Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$6469
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$4405
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$9441
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$6429
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$9790
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$6667
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$5594
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$3810
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$6923
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$4714
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$6818
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$4643
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$8042
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$5476
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$8916
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$6071
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$10625
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$7235
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$9091
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$6190
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$10455
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$7119
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$9441
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$6429
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$9790
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$6667
Saleable: 576(sq. ft) @$8767
Gross: 693(sq. ft) @$7287
Saleable: 594(sq. ft) @$8838
Gross: 705(sq. ft) @$7447
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$9091
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$6190
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$10378
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$7067
Saleable: 286(sq. ft) @$9965
Gross: 420(sq. ft) @$6786
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
10/02/2025 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F7 2/F FLAT 1 | 1.85M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $6469 / $4405 | 30/09/2024 | 2.8M / -34% | Land Registry |
16/10/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F6 1/F FLAT 2 | 2.7M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $9441 / $6429 | 17/02/2014 | 3.3M / -18% | Land Registry |
09/10/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F7 2/F FLAT 1 | 2.8M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $9790 / $6667 | 20/03/2019 | 3.19M / -12% | Land Registry |
30/08/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F5 1/F FLAT 2 | 1.6M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $5594 / $3810 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
24/06/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F7 1/F FLAT 1 | 1.98M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $6923 / $4714 | 11/04/2022 | 2.97M / -33% | Land Registry |
19/06/2024 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F6 3/F FLAT 1 | 1.95M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $6818 / $4643 | 27/04/2009 | 732K / +166% | Land Registry |
30/05/2023 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F7 G/F FLAT 6 | 2.3M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $8042 / $5476 | 24/08/2016 | 1.8M / +28% | Land Registry |
04/04/2023 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F5 3/F FLAT 4 | 2.55M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $8916 / $6071 | 01/03/2019 | 2.59M / -2% | Land Registry |
06/02/2023 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F1 1/F FLAT 5 | 3.04M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $10625 / $7235 | 07/03/2019 | 2.86M / +6% | Land Registry |
02/02/2023 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F7 2/F FLAT 8 | 2.6M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $9091 / $6190 | 02/07/2019 | 2.75M / -5% | Land Registry |
06/10/2022 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F1 1/F FLAT 3 | 2.99M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $10455 / $7119 | 09/05/2017 | 2.57M / +16% | Land Registry |
06/10/2022 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F2 2/F FLAT 6 | 2.7M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $9441 / $6429 | 18/04/2016 | 1.9M / +42% | Land Registry |
09/08/2022 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F2 3/F FLAT 1 | 2.8M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $9790 / $6667 | 14/06/2018 | 3.06M / -8% | Land Registry |
18/05/2022 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Eastern Block 4/F FLAT B8 | 5.05M | 576sq. ft. / 693sq. ft. | $8767 / $7287 | 03/07/2000 | 1M / +405% | Land Registry |
17/05/2022 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Eastern Block 2/F FLAT B3 | 5.25M | 594sq. ft. / 705sq. ft. | $8838 / $7447 | 09/05/2018 | 4.35M / +21% | Land Registry |
12/05/2022 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F6 3/F FLAT 4 | 2.6M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $9091 / $6190 | 30/03/2012 | 1.04M / +150% | Land Registry |
26/04/2022 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F7 1/F FLAT 1 | 2.97M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $10378 / $7067 | 19/05/2017 | 2.65M / +12% | Land Registry |
07/04/2022 | Castle Peak Road | Pearl Island Villas Block F4 2/F FLAT 8 | 2.85M | 286sq. ft. / 420sq. ft. | $9965 / $6786 | 29/05/2015 | 2.11M / +35% | Land Registry |