Saleable: 1112(sq. ft) @$10252
Gross: 1336(sq. ft) @$8533
Saleable: 908(sq. ft) @$12313
Gross: 1110(sq. ft) @$10072
Saleable: 1112(sq. ft) @$11061
Gross: 1332(sq. ft) @$9234
Saleable: 1112(sq. ft) @$12230
Gross: 1332(sq. ft) @$10210
Saleable: 908(sq. ft) @$13767
Gross: 1112(sq. ft) @$11241
Saleable: 1112(sq. ft) @$14209
Gross: 1332(sq. ft) @$11862
Saleable: 819(sq. ft) @$10598
Gross: 992(sq. ft) @$8750
Saleable: 929(sq. ft) @$12896
Gross: 1110(sq. ft) @$10793
Saleable: 908(sq. ft) @$12335
Gross: 1111(sq. ft) @$10081
Saleable: 908(sq. ft) @$13767
Gross: 1111(sq. ft) @$11251
Saleable: 908(sq. ft) @$12115
Gross: 1111(sq. ft) @$9901
Saleable: 908(sq. ft) @$12423
Gross: 1110(sq. ft) @$10162
Saleable: 908(sq. ft) @$12115
Gross: 1110(sq. ft) @$9910
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
21/05/2024 | City One Shatin / Shek Mun | Garden Vista Phase 1 Block B 22/F FLAT 3 | 11.4M | 1112sq. ft. / 1336sq. ft. | $10252 / $8533 | 28/01/2010 | 6.97M / +64% | Land Registry |
10/04/2024 | City One Shatin / Shek Mun | Garden Vista Phase 1 Block B 13/F FLAT 2 | 11.18M | 908sq. ft. / 1110sq. ft. | $12313 / $10072 | 25/04/2014 | 8M / +40% | Land Registry |
24/11/2023 | City One Shatin / Shek Mun | Garden Vista Phase 1 Block A 12/F FLAT 3 | 12.3M | 1112sq. ft. / 1332sq. ft. | $11061 / $9234 | 21/11/1995 | 6.6M / +86% | Land Registry |
22/08/2023 | City One Shatin / Shek Mun | Garden Vista Phase 1 Block A 22/F FLAT 4 | 13.6M | 1112sq. ft. / 1332sq. ft. | $12230 / $10210 | 27/08/1996 | 6.7M / +103% | Land Registry |
28/03/2023 | City One Shatin / Shek Mun | Garden Vista Phase 1 Block A 19/F FLAT 1 | 12.5M | 908sq. ft. / 1112sq. ft. | $13767 / $11241 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
15/03/2023 | City One Shatin / Shek Mun | Garden Vista Phase 1 Block A 13/F FLAT 3 | 15.8M | 1112sq. ft. / 1332sq. ft. | $14209 / $11862 | 30/12/2008 | 5.9M / +168% | Land Registry |
16/02/2023 | City One Shatin / Shek Mun | Garden Vista Phase 1 Block C 10/F FLAT 4 | 8.68M | 819sq. ft. / 992sq. ft. | $10598 / $8750 | 26/09/1996 | 4.75M / +83% | Land Registry |
29/06/2022 | City One Shatin / Shek Mun | Garden Vista Phase 1 Block B 3/F FLAT 2 | 11.98M | 929sq. ft. / 1110sq. ft. | $12896 / $10793 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
24/05/2022 | City One Shatin / Shek Mun | Garden Vista Phase 1 Block B 18/F FLAT 1 | 11.2M | 908sq. ft. / 1111sq. ft. | $12335 / $10081 | 14/07/1997 | 7.7M / +45% | Land Registry |
23/05/2022 | City One Shatin / Shek Mun | Garden Vista Phase 1 Block B 21/F FLAT 1 | 12.5M | 908sq. ft. / 1111sq. ft. | $13767 / $11251 | 20/06/2014 | 7.75M / +61% | Land Registry |
19/04/2022 | City One Shatin / Shek Mun | Garden Vista Phase 1 Block B 14/F FLAT 1 | 11M | 908sq. ft. / 1111sq. ft. | $12115 / $9901 | 21/05/2014 | 8M / +38% | Land Registry |
01/04/2022 | City One Shatin / Shek Mun | Garden Vista Phase 1 Block B 17/F FLAT 2 | 11.28M | 908sq. ft. / 1110sq. ft. | $12423 / $10162 | 17/12/1996 | 6.2M / +82% | Land Registry |
14/03/2022 | City One Shatin / Shek Mun | Garden Vista Phase 1 Block B 21/F FLAT 2 | 11M | 908sq. ft. / 1110sq. ft. | $12115 / $9910 | 25/06/2009 | 4.88M / +125% | Land Registry |