South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 6/F FLAT F
$4.80M +23%

Saleable: 549(sq. ft) @$8743

Gross: 757(sq. ft) @$6341

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 3/F FLAT B

Saleable: 572(sq. ft) @$7867

Gross: 781(sq. ft) @$5762

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 35/F FLAT H
$6.48M +62%

Saleable: 733(sq. ft) @$8840

Gross: 1010(sq. ft) @$6416

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 10/F FLAT F
$5.10M +155%

Saleable: 549(sq. ft) @$9290

Gross: 757(sq. ft) @$6737

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 5/F FLAT C
$4.88M +187%

Saleable: 573(sq. ft) @$8517

Gross: 788(sq. ft) @$6193

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 9/F FLAT K
$4.93M +140%

Saleable: 587(sq. ft) @$8399

Gross: 803(sq. ft) @$6139

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 20/F FLAT H
$6.45M +226%

Saleable: 733(sq. ft) @$8799

Gross: 1010(sq. ft) @$6386

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 16/F FLAT F
$5.20M +217%

Saleable: 549(sq. ft) @$9472

Gross: 757(sq. ft) @$6869

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 21/F FLAT C
$5.88M +236%

Saleable: 573(sq. ft) @$10262

Gross: 788(sq. ft) @$7462

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 21/F FLAT G
$8.00M +199%

Saleable: 733(sq. ft) @$10914

Gross: 1003(sq. ft) @$7976

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 31/F FLAT G
$7.80M +8%

Saleable: 733(sq. ft) @$10641

Gross: 1003(sq. ft) @$7777

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 28/F FLAT A
$5.65M +18%

Saleable: 549(sq. ft) @$10291

Gross: 757(sq. ft) @$7464

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 16/F FLAT J
$6.00M +188%

Saleable: 597(sq. ft) @$10050

Gross: 788(sq. ft) @$7614

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 22/F FLAT J
$6.05M +179%

Saleable: 573(sq. ft) @$10558

Gross: 788(sq. ft) @$7678

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 26/F FLAT K
$6.28M +68%

Saleable: 587(sq. ft) @$10698

Gross: 803(sq. ft) @$7821

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 22/F FLAT E
$6.30M +152%

Saleable: 572(sq. ft) @$11014

Gross: 780(sq. ft) @$8077

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 30/F FLAT E
$6.20M +172%

Saleable: 572(sq. ft) @$10839

Gross: 780(sq. ft) @$7949

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 18/F FLAT A
$6.22M +196%

Saleable: 549(sq. ft) @$11330

Gross: 757(sq. ft) @$8217

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 28/F FLAT E
$7.08M +195%

Saleable: 572(sq. ft) @$12378

Gross: 780(sq. ft) @$9077

  • Land Registry


South Hill Crest South Hill Crest 12/F FLAT E
$6.65M +48%

Saleable: 572(sq. ft) @$11626

Gross: 780(sq. ft) @$8526

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

31 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
09/08/2024 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 6/F FLAT F
4.8M 549sq. ft. / 757sq. ft. $8743 / $6341 06/07/2016 3.9M / +23%
Land Registry
08/08/2024 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 3/F FLAT B
4.5M 572sq. ft. / 781sq. ft. $7867 / $5762 17/03/2017 4.5M / +0%
Land Registry
22/07/2024 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 35/F FLAT H
6.48M 733sq. ft. / 1010sq. ft. $8840 / $6416 30/04/2012 4M / +62%
Land Registry
13/06/2024 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 10/F FLAT F
5.1M 549sq. ft. / 757sq. ft. $9290 / $6737 18/06/2010 2M / +155%
Land Registry
31/05/2024 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 5/F FLAT C
4.88M 573sq. ft. / 788sq. ft. $8517 / $6193 21/04/2008 1.7M / +187%
Land Registry
07/05/2024 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 9/F FLAT K
4.93M 587sq. ft. / 803sq. ft. $8399 / $6139 25/05/2010 2.05M / +140%
Land Registry
27/03/2024 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 20/F FLAT H
6.45M 733sq. ft. / 1010sq. ft. $8799 / $6386 08/05/2009 1.98M / +226%
Land Registry
10/11/2023 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 16/F FLAT F
5.2M 549sq. ft. / 757sq. ft. $9472 / $6869 05/09/2008 1.64M / +217%
Land Registry
10/07/2023 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 21/F FLAT C
5.88M 573sq. ft. / 788sq. ft. $10262 / $7462 28/10/2008 1.75M / +236%
Land Registry
19/06/2023 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 21/F FLAT G
8M 733sq. ft. / 1003sq. ft. $10914 / $7976 15/12/2009 2.68M / +199%
Land Registry
24/03/2023 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 31/F FLAT G
7.8M 733sq. ft. / 1003sq. ft. $10641 / $7777 18/08/2017 7.2M / +8%
Land Registry
27/02/2023 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 28/F FLAT A
5.65M 549sq. ft. / 757sq. ft. $10291 / $7464 12/12/2016 4.8M / +18%
Land Registry
22/02/2023 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 16/F FLAT J
6M 597sq. ft. / 788sq. ft. $10050 / $7614 15/06/2005 2.08M / +188%
Land Registry
20/02/2023 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 22/F FLAT J
6.05M 573sq. ft. / 788sq. ft. $10558 / $7678 14/06/2005 2.17M / +179%
Land Registry
11/01/2023 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 26/F FLAT K
6.28M 587sq. ft. / 803sq. ft. $10698 / $7821 22/05/2014 3.74M / +68%
Land Registry
05/01/2023 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 22/F FLAT E
6.3M 572sq. ft. / 780sq. ft. $11014 / $8077 01/02/2011 2.5M / +152%
Land Registry
28/11/2022 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 30/F FLAT E
6.2M 572sq. ft. / 780sq. ft. $10839 / $7949 05/08/2010 2.28M / +172%
Land Registry
11/08/2022 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 18/F FLAT A
6.22M 549sq. ft. / 757sq. ft. $11330 / $8217 12/11/2010 2.1M / +196%
Land Registry
22/07/2022 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 28/F FLAT E
7.08M 572sq. ft. / 780sq. ft. $12378 / $9077 20/12/2010 2.4M / +195%
Land Registry
22/07/2022 Siu Hong
South Hill Crest
South Hill Crest 12/F FLAT E
6.65M 572sq. ft. / 780sq. ft. $11626 / $8526 11/03/2017 4.5M / +48%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.