLAT B
$5.85M +89%

Saleable: 670(sq. ft) @$8731

Gross: 920(sq. ft) @$6359

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Nelly Heights (Block N) 2/F FLAT F
$4.36M +6%

Saleable: 465(sq. ft) @$9366

Gross: 680(sq. ft) @$6404

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Manhattan Heights (Block M) 5/F FLAT F

Saleable: 465(sq. ft) @$9677

Gross: 680(sq. ft) @$6618

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Imperial Heights (Block I) 11/F FLAT A
$4.81M +345%

Saleable: 465(sq. ft) @$10340

Gross: 680(sq. ft) @$7071

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Admiralty Heights (Block A) 28/F FLAT B
$7.00M -29%

Saleable: 725(sq. ft) @$9655

Gross: 980(sq. ft) @$7143

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Fontana Heights (Block F) 22/F FLAT C

Saleable: 1013(sq. ft) @$6713

Gross: 1125(sq. ft) @$6044

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Imperial Heights (Block I) 21/F FLAT A
$5.08M +64%

Saleable: 465(sq. ft) @$10925

Gross: 680(sq. ft) @$7471

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Jade Heights (Block J) 7/F FLAT G
$5.80M +314%

Saleable: 574(sq. ft) @$10105

Gross: 808(sq. ft) @$7178

  • Land Registry


Belair Gardens Admiralty Heights (Block A) 3/F FLAT B
$6.46M +12%

Saleable: 725(sq. ft) @$8910

Gross: 980(sq. ft) @$6592

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

120 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
24/01/2025 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Jade Heights (Block J) 20/F FLAT F
4.65M 465sq. ft. / 680sq. ft. $10000 / $6838 14/01/2004 1.25M / +272%
Land Registry
20/01/2025 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Grenville Heights (Block G) 17/F FLAT A
7.15M 831sq. ft. / 1120sq. ft. $8604 / $6384 25/07/1996 3.52M / +103%
Land Registry
20/01/2025 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Hoover Heights (Block H) 25/F FLAT D
6.08M 670sq. ft. / 925sq. ft. $9075 / $6573 21/03/2006 2.78M / +119%
Land Registry
08/01/2025 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Admiralty Heights (Block A) 21/F FLAT B
6.38M 725sq. ft. / 980sq. ft. $8800 / $6510 -- -- / --
Land Registry
02/01/2025 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Estoril Heights (Block E) 6/F FLAT D
5.63M 670sq. ft. / 925sq. ft. $8400 / $6084 27/05/2010 3.5M / +61%
Land Registry
27/12/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Jade Heights (Block J) 12/F FLAT H
5.08M 560sq. ft. / 808sq. ft. $9071 / $6287 06/03/2012 3.85M / +32%
Land Registry
04/12/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Estoril Heights (Block E) 21/F FLAT A
7M 831sq. ft. / 1120sq. ft. $8424 / $6250 -- -- / --
Land Registry
28/11/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Fontana Heights (Block F) 1/F FLAT D
5.5M 670sq. ft. / 925sq. ft. $8209 / $5946 08/04/1997 3.5M / +57%
Land Registry
25/11/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Imperial Heights (Block I) 12/F FLAT F
4.68M 465sq. ft. / 680sq. ft. $10065 / $6882 -- -- / --
Land Registry
18/11/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Grenville Heights (Block G) 12/F FLAT C
6.75M 831sq. ft. / 1125sq. ft. $8123 / $6000 28/07/2010 4.3M / +57%
Land Registry
08/11/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Manhattan Heights (Block M) 3/F FLAT F
4.38M 465sq. ft. / 680sq. ft. $9419 / $6441 16/02/2016 4M / +10%
Land Registry
30/10/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Fontana Heights (Block F) 15/F FLAT B
5.85M 670sq. ft. / 920sq. ft. $8731 / $6359 23/09/1996 3.09M / +89%
Land Registry
27/09/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Nelly Heights (Block N) 2/F FLAT F
4.36M 465sq. ft. / 680sq. ft. $9366 / $6404 26/09/2014 4.1M / +6%
Land Registry
20/09/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Manhattan Heights (Block M) 5/F FLAT F
4.5M 465sq. ft. / 680sq. ft. $9677 / $6618 -- -- / --
Land Registry
09/09/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Imperial Heights (Block I) 11/F FLAT A
4.81M 465sq. ft. / 680sq. ft. $10340 / $7071 24/09/2003 1.08M / +345%
Land Registry
26/08/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Admiralty Heights (Block A) 28/F FLAT B
7M 725sq. ft. / 980sq. ft. $9655 / $7143 30/04/2018 9.9M / -29%
Land Registry
16/08/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Fontana Heights (Block F) 22/F FLAT C
6.8M 1013sq. ft. / 1125sq. ft. $6713 / $6044 -- -- / --
Land Registry
05/08/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Imperial Heights (Block I) 21/F FLAT A
5.08M 465sq. ft. / 680sq. ft. $10925 / $7471 31/03/2011 3.1M / +64%
Land Registry
31/07/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Jade Heights (Block J) 7/F FLAT G
5.8M 574sq. ft. / 808sq. ft. $10105 / $7178 10/06/2003 1.4M / +314%
Land Registry
22/07/2024 Sha Tin
Belair Gardens
Admiralty Heights (Block A) 3/F FLAT B
6.46M 725sq. ft. / 980sq. ft. $8910 / $6592 26/10/2012 5.75M / +12%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.