Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$8501
Gross: 583(sq. ft) @$6518
Saleable: 544(sq. ft) @$8640
Gross: 704(sq. ft) @$6676
Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$7543
Gross: 607(sq. ft) @$5766
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 475(sq. ft) @$8169
Gross: 625(sq. ft) @$6208
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 419(sq. ft) @$7876
Gross: 535(sq. ft) @$6168
Saleable: 475(sq. ft) @$8126
Gross: 625(sq. ft) @$6176
Saleable: 475(sq. ft) @$8547
Gross: 625(sq. ft) @$6496
Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$7740
Gross: 583(sq. ft) @$5935
Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$8501
Gross: 583(sq. ft) @$6518
Saleable: 461(sq. ft) @$7918
Gross: 583(sq. ft) @$6261
Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$7226
Gross: 583(sq. ft) @$5540
Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$8166
Gross: 583(sq. ft) @$6261
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 544(sq. ft) @$8676
Gross: 704(sq. ft) @$6705
Saleable: 419(sq. ft) @$8353
Gross: 535(sq. ft) @$6542
Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$8009
Gross: 583(sq. ft) @$6141
Saleable: 475(sq. ft) @$8084
Gross: 625(sq. ft) @$6144
Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$8031
Gross: 583(sq. ft) @$6158
Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$7931
Gross: 607(sq. ft) @$6063
Saleable: 544(sq. ft) @$7993
Gross: 704(sq. ft) @$6176
Saleable: 587(sq. ft) @$9370
Gross: 753(sq. ft) @$7304
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
23/12/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 2 23/F FLAT B | 3.8M | 447sq. ft. / 583sq. ft. | $8501 / $6518 | 05/08/2016 | 3.64M / +4% | Land Registry |
23/12/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 11 11/F FLAT F | 4.7M | 544sq. ft. / 704sq. ft. | $8640 / $6676 | 01/04/2010 | 1.88M / +150% | Land Registry |
20/12/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 5 Lower Floor FLAT C | 3.5M | 464sq. ft. / 607sq. ft. | $7543 / $5766 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
19/12/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens 二期 05座 Lower Floor FLAT B | 3.88M | 475sq. ft. / 625sq. ft. | $8169 / $6208 | -- | -- / -- |
Market Info |
19/12/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 3 5/F FLAT A | 3.3M | 419sq. ft. / 535sq. ft. | $7876 / $6168 | 09/01/2012 | 1.73M / +91% | Land Registry |
03/12/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 5 34/F FLAT E | 3.86M | 475sq. ft. / 625sq. ft. | $8126 / $6176 | 29/01/2020 | 6M / -36% | Land Registry |
29/11/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 6 22/F FLAT E | 4.06M | 475sq. ft. / 625sq. ft. | $8547 / $6496 | 09/04/2010 | 1.74M / +133% | Land Registry |
28/11/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 8 5/F FLAT G | 3.46M | 447sq. ft. / 583sq. ft. | $7740 / $5935 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
26/11/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 9 12/F FLAT F | 3.8M | 447sq. ft. / 583sq. ft. | $8501 / $6518 | 23/12/2022 | 4.18M / -9% | Land Registry |
22/11/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 7 8/F FLAT G | 3.65M | 461sq. ft. / 583sq. ft. | $7918 / $6261 | 22/04/2006 | 870K / +320% | Land Registry |
20/11/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 2 21/F FLAT F | 3.23M | 447sq. ft. / 583sq. ft. | $7226 / $5540 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
14/11/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens 二期 07座 Lower Floor FLAT G | 3.65M | 447sq. ft. / 583sq. ft. | $8166 / $6261 | -- | -- / -- |
Market Info |
13/11/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 6 21/F FLAT F | 4.72M | 544sq. ft. / 704sq. ft. | $8676 / $6705 | 02/12/2014 | 4M / +18% | Land Registry |
08/11/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 1 32/F FLAT A | 3.5M | 419sq. ft. / 535sq. ft. | $8353 / $6542 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
05/11/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 9 32/F FLAT B | 3.58M | 447sq. ft. / 583sq. ft. | $8009 / $6141 | 29/01/2018 | 4.9M / -27% | Land Registry |
01/11/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 4 28/F FLAT E | 3.84M | 475sq. ft. / 625sq. ft. | $8084 / $6144 | 01/08/2014 | 3.6M / +7% | Land Registry |
30/10/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 3 7/F FLAT B | 3.59M | 447sq. ft. / 583sq. ft. | $8031 / $6158 | 09/05/2014 | 2.71M / +32% | Land Registry |
23/10/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 10 21/F FLAT C | 3.68M | 464sq. ft. / 607sq. ft. | $7931 / $6063 | 12/06/2009 | 1.18M / +212% | Land Registry |
22/10/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 11 7/F FLAT F | 4.35M | 544sq. ft. / 704sq. ft. | $7993 / $6176 | 04/11/1998 | 1.6M / +172% | Land Registry |
30/09/2024 | Tuen Mun North | Tai Hing Gardens Phase 2 Tower 3 8/F FLAT D | 5.5M | 587sq. ft. / 753sq. ft. | $9370 / $7304 | 09/09/2019 | 6.8M / -19% | Land Registry |