Shatinpark Stage 1 Avon Garden (Block 2) Upper Floor FLAT B

Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$11538

Gross: 435(sq. ft) @$7586

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Shatinpark Stage 1 Ashley Garden (Block 3) 9/F FLAT G
$3.23M +106%

Saleable: 312(sq. ft) @$10353

Gross: 486(sq. ft) @$6646

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Escort Garden (Block 1) 10/F FLAT C
$3.45M +39%

Saleable: 324(sq. ft) @$10648

Gross: 552(sq. ft) @$6250

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Ashley Garden (Block 3) 10/F FLAT E

Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$11119

Gross: 423(sq. ft) @$7518

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Escort Garden (Block 1) 13/F FLAT H
$3.19M +71%

Saleable: 297(sq. ft) @$10741

Gross: 486(sq. ft) @$6564

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Avon Garden (Block 2) 18/F FLAT H

Saleable: 297(sq. ft) @$15152

Gross: 479(sq. ft) @$9395

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Avon Garden (Block 2) 7/F FLAT A
$3.10M +11%

Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$10832

Gross: 435(sq. ft) @$7122

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Ashley Garden (Block 3) 19/F FLAT E

Saleable: 292(sq. ft) @$11301

Gross: 423(sq. ft) @$7801

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Escort Garden (Block 1) 4/F FLAT C
$3.00M +144%

Saleable: 324(sq. ft) @$9259

Gross: 552(sq. ft) @$5435

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Escort Garden (Block 1) 8/F FLAT E
$2.99M +151%

Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$10455

Gross: 435(sq. ft) @$6874

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Avon Garden (Block 2) 4/F FLAT G
$3.20M -18%

Saleable: 301(sq. ft) @$10631

Gross: 486(sq. ft) @$6584

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Ashley Garden (Block 3) 3/F FLAT C
$3.30M -34%

Saleable: 301(sq. ft) @$10963

Gross: 484(sq. ft) @$6818

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Ashley Garden (Block 3) 15/F FLAT G
$3.90M -20%

Saleable: 312(sq. ft) @$12500

Gross: 486(sq. ft) @$8025

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Escort Garden (Block 1) 8/F FLAT B
$3.54M -13%

Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$12378

Gross: 435(sq. ft) @$8138

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Avon Garden (Block 2) 13/F FLAT H
$3.85M +22%

Saleable: 297(sq. ft) @$12963

Gross: 479(sq. ft) @$8038

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Avon Garden (Block 2) 14/F FLAT B
$3.33M +73%

Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$11643

Gross: 435(sq. ft) @$7655

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Escort Garden (Block 1) 2/F FLAT E

Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$10804

Gross: 435(sq. ft) @$7103

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Avon Garden (Block 2) 10/F FLAT C

Saleable: 324(sq. ft) @$12346

Gross: 552(sq. ft) @$7246

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Avon Garden (Block 2) 12/F FLAT E
$4.50M -8%

Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$15734

Gross: 435(sq. ft) @$10345

  • Land Registry


Shatinpark Stage 1 Escort Garden (Block 1) 12/F FLAT D
$3.95M +8%

Saleable: 324(sq. ft) @$12191

Gross: 552(sq. ft) @$7156

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

39 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
15/01/2025 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Avon Garden (Block 2) Upper Floor FLAT B
3.3M 286sq. ft. / 435sq. ft. $11538 / $7586 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
06/12/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Ashley Garden (Block 3) 9/F FLAT G
3.23M 312sq. ft. / 486sq. ft. $10353 / $6646 16/01/1997 1.57M / +106%
Land Registry
04/12/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Escort Garden (Block 1) 10/F FLAT C
3.45M 324sq. ft. / 552sq. ft. $10648 / $6250 22/06/2012 2.48M / +39%
Land Registry
06/11/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Ashley Garden (Block 3) 10/F FLAT E
3.18M 286sq. ft. / 423sq. ft. $11119 / $7518 -- -- / --
Land Registry
10/10/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Escort Garden (Block 1) 13/F FLAT H
3.19M 297sq. ft. / 486sq. ft. $10741 / $6564 10/01/2011 1.87M / +71%
Land Registry
09/09/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Avon Garden (Block 2) 18/F FLAT H
4.5M 297sq. ft. / 479sq. ft. $15152 / $9395 -- -- / --
Land Registry
09/09/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Avon Garden (Block 2) 7/F FLAT A
3.1M 286sq. ft. / 435sq. ft. $10832 / $7122 12/05/2014 2.78M / +11%
Land Registry
08/08/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Ashley Garden (Block 3) 19/F FLAT E
3.3M 292sq. ft. / 423sq. ft. $11301 / $7801 -- -- / --
Land Registry
07/08/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Escort Garden (Block 1) 4/F FLAT C
3M 324sq. ft. / 552sq. ft. $9259 / $5435 05/02/2008 1.23M / +144%
Land Registry
07/08/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Escort Garden (Block 1) 8/F FLAT E
2.99M 286sq. ft. / 435sq. ft. $10455 / $6874 04/09/2009 1.19M / +151%
Land Registry
11/07/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Avon Garden (Block 2) 4/F FLAT G
3.2M 301sq. ft. / 486sq. ft. $10631 / $6584 07/03/2017 3.92M / -18%
Land Registry
07/06/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Ashley Garden (Block 3) 3/F FLAT C
3.3M 301sq. ft. / 484sq. ft. $10963 / $6818 20/08/2019 4.98M / -34%
Land Registry
30/05/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Ashley Garden (Block 3) 15/F FLAT G
3.9M 312sq. ft. / 486sq. ft. $12500 / $8025 09/03/2018 4.9M / -20%
Land Registry
24/05/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Escort Garden (Block 1) 8/F FLAT B
3.54M 286sq. ft. / 435sq. ft. $12378 / $8138 14/10/2022 4.08M / -13%
Land Registry
12/04/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Avon Garden (Block 2) 13/F FLAT H
3.85M 297sq. ft. / 479sq. ft. $12963 / $8038 22/04/2016 3.15M / +22%
Land Registry
03/04/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Avon Garden (Block 2) 14/F FLAT B
3.33M 286sq. ft. / 435sq. ft. $11643 / $7655 23/05/2011 1.92M / +73%
Land Registry
26/02/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Escort Garden (Block 1) 2/F FLAT E
3.09M 286sq. ft. / 435sq. ft. $10804 / $7103 -- -- / --
Land Registry
26/02/2024 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Avon Garden (Block 2) 10/F FLAT C
4M 324sq. ft. / 552sq. ft. $12346 / $7246 -- -- / --
Land Registry
21/06/2023 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Avon Garden (Block 2) 12/F FLAT E
4.5M 286sq. ft. / 435sq. ft. $15734 / $10345 11/10/2018 4.9M / -8%
Land Registry
17/05/2023 Sha Tin
Shatinpark Stage 1
Escort Garden (Block 1) 12/F FLAT D
3.95M 324sq. ft. / 552sq. ft. $12191 / $7156 06/02/2015 3.66M / +8%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.