Alpine Garden Block 5 9/F FLAT C
$5.60M +231%

Saleable: 720(sq. ft) @$7778

Gross: 898(sq. ft) @$6236

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 3 8/F FLAT C

Saleable: 720(sq. ft) @$7778

Gross: 898(sq. ft) @$6236

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 2 13/F FLAT E
$5.13M +3%

Saleable: 696(sq. ft) @$7371

Gross: 852(sq. ft) @$6021

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 1 2/F FLAT B
$5.28M +39%

Saleable: 696(sq. ft) @$7586

Gross: 852(sq. ft) @$6197

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 5 6/F FLAT C
$6.10M +22%

Saleable: 720(sq. ft) @$8472

Gross: 898(sq. ft) @$6793

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 5 14-15/F FLAT E
$9.35M +290%

Saleable: 915(sq. ft) @$10219

Gross: 1211(sq. ft) @$7721

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 4 14-15/F FLAT A
$8.20M +143%

Saleable: 861(sq. ft) @$9524

Gross: 1072(sq. ft) @$7649

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 5 14-15/F FLAT D
$9.38M +161%

Saleable: 950(sq. ft) @$9874

Gross: 1167(sq. ft) @$8038

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 1 2/F FLAT C
$4.75M +305%

Saleable: 579(sq. ft) @$8204

Gross: 734(sq. ft) @$6471

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 5 G/F FLAT B

Saleable: 700(sq. ft) @$7857

Gross: 832(sq. ft) @$6611

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 5 13/F FLAT B
$7.60M +262%

Saleable: 769(sq. ft) @$9883

Gross: 913(sq. ft) @$8324

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 2 13/F FLAT D
$5.78M +285%

Saleable: 579(sq. ft) @$9983

Gross: 734(sq. ft) @$7875

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 3 7/F FLAT F
$5.20M +181%

Saleable: 580(sq. ft) @$8966

Gross: 716(sq. ft) @$7263

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 2 8/F FLAT D
$5.60M -4%

Saleable: 579(sq. ft) @$9672

Gross: 734(sq. ft) @$7629

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 1 5/F FLAT C

Saleable: 579(sq. ft) @$9033

Gross: 734(sq. ft) @$7125

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 2 14-15/F FLAT E
$9.00M +186%

Saleable: 964(sq. ft) @$9336

Gross: 1194(sq. ft) @$7538

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 4 9/F FLAT F
$5.30M +123%

Saleable: 580(sq. ft) @$9138

Gross: 716(sq. ft) @$7402

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 4 11/F FLAT A
$5.36M +41%

Saleable: 580(sq. ft) @$9241

Gross: 716(sq. ft) @$7486

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 1 6/F FLAT E
$6.42M +7%

Saleable: 696(sq. ft) @$9224

Gross: 852(sq. ft) @$7535

  • Land Registry


Alpine Garden Block 5 13/F FLAT D

Saleable: 720(sq. ft) @$9097

Gross: 898(sq. ft) @$7294

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

34 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
07/02/2025 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 5 9/F FLAT C
5.6M 720sq. ft. / 898sq. ft. $7778 / $6236 21/01/2005 1.69M / +231%
Land Registry
24/12/2024 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 3 8/F FLAT C
5.6M 720sq. ft. / 898sq. ft. $7778 / $6236 -- -- / --
Land Registry
09/12/2024 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 2 13/F FLAT E
5.13M 696sq. ft. / 852sq. ft. $7371 / $6021 23/06/2015 5M / +3%
Land Registry
22/11/2024 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 1 2/F FLAT B
5.28M 696sq. ft. / 852sq. ft. $7586 / $6197 09/09/2013 3.8M / +39%
Land Registry
16/07/2024 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 5 6/F FLAT C
6.1M 720sq. ft. / 898sq. ft. $8472 / $6793 02/01/2015 5M / +22%
Land Registry
27/03/2024 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 5 14-15/F FLAT E
9.35M 915sq. ft. / 1211sq. ft. $10219 / $7721 12/07/2007 2.4M / +290%
Land Registry
22/02/2024 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 4 14-15/F FLAT A
8.2M 861sq. ft. / 1072sq. ft. $9524 / $7649 04/12/1998 3.37M / +143%
Land Registry
19/12/2023 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 5 14-15/F FLAT D
9.38M 950sq. ft. / 1167sq. ft. $9874 / $8038 03/10/1996 3.6M / +161%
Land Registry
01/12/2023 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 1 2/F FLAT C
4.75M 579sq. ft. / 734sq. ft. $8204 / $6471 16/02/2005 1.17M / +305%
Land Registry
23/11/2023 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 5 G/F FLAT B
5.5M 700sq. ft. / 832sq. ft. $7857 / $6611 -- -- / --
Land Registry
12/09/2023 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 5 13/F FLAT B
7.6M 769sq. ft. / 913sq. ft. $9883 / $8324 01/11/1999 2.1M / +262%
Land Registry
05/09/2023 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 2 13/F FLAT D
5.78M 579sq. ft. / 734sq. ft. $9983 / $7875 22/05/2009 1.5M / +285%
Land Registry
24/08/2023 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 3 7/F FLAT F
5.2M 580sq. ft. / 716sq. ft. $8966 / $7263 25/10/2010 1.85M / +181%
Land Registry
07/08/2023 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 2 8/F FLAT D
5.6M 579sq. ft. / 734sq. ft. $9672 / $7629 01/04/2021 5.83M / -4%
Land Registry
18/07/2023 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 1 5/F FLAT C
5.23M 579sq. ft. / 734sq. ft. $9033 / $7125 -- -- / --
Land Registry
11/07/2023 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 2 14-15/F FLAT E
9M 964sq. ft. / 1194sq. ft. $9336 / $7538 20/07/2009 3.15M / +186%
Land Registry
11/07/2023 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 4 9/F FLAT F
5.3M 580sq. ft. / 716sq. ft. $9138 / $7402 08/11/2011 2.38M / +123%
Land Registry
06/06/2023 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 4 11/F FLAT A
5.36M 580sq. ft. / 716sq. ft. $9241 / $7486 19/09/2014 3.8M / +41%
Land Registry
15/05/2023 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 1 6/F FLAT E
6.42M 696sq. ft. / 852sq. ft. $9224 / $7535 09/03/2018 6M / +7%
Land Registry
11/05/2023 Chi Lok
Alpine Garden
Block 5 13/F FLAT D
6.55M 720sq. ft. / 898sq. ft. $9097 / $7294 -- -- / --
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.