Siu On Court Ting Kay House (Block J) 7/F FLAT 7

Saleable: 563(sq. ft) @$5684

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Kay House (Block J) 1/F FLAT 4

Saleable: 563(sq. ft) @$5382

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$4509

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Hei House (Block C) 9/F FLAT 6

Saleable: 495(sq. ft) @$6020

Gross: 591(sq. ft) @$5042

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Hei House (Block C) 2/F FLAT 4

Saleable: 563(sq. ft) @$5506

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$4613

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Pong House (Block D) 6/F FLAT 5

Saleable: 495(sq. ft) @$6828

Gross: 591(sq. ft) @$5719

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Man House (Block E) 14/F FLAT 4

Saleable: 563(sq. ft) @$6004

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$5030

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Pong House (Block D) 9/F FLAT 6

Saleable: 495(sq. ft) @$6642

Gross: 591(sq. ft) @$5563

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Hei House (Block C) 8/F FLAT 7

Saleable: 563(sq. ft) @$6181

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$5179

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Hei House (Block C) 10/F FLAT 6

Saleable: 495(sq. ft) @$6061

Gross: 591(sq. ft) @$5076

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Pong House (Block D) 7/F FLAT 5

Saleable: 495(sq. ft) @$6586

Gross: 591(sq. ft) @$5516

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting On House (Block H) 4/F FLAT 7

Saleable: 563(sq. ft) @$5329

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$4464

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Man House (Block E) 14/F FLAT 4

Saleable: 563(sq. ft) @$7105

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$5952

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Yau House (Block B) 4/F FLAT 4

Saleable: 563(sq. ft) @$6306

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$5283

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting On House (Block H) 8/F FLAT 3

Saleable: 563(sq. ft) @$6234

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$5223

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Hei House (Block C) 4/F FLAT 7

Saleable: 563(sq. ft) @$5813

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$4871

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Kay House (Block J) 13/F FLAT 1

Saleable: 495(sq. ft) @$6745

Gross: 591(sq. ft) @$5650

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Lok House (Block A) 13/F FLAT 3

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$4911

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Hei House (Block C) 7/F FLAT 7

Saleable: 563(sq. ft) @$6181

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$5179

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Chi House (Block F) 15/F FLAT 5

Saleable: 495(sq. ft) @$6525

Gross: 591(sq. ft) @$5465

  • Land Registry


Siu On Court Ting Hei House (Block C) 2/F FLAT 7

Saleable: 563(sq. ft) @$5187

Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$4345

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

90 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
16/01/2025 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Kay House (Block J) 7/F FLAT 7
3.2M 563sq. ft. / -- $5684 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
14/01/2025 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Kay House (Block J) 1/F FLAT 4
3.03M 563sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. $5382 / $4509 -- -- / --
Land Registry
08/01/2025 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Hei House (Block C) 9/F FLAT 6
2.98M 495sq. ft. / 591sq. ft. $6020 / $5042 -- -- / --
Land Registry
06/01/2025 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Hei House (Block C) 2/F FLAT 4
3.1M 563sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. $5506 / $4613 -- -- / --
Land Registry
31/12/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Pong House (Block D) 6/F FLAT 5
3.38M 495sq. ft. / 591sq. ft. $6828 / $5719 -- -- / --
Land Registry
18/12/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Man House (Block E) 14/F FLAT 4
3.38M 563sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. $6004 / $5030 -- -- / --
Land Registry
13/12/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Pong House (Block D) 9/F FLAT 6
3.29M 495sq. ft. / 591sq. ft. $6642 / $5563 -- -- / --
Land Registry
05/12/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Hei House (Block C) 8/F FLAT 7
3.48M 563sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. $6181 / $5179 -- -- / --
Land Registry
20/11/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Hei House (Block C) 10/F FLAT 6
3M 495sq. ft. / 591sq. ft. $6061 / $5076 -- -- / --
Land Registry
01/11/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Pong House (Block D) 7/F FLAT 5
3.26M 495sq. ft. / 591sq. ft. $6586 / $5516 -- -- / --
Land Registry
23/10/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting On House (Block H) 4/F FLAT 7
3M 563sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. $5329 / $4464 -- -- / --
Land Registry
18/10/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Man House (Block E) 14/F FLAT 4
4M 563sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. $7105 / $5952 -- -- / --
Land Registry
16/10/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Yau House (Block B) 4/F FLAT 4
3.55M 563sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. $6306 / $5283 -- -- / --
Land Registry
26/09/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting On House (Block H) 8/F FLAT 3
3.51M 563sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. $6234 / $5223 -- -- / --
Land Registry
16/09/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Hei House (Block C) 4/F FLAT 7
3.27M 563sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. $5813 / $4871 -- -- / --
Land Registry
13/09/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Kay House (Block J) 13/F FLAT 1
3.34M 495sq. ft. / 591sq. ft. $6745 / $5650 -- -- / --
Land Registry
10/09/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Lok House (Block A) 13/F FLAT 3
3.3M -- / 672sq. ft. -- / $4911 -- -- / --
Land Registry
05/09/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Hei House (Block C) 7/F FLAT 7
3.48M 563sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. $6181 / $5179 -- -- / --
Land Registry
05/09/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Chi House (Block F) 15/F FLAT 5
3.23M 495sq. ft. / 591sq. ft. $6525 / $5465 -- -- / --
Land Registry
04/09/2024 Tuen Mun
Siu On Court
Ting Hei House (Block C) 2/F FLAT 7
2.92M 563sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. $5187 / $4345 -- -- / --
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.