Goodrich Garden Tower 2 11/F FLAT G
$4.00M +156%

Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$9639

Gross: 571(sq. ft) @$7005

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 1 12/F FLAT H
$3.34M +33%

Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$8039

Gross: 571(sq. ft) @$5842

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 1 13/F FLAT F

Saleable: 367(sq. ft) @$8447

Gross: 508(sq. ft) @$6102

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 2 20/F FLAT H
$3.39M +165%

Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$8169

Gross: 571(sq. ft) @$5937

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 1 34/F FLAT F
$3.29M +122%

Saleable: 367(sq. ft) @$8959

Gross: 508(sq. ft) @$6472

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 1 12/F FLAT C

Saleable: 513(sq. ft) @$7895

Gross: 707(sq. ft) @$5728

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 2 6/F FLAT C

Saleable: 513(sq. ft) @$8538

Gross: 707(sq. ft) @$6195

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 2 31/F FLAT E
$3.10M +7%

Saleable: 367(sq. ft) @$8447

Gross: 508(sq. ft) @$6102

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 2 6/F FLAT D
$4.23M +188%

Saleable: 513(sq. ft) @$8246

Gross: 707(sq. ft) @$5983

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 1 28/F FLAT A
$4.05M +19%

Saleable: 390(sq. ft) @$10379

Gross: 539(sq. ft) @$7510

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 1 20/F FLAT D
$4.48M +23%

Saleable: 513(sq. ft) @$8733

Gross: 707(sq. ft) @$6337

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 1 25/F FLAT A

Saleable: 390(sq. ft) @$9205

Gross: 539(sq. ft) @$6660

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 2 26/F FLAT G

Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$9639

Gross: 571(sq. ft) @$7005

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 1 15/F FLAT B
$3.60M +41%

Saleable: 390(sq. ft) @$9231

Gross: 539(sq. ft) @$6679

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 1 38/F FLAT B
$3.60M +142%

Saleable: 390(sq. ft) @$9231

Gross: 539(sq. ft) @$6679

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 1 23/F FLAT A
$3.85M +8%

Saleable: 390(sq. ft) @$9872

Gross: 539(sq. ft) @$7143

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 2 13/F FLAT E
$4.08M +53%

Saleable: 367(sq. ft) @$11117

Gross: 508(sq. ft) @$8031

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 2 27/F FLAT A

Saleable: 390(sq. ft) @$11379

Gross: 539(sq. ft) @$8234

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 1 34/F FLAT E

Saleable: 367(sq. ft) @$12262

Gross: 508(sq. ft) @$8858

  • Land Registry


Goodrich Garden Tower 1 30/F FLAT E
$4.45M +39%

Saleable: 367(sq. ft) @$12125

Gross: 508(sq. ft) @$8760

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

47 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
08/01/2025 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 2 11/F FLAT G
4M 415sq. ft. / 571sq. ft. $9639 / $7005 14/01/2011 1.56M / +156%
Land Registry
02/12/2024 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 1 12/F FLAT H
3.34M 415sq. ft. / 571sq. ft. $8039 / $5842 21/06/2013 2.5M / +33%
Land Registry
05/11/2024 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 1 13/F FLAT F
3.1M 367sq. ft. / 508sq. ft. $8447 / $6102 -- -- / --
Land Registry
08/10/2024 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 2 20/F FLAT H
3.39M 415sq. ft. / 571sq. ft. $8169 / $5937 09/10/1996 1.28M / +165%
Land Registry
30/09/2024 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 1 34/F FLAT F
3.29M 367sq. ft. / 508sq. ft. $8959 / $6472 28/07/2010 1.48M / +122%
Land Registry
23/07/2024 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 1 12/F FLAT C
4.05M 513sq. ft. / 707sq. ft. $7895 / $5728 -- -- / --
Land Registry
16/07/2024 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 2 6/F FLAT C
4.38M 513sq. ft. / 707sq. ft. $8538 / $6195 -- -- / --
Land Registry
06/05/2024 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 2 31/F FLAT E
3.1M 367sq. ft. / 508sq. ft. $8447 / $6102 02/11/2016 2.9M / +7%
Land Registry
25/04/2024 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 2 6/F FLAT D
4.23M 513sq. ft. / 707sq. ft. $8246 / $5983 11/06/1996 1.47M / +188%
Land Registry
24/04/2024 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 1 28/F FLAT A
4.05M 390sq. ft. / 539sq. ft. $10379 / $7510 22/05/2015 3.39M / +19%
Land Registry
10/04/2024 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 1 20/F FLAT D
4.48M 513sq. ft. / 707sq. ft. $8733 / $6337 30/09/2014 3.64M / +23%
Land Registry
27/03/2024 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 1 25/F FLAT A
3.59M 390sq. ft. / 539sq. ft. $9205 / $6660 -- -- / --
Land Registry
21/02/2024 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 2 26/F FLAT G
4M 415sq. ft. / 571sq. ft. $9639 / $7005 -- -- / --
Land Registry
25/01/2024 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 1 15/F FLAT B
3.6M 390sq. ft. / 539sq. ft. $9231 / $6679 17/06/2014 2.55M / +41%
Land Registry
10/10/2023 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 1 38/F FLAT B
3.6M 390sq. ft. / 539sq. ft. $9231 / $6679 10/01/2011 1.49M / +142%
Land Registry
13/09/2023 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 1 23/F FLAT A
3.85M 390sq. ft. / 539sq. ft. $9872 / $7143 10/07/2015 3.55M / +8%
Land Registry
05/07/2023 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 2 13/F FLAT E
4.08M 367sq. ft. / 508sq. ft. $11117 / $8031 11/07/2014 2.67M / +53%
Land Registry
28/04/2023 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 2 27/F FLAT A
4.44M 390sq. ft. / 539sq. ft. $11379 / $8234 -- -- / --
Land Registry
28/04/2023 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 1 34/F FLAT E
4.5M 367sq. ft. / 508sq. ft. $12262 / $8858 -- -- / --
Land Registry
03/04/2023 Tuen Mun
Goodrich Garden
Tower 1 30/F FLAT E
4.45M 367sq. ft. / 508sq. ft. $12125 / $8760 12/01/2017 3.2M / +39%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.